Author Topic: Trump is functionally retarded  (Read 48798 times)

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Offline Minister Of Silly Walks

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #450 on: February 16, 2019, 09:19:01 PM »
I have a horse and an opinion in this.  Mom and Dad were married in early October.  I was born in August, about 11 months later.  Mom asked her mom for money to abort me.  Grandma Teenie said no. 

I don't know how Dad felt about the pregnancy and my proposed abortion.  Dad went to university full time, worked full time and graduated in 3 years.  They were very broke the whole time.  They moved once because Mom could keep me safe from the rats that would sneak into my crib to get at my bottle, but the fleas were the deal breaker. 

Understandably I'm against abortion except in very limited circumstances.  Judaism doesn't have one governing body that dictates Jewish law.  The Old Testament says that life begins when the first breath is taken since G_d breathed life into Adam and Eve.  So until the baby takes a breath it isn't a human being.  Abortions are usually forbidden for a first pregnancy because the mother has had a life while the fetus should have the opportunity for life.  If it is a second or later pregnancy then abortion is allowed in case of the mother's life because she has a child/children who need a mother. 

It's not perfect, but it's what I choose to believe.

I totally respect your beliefs. I was raised Catholic. I am strongly pro-choice but at the same time... at a personal level, if I had a womb I don't believe that I could ever choose to abort a fetus except in very exceptional circumstances.

If we want less abortions, how about making contraception more readily available? How about supporting poor women who have babies not just during their pregnancy, but after their babies are born as well?

Abortion rates are lower among atheists. Abortion rates are lower in Australia, where abortion is generally more readily available, than in the US. Sweden has a similar rate to the US.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #451 on: February 16, 2019, 09:28:37 PM »
Oddly enough even though I understand the logic behind the Jewish thinking I felt that I had lost a real, live child in each of my miscarriages. 

This is a matter that can't and won't be decided until we decide when humanness, a soul begins.  That it is a wanted child.  That mankind is willing to support the child however. 

Is abortion more necessary in a crowded Indian village with a substandard facilities, utilities, health services, education simply because there are too many people?
Is abortion reasonable when a child will require massive amount of medical support with minimal or no good outcome?
How can we be assured that all "unwanted" children are adopted into competent, caring homes?  Are there enough homes?

This argument will continue for eons.
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Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #452 on: February 16, 2019, 09:57:46 PM »
Thanks Icequeen, and those are sensible amendments. I'd like Al to point out which amendments he disagreed with while he was reading it, and also to show us where it makes infanticide legal.

Infanticide is still illegal. Somebody gave a bad answer while being questioned. Whoopty do. That still don't make infanticide legal.

If my wife or daughter were in their 3rd trimester and a doctor I trust says they need to take action immediately to save her life..... what would really suck is if he had to get a fucking committee together and get them all up to speed and then get them all to agree on the required action. Screw that - it's red tape we don't need the lives of people we care about are on the fucking line. What if 2 great doctors agree on a course of action and some religious dropkick they had to call in for a third opinion says no - I just kiss my wife or daughter goodbye, if they've even lasted the time it took to go through all that red tape?

18.2-74 (2)
18.2-76 D (2)
18.2-76 D (3)
18.2-76 D (5)
18.2-76 F (2)
18.2-76 F (3)
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #453 on: February 17, 2019, 03:47:54 AM »
I have a horse and an opinion in this.  Mom and Dad were married in early October.  I was born in August, about 11 months later.  Mom asked her mom for money to abort me.  Grandma Teenie said no. 

I don't know how Dad felt about the pregnancy and my proposed abortion.  Dad went to university full time, worked full time and graduated in 3 years.  They were very broke the whole time.  They moved once because Mom could keep me safe from the rats that would sneak into my crib to get at my bottle, but the fleas were the deal breaker. 

