Liked his point about him not just being afraid of damaging the university but the civil right's movement itself and undoing decades of hard work. That's why I hate SJWs so much despite being a "looney lefty"
SJWs claim to want to help movements or even lead them but all they do is destroy them. Look a how toxic feminism has become for example. Sad thing is that's only a certain number of "feminists" but these days we all associate them as being crazy, violent and unreasonable. There is a group of feminists who actually do give a shit about what the origional movement was started for but they are either not loud enough to drown out the extremists or the extremists simply threaten them into silence.
I know an actual feminist who has recieved threats and vile comments from these extremists for voicing her opinions. When she dared claim that men could be victims of rape, domestic violence (ect) she was told by one of these fuckwits that she deserved to be raped.

I wouldn't even go near a women's rights rally despite living in a country where that's actually an issue due to it being run by a party of religious fuckwits due to the fear of being attacked by those SJW types for having a penis.
They will do the same to the black civil rights movement by the looks of things too and the LGBT rights (at least in the USA) is probably going down the shithole due to SJWs as well. It throws decades of hard work and sacrafice out the window essentially. People have died for these causes and these SJW cunts rip them apart with their hateful extremism.
When actual oppression comes knocking and if these SJW fucks are the only ones to speak up for women, black Americans and the LGBT community they are all fucked. People only listen to these crazies out of fear and pushing your message via fear is what terrorists do.