I am quite pissed off. I have tried to express this without going into a rant. I am trying to hold it in, some, and await my next chance at the polls.
Restraint is becoming more difficult all the time.
Do not dare try that "IF" I loved my constitution bullshit again on me.

It would help if you didn't misread what I said. I was merely stating what I (MOSW) would do if I loved that constitution as much as you love that constitution. If you don't think I have a right to an opinion, shoot me.
I completely respect your right to love your constitution in whatever way you want to. The "IF I" was clearly in reference to myself dude.
I seriously considered not posting my opinion but then I thought.... what's the point of this place if I can't post my opinion just because it might upset someone? You post yours, I post mine, we're all happy. You wanna get angry and threaten me for having an opinion that differs from yours, go right ahead. That says a lot more about you than it does about me.
Fair enough! I misread some things.
How was my tearing eye a threat? BTW?
It almost sounds like when I deal with others, who have only a fraction of your mind, who feel attacked when I ask the simplest of questions, while trying to understand their point of view. Please, do not go that way. I feel that you and I can actually talk some.
Understand that my backward admonition was meant as more a statement of you having "hurt" me. I felt injured by you giving me the Big "IF."

I think we are two who can actually, intelligently, thoughtfully make a difference by having a kind of discussion that leads to us being better "friends," in the long run, quite unlike some others who have such small and insignificant closed minds. Many of whom I only will talk about in the future, since some have directly warned me to NOT talk to them again. Fine, so they are out, except for when I feel like being snarky. Not to worry. Cowards like that put people more intellectual than they are on ignore status, anyway.
While I will seldom be accused of agreeing with anything that the moronic rock licker guy says, he and I are in total agreement here.
Speak your mind! Squared! It may be incongruous to some, but I am intrigued with the idea that I can freely speak clearly with an intelligent person from another land who might disagree with me or my views. Nothing much on the internet could be more engaging, other than maybe finding that damn tea I have not been able to find locally.
I will probably support most of what you can say, from what I have seen of your previous postings, such as giving up a bit of "mine" to help others, which I choose to do in my own way.
I mean, hell, I have donated three cars I had driven until I could afford a better (and those cars were well road worthy still, new tires and batteries and brakes and they worked fine) and I never took any of those donations off my taxes. I do not donate to those less fortunate to help me on my taxes. I am not rich. I am a regular guy (middle class, but I do my best). I do it to simply help people. I choose to do so in a more immediate way than allowing my donations to be filtered through a machine prepared by a government I only barely trust to build us roads and bridges lakes and ports.