Understandably I'm against abortion except in very limited circumstances.  Judaism doesn't have one governing body that dictates Jewish law.  The Old Testament says that life begins when the first breath is taken since G_d breathed life into Adam and Eve.  So until the baby takes a breath it isn't a human being.  Abortions are usually forbidden for a first pregnancy because the mother has had a life while the fetus should have the opportunity for life.  If it is a second or later pregnancy then abortion is allowed in case of the mother's life because she has a child/children who need a mother. 

It's not perfect, but it's what I choose to believe.

I totally respect your beliefs. I was raised Catholic. I am strongly pro-choice but at the same time... at a personal level, if I had a womb I don't believe that I could ever choose to abort a fetus except in very exceptional circumstances.

If we want less abortions, how about making contraception more readily available? How about supporting poor women who have babies not just during their pregnancy, but after their babies are born as well?

Abortion rates are lower among atheists. Abortion rates are lower in Australia, where abortion is generally more readily available, than in the US. Sweden has a similar rate to the US.

Sweden and US?

Or should that be Sweden and Australia?
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline Minister Of Silly Walks

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #454 on: February 17, 2019, 04:11:47 AM »
Oddly enough even though I understand the logic behind the Jewish thinking I felt that I had lost a real, live child in each of my miscarriages. 

This is a matter that can't and won't be decided until we decide when humanness, a soul begins.  That it is a wanted child.  That mankind is willing to support the child however. 

Is abortion more necessary in a crowded Indian village with a substandard facilities, utilities, health services, education simply because there are too many people?
Is abortion reasonable when a child will require massive amount of medical support with minimal or no good outcome?
How can we be assured that all "unwanted" children are adopted into competent, caring homes?  Are there enough homes?

This argument will continue for eons.

Better availability of contraception, including the morning-after pill, would be my first step. That could massively reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies. Better social welfare and support for single mothers could also make a huge difference.

In many parts of the world there is surprisingly little debate over abortion. Women have autonomy over their bodies, it is an individual woman's right to choose. The woman's life takes priority in a medical emergency, no need to assemble a committee and advise her of the availability of support services while her life hangs in the balance and every second is critical. Not a massive amount of silly red tape that is designed to make it more difficult and more expensive and more stressful for women to access safe abortions. Maybe the argument doesn't need to drag on for eons, maybe that's the way it should be. If you are religious and you believe in a soul that begins at conception, nobody is forcing you to have an abortion unless you live in China.

Losing a wanted and longed for child through miscarriage is bloody awful. My wife doesn't even remember hers (just the one, thankfully), she has literally shut out all memory of it, and maybe that's a good thing. I remember at the time, I didn't even give myself the option of getting maudlin or grieving, it was just "got to get my wife through this in one piece physically and emotionally". I told her lots of stuff about God's plan even though I don't even believe in God.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline odeon

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #455 on: February 17, 2019, 04:39:54 AM »
Thanks Icequeen, and those are sensible amendments. I'd like Al to point out which amendments he disagreed with while he was reading it, and also to show us where it makes infanticide legal.

Infanticide is still illegal. Somebody gave a bad answer while being questioned. Whoopty do. That still don't make infanticide legal.

If my wife or daughter were in their 3rd trimester and a doctor I trust says they need to take action immediately to save her life..... what would really suck is if he had to get a fucking committee together and get them all up to speed and then get them all to agree on the required action. Screw that - it's red tape we don't need the lives of people we care about are on the fucking line. What if 2 great doctors agree on a course of action and some religious dropkick they had to call in for a third opinion says no - I just kiss my wife or daughter goodbye, if they've even lasted the time it took to go through all that red tape?

18.2-74 (2)
18.2-76 D (2)
18.2-76 D (3)
18.2-76 D (5)
18.2-76 F (2)
18.2-76 F (3)

You're just making this up, right?

Well, either that or your reading comprehension is not up to par, or that you are confused about legal terms such as "amendment".
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Offline Minister Of Silly Walks

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #456 on: February 17, 2019, 05:17:54 AM »
I have a horse and an opinion in this.  Mom and Dad were married in early October.  I was born in August, about 11 months later.  Mom asked her mom for money to abort me.  Grandma Teenie said no. 

