Gulls. (Laridae)
Some call them sea gulls but that's not really correct. Well, I hardly know the difference between the species and their diff. names myself.. but this (big) fellow I quite often see around here.
Herring gull (Larus argentatus).
Think we all know (well, maybe if you don't live near (-ish) the coast you don't) the laughing noise they make. They have a whole array of noises, all quite loud, some quite funny, imo.
There are a few other species of gull at my whereabouts butz..
Although I haven't heard or seen this small bird for a couple of months now.. it is around.. surely in Winter. The Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes). Um, was about to write it's one of smallish birds we have here but that's not true.
His song is remarkably loud (for a tiny bird) and is really nice. Ffff, how to describe it's sound. If wished you could play it's song on the (Eng.) wikipedia page about the (marsh) wren.
The Americas, Australia and New Zealand has some pretty beautiful species as well. Often two tads bigger though. They all do the tail up pose thing also.