'Cause like the giant manbabies both of you are, you turn every single thread into another thread about your feud that I described in one thread (that was someone's personal thread in the elder's section you also made about your feud) as seeming as ancient as the DUP's political views. That's like, dark ages ancient.
This shit is getting as old as the hatred the Irish have for the English or the Scottish have for the English. As I said, de-raling political threads and the like is one thing but now you're bringing your fight into personal (meant to be supportive) threads in the Elder's section as part of your "Who's the biggest wanker contest?"
Spoiler alert, it's both of you. I can hardly tell either of you apart anymore as I don't measure by height or looks, I measure by the amount of pain in my bare Irish arse. Which makes you two just about equal.
I don't care about who started this feud between the two of you anymore. If you can't end it, which much like the DUP's ancient political views or the hatred the Irish/Scottish have for the English it'll never go away...Like when one of you dies, hopefully of old age rather than being crushed to death by a giant pile of mashed potatoes or by some kind of super duper space-cancer your ghost will return to this site to carry on the feud.
That's unless the world gets nuked to Nukedown: Destination Oh Fuck of course but I imagine that through the nuclear holocaust you two will still find a way to see who gets the last word in.
Anyway, like restrict it to one part of the site. This fucking section exists for a fucking reason. You're both better than this. Act like the grown up adult men you are.
And please don't bring mothers into this. It's a low blow to go after someone's mum.
Also, don't restrict someone to the site's bin or whatever becuase of the feud. It smells Donald Trump-y.