I don't know how Dad felt about the pregnancy and my proposed abortion.  Dad went to university full time, worked full time and graduated in 3 years.  They were very broke the whole time.  They moved once because Mom could keep me safe from the rats that would sneak into my crib to get at my bottle, but the fleas were the deal breaker. 

Understandably I'm against abortion except in very limited circumstances.  Judaism doesn't have one governing body that dictates Jewish law.  The Old Testament says that life begins when the first breath is taken since G_d breathed life into Adam and Eve.  So until the baby takes a breath it isn't a human being.  Abortions are usually forbidden for a first pregnancy because the mother has had a life while the fetus should have the opportunity for life.  If it is a second or later pregnancy then abortion is allowed in case of the mother's life because she has a child/children who need a mother. 

It's not perfect, but it's what I choose to believe.

I totally respect your beliefs. I was raised Catholic. I am strongly pro-choice but at the same time... at a personal level, if I had a womb I don't believe that I could ever choose to abort a fetus except in very exceptional circumstances.

If we want less abortions, how about making contraception more readily available? How about supporting poor women who have babies not just during their pregnancy, but after their babies are born as well?

Abortion rates are lower among atheists. Abortion rates are lower in Australia, where abortion is generally more readily available, than in the US. Sweden has a similar rate to the US.

Sweden and US?

Or should that be Sweden and Australia?

I was surprised that Sweden and the US have similar rates of abortion. I expected Sweden's rate to be much lower.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #457 on: February 17, 2019, 05:41:23 AM »
Thanks Icequeen, and those are sensible amendments. I'd like Al to point out which amendments he disagreed with while he was reading it, and also to show us where it makes infanticide legal.

Infanticide is still illegal. Somebody gave a bad answer while being questioned. Whoopty do. That still don't make infanticide legal.

If my wife or daughter were in their 3rd trimester and a doctor I trust says they need to take action immediately to save her life..... what would really suck is if he had to get a fucking committee together and get them all up to speed and then get them all to agree on the required action. Screw that - it's red tape we don't need the lives of people we care about are on the fucking line. What if 2 great doctors agree on a course of action and some religious dropkick they had to call in for a third opinion says no - I just kiss my wife or daughter goodbye, if they've even lasted the time it took to go through all that red tape?

18.2-74 (2)
18.2-76 D (2)
18.2-76 D (3)
18.2-76 D (5)
18.2-76 F (2)
18.2-76 F (3)

You're just making this up, right?

Well, either that or your reading comprehension is not up to par, or that you are confused about legal terms such as "amendment".

Wrong on both counts. I was asking which amendments I disagreed with and I showed which portions that were amended (struck out) that I disagreed with. I know you are too stupid to understand this but I humour you and your stupid occasionally.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Icequeen

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #458 on: February 17, 2019, 02:17:48 PM »

If we want less abortions, how about making contraception more readily available? How about supporting poor women who have babies not just during their pregnancy, but after their babies are born as well?


Stop trying to defund agencies like planned parenthood that attempt to make birth control more affordable and easier to obtain...just because they also perform abortions.

Stop preaching abstinence in schools and churches. It doesn't work...statistics have already proved it doesn't work. To most young adults it's nothing more than a joke.

...and stop refusing surgical birth control methods to grown ass women with only one child or who are childless and want to remain so with the excuse that maybe they just "really don't know what they want".

Also...eliminate or revise the regulations on the waiting period for those that request surgical sterilization at the time of delivery.

After what I went through and at age 32, given a 90% chance of it reoccurring...I was refused birth control pills (clotting, high risk) and had to fight with a total of 3 doctors before I finally found one willing to perform the surgery...then it took a nuclear meltdown in their office before they were "positive" I knew "what I wanted". 

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #459 on: February 17, 2019, 05:28:45 PM »

If we want less abortions, how about making contraception more readily available? How about supporting poor women who have babies not just during their pregnancy, but after their babies are born as well?


Stop trying to defund agencies like planned parenthood that attempt to make birth control more affordable and easier to obtain...just because they also perform abortions.

Stop preaching abstinence in schools and churches. It doesn't work...statistics have already proved it doesn't work. To most young adults it's nothing more than a joke.

...and stop refusing surgical birth control methods to grown ass women with only one child or who are childless and want to remain so with the excuse that maybe they just "really don't know what they want".

Also...eliminate or revise the regulations on the waiting period for those that request surgical sterilization at the time of delivery.

After what I went through and at age 32, given a 90% chance of it reoccurring...I was refused birth control pills (clotting, high risk) and had to fight with a total of 3 doctors before I finally found one willing to perform the surgery...then it took a nuclear meltdown in their office before they were "positive" I knew "what I wanted".

A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


Offline odeon

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #460 on: February 18, 2019, 12:20:14 AM »
Thanks Icequeen, and those are sensible amendments. I'd like Al to point out which amendments he disagreed with while he was reading it, and also to show us where it makes infanticide legal.

Infanticide is still illegal. Somebody gave a bad answer while being questioned. Whoopty do. That still don't make infanticide legal.

If my wife or daughter were in their 3rd trimester and a doctor I trust says they need to take action immediately to save her life..... what would really suck is if he had to get a fucking committee together and get them all up to speed and then get them all to agree on the required action. Screw that - it's red tape we don't need the lives of people we care about are on the fucking line. What if 2 great doctors agree on a course of action and some religious dropkick they had to call in for a third opinion says no - I just kiss my wife or daughter goodbye, if they've even lasted the time it took to go through all that red tape?

18.2-74 (2)
18.2-76 D (2)
18.2-76 D (3)
18.2-76 D (5)
18.2-76 F (2)
18.2-76 F (3)

You're just making this up, right?

Well, either that or your reading comprehension is not up to par, or that you are confused about legal terms such as "amendment".

Wrong on both counts. I was asking which amendments I disagreed with and I showed which portions that were amended (struck out) that I disagreed with. I know you are too stupid to understand this but I humour you and your stupid occasionally.

Well, your reading comprehension just failed. QED
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline odeon

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #461 on: February 18, 2019, 12:21:47 AM »
I have a horse and an opinion in this.  Mom and Dad were married in early October.  I was born in August, about 11 months later.  Mom asked her mom for money to abort me.  Grandma Teenie said no. 

I don't know how Dad felt about the pregnancy and my proposed abortion.  Dad went to university full time, worked full time and graduated in 3 years.  They were very broke the whole time.  They moved once because Mom could keep me safe from the rats that would sneak into my crib to get at my bottle, but the fleas were the deal breaker. 

Understandably I'm against abortion except in very limited circumstances.  Judaism doesn't have one governing body that dictates Jewish law.  The Old Testament says that life begins when the first breath is taken since G_d breathed life into Adam and Eve.  So until the baby takes a breath it isn't a human being.  Abortions are usually forbidden for a first pregnancy because the mother has had a life while the fetus should have the opportunity for life.  If it is a second or later pregnancy then abortion is allowed in case of the mother's life because she has a child/children who need a mother. 

It's not perfect, but it's what I choose to believe.

I totally respect your beliefs. I was raised Catholic. I am strongly pro-choice but at the same time... at a personal level, if I had a womb I don't believe that I could ever choose to abort a fetus except in very exceptional circumstances.

If we want less abortions, how about making contraception more readily available? How about supporting poor women who have babies not just during their pregnancy, but after their babies are born as well?

Abortion rates are lower among atheists. Abortion rates are lower in Australia, where abortion is generally more readily available, than in the US. Sweden has a similar rate to the US.

Sweden and US?

Or should that be Sweden and Australia?

I was surprised that Sweden and the US have similar rates of abortion. I expected Sweden's rate to be much lower.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Minister Of Silly Walks

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #462 on: February 18, 2019, 12:51:09 AM »
I have a horse and an opinion in this.  Mom and Dad were married in early October.  I was born in August, about 11 months later.  Mom asked her mom for money to abort me.  Grandma Teenie said no. 

I don't know how Dad felt about the pregnancy and my proposed abortion.  Dad went to university full time, worked full time and graduated in 3 years.  They were very broke the whole time.  They moved once because Mom could keep me safe from the rats that would sneak into my crib to get at my bottle, but the fleas were the deal breaker. 

Understandably I'm against abortion except in very limited circumstances.  Judaism doesn't have one governing body that dictates Jewish law.  The Old Testament says that life begins when the first breath is taken since G_d breathed life into Adam and Eve.  So until the baby takes a breath it isn't a human being.  Abortions are usually forbidden for a first pregnancy because the mother has had a life while the fetus should have the opportunity for life.  If it is a second or later pregnancy then abortion is allowed in case of the mother's life because she has a child/children who need a mother. 

It's not perfect, but it's what I choose to believe.

I totally respect your beliefs. I was raised Catholic. I am strongly pro-choice but at the same time... at a personal level, if I had a womb I don't believe that I could ever choose to abort a fetus except in very exceptional circumstances.

If we want less abortions, how about making contraception more readily available? How about supporting poor women who have babies not just during their pregnancy, but after their babies are born as well?

Abortion rates are lower among atheists. Abortion rates are lower in Australia, where abortion is generally more readily available, than in the US. Sweden has a similar rate to the US.

Sweden and US?

Or should that be Sweden and Australia?

I was surprised that Sweden and the US have similar rates of abortion. I expected Sweden's rate to be much lower.


Because I expected that proper education on how not to get pregnant rather than focusing on abstinence, access to social welfare, access to contraception, would work better than punitive legislation.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #463 on: February 19, 2019, 10:39:12 AM »
I have a horse and an opinion in this.  Mom and Dad were married in early October.  I was born in August, about 11 months later.  Mom asked her mom for money to abort me.  Grandma Teenie said no. 

I don't know how Dad felt about the pregnancy and my proposed abortion.  Dad went to university full time, worked full time and graduated in 3 years.  They were very broke the whole time.  They moved once because Mom could keep me safe from the rats that would sneak into my crib to get at my bottle, but the fleas were the deal breaker. 

Understandably I'm against abortion except in very limited circumstances.  Judaism doesn't have one governing body that dictates Jewish law.  The Old Testament says that life begins when the first breath is taken since G_d breathed life into Adam and Eve.  So until the baby takes a breath it isn't a human being.  Abortions are usually forbidden for a first pregnancy because the mother has had a life while the fetus should have the opportunity for life.  If it is a second or later pregnancy then abortion is allowed in case of the mother's life because she has a child/children who need a mother. 

It's not perfect, but it's what I choose to believe.

I totally respect your beliefs. I was raised Catholic. I am strongly pro-choice but at the same time... at a personal level, if I had a womb I don't believe that I could ever choose to abort a fetus except in very exceptional circumstances.

If we want less abortions, how about making contraception more readily available? How about supporting poor women who have babies not just during their pregnancy, but after their babies are born as well?

Abortion rates are lower among atheists. Abortion rates are lower in Australia, where abortion is generally more readily available, than in the US. Sweden has a similar rate to the US.

Sweden and US?

Or should that be Sweden and Australia?

I was surprised that Sweden and the US have similar rates of abortion. I expected Sweden's rate to be much lower.


Because I expected that proper education on how not to get pregnant rather than focusing on abstinence, access to social welfare, access to contraception, would work better than punitive legislation.

Wonder what is in those figures.

The Dutch have a very low induced abortion rate. And apparently 13% of those abortions happen to women from abroad. From countries with more strict legislation.

Does Sweden have a high abortion rate because of something like that? Or is, for some groups, or most people in Sweden abortion a method of birth control?
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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #464 on: February 22, 2019, 02:57:01 AM »
I’m crazy, apparently. Just got out of the mental hospital. Hope to recover from whatever strain in my mind that is causing this.

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.