Author Topic: Trump is functionally retarded  (Read 48803 times)

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Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #435 on: February 15, 2019, 11:13:25 PM »
...and I call bullshit...it was another narrative misconstrued and twisted by the religious right.

One woman misspoke during an interview (a mother of 4 kids), admits to that error and every pro lifer this side of the equator is foaming at the mouth like a bunch of rabid dogs. 

Meanwhile Trump is going 1,000 lies a minute, and paying off his affairs with campaign funds, and it's "whoopsie" he's only human....(one can only wonder how many abortions he's paid for in his lifetime)

"Virginia law already allows for third-trimester abortions — about one percent of all abortions, according to the CDC — if three physicians agree a pregnant woman’s mental or physical health is at risk. Tran’s bill would have reduced the requisite number of doctors to one, and removed the requirement for anticipated harm to be “substantially and irredeemably” were she denied an abortion. (“How confident do you have to be that a woman is going to die?” a Harvard Medical School professor and specialist in maternal-fetal medicine once put it to me. “What if there would be complete loss of renal function — does that not merit consideration? What if a woman is going to go blind if she remains pregnant? Those are the kind of nuances that are hard to make bumper stickers out of")


"Under current law in Virginia, third-trimester abortions are permitted when a woman’s physician and two other doctors certify that continuing a pregnancy would result in a mother’s death, or “substantially and irremediably impair the mental or physical health of the woman.” This week Kathy Tran, a Democrat in Virginia’s House of Delegates, testified in favor of a bill that would end the requirement for two extra doctors to sign off on such abortions, and strike the words “substantially and irremediably” from the existing law. Similar legislation has been introduced in past years. Despite what you might have heard, at no point did Tran try to legalize infanticide."

Read more here: https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/syndicated-columnists/article225606240.html#storylink=cpy

"Virginia Del. Kathy Tran said Thursday that she “misspoke” during a legislative hearing earlier this week about a bill that would have loosened restrictions on late-term abortions. Her comments sparked death threats, and intense backlash from GOP politicians — including President Trump.

“I wish that I was quicker on my feet and I wish that I was able to be more agile in that moment,” Tran, 41, a first-term Democrat from Fairfax County, said in an interview. “And I misspoke, and I really regret that.”

When a Republican lawmaker asked during the hearing whether the bill would allow for an abortion to occur when a woman is in labor and about to give birth, Tran said yes.

But on Thursday, Tran, a mother of four, corrected herself. “I should have said: ‘Clearly, no, because infanticide is not allowed in Virginia, and what would have happened in that moment would be a live birth.’ ”


Why do you keep saying she is a Mother of four? Honestly? It does not matter how many children she has as to whether she believes or believed what she said. It was a pretty fucking straight forward answer as to the questions as to the scope of a bill as written.

It would be strawmanning of the highest order to:

Say that bring this up is akin to foaming at the mouth.
That her status as a mother of four has any premise that she said what she said about the limits or lack thereof with what 3rd term abortions include.
That Trump makes 1000 lies per minute
That Trump lying has ANY relationship to what she said
That anyone making death threats has the effect of changing what she said
That I said she or you said she said that she was supporting infanticide. (I stated clearly that Northam was but not her).

Lot of strawmanning.

Democrats on such messages will take things to the line and then past the line and then when outrage ensues they back off and cite that they misspoke and are sorry and such. It is nothing more than testing the boundaries.

See there are many people like myself who think that there should be a way for women and girls to get abortions. I am not someone who thinks abortion should be available unrestricted but I think there should be a pathway there. But Democrats have this ball and they will open it up to all women and girls, at all times, and without any restrictions, and no matter how far along the unborn living baby is to being born, and then allow the scope of this to include up to being in labour (Tran), and then go one further step  - just after birth (Northam).

It is only once they have pushed this too far they fallback but by that time they have shown there hand. Don't worry though because there are people like you Icequeen happy to downplay, misrepresent or  strawman.

You are a horse's arse Icequeen.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #436 on: February 16, 2019, 02:52:25 AM »
Dumb prick. Adding new words to what Trump actually said to support your non-existent case. He said "when you're a star they let you do it....".

Idiot. When you are a star they let you do it =/= i do it. It does mean if i wanted to and they considered me a star, they would let me.

Again you said and one of them was POTUS. Is that the truth or are you making it up?

"When you're a star they let you do it."

Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Yeah, go ahead and tell us that he didn't, that it's just locker room talk. How naïve can you get?

Yes i have given my thoughts on this previously. Billy Bush was a relatively young good-looking man in his prime.
Trump could have talked up his being richer, more famous, more powerful, more successful.
Instead he bragged and desperately made up fanciful stories about how great and attractive he was to women.
Ask yourself why? Because at 59 and past his peak and having his youthful good looks disappear, he was feeling outgunned and desperate and have to make up bullshit to salve his ego

It's sweet that you have such faith in Trump. It really is.

Only an idiot could read what I just wrote and think it some commendation for the President.

It actually reminds me of when I was a kid in my early teens and boys would make up tall tales about what their sexual experience was with girls. In most guys this disappears after you are ACTUALLY sexually active but that is most. Some competitive guys will still exaggerate and lie and misrepresent how much women in general or certain women want them. It is braggadocios, it is arrogant, it is fickle, it is immature, it is stupid and it speaks of a threatened ego needing to be pumped up.

Only an idiot would defend Trump on these grounds. But then, that is what you are.
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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #437 on: February 16, 2019, 02:59:25 AM »
Oh, and https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/01/opinion/abortion-virginia-kathy-tran.html.

You're as intellectually dishonest as they come, Al.
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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #438 on: February 16, 2019, 03:04:48 AM »
Oh the intellectually dishonest thing again.

You're all disagreeing just to disagree.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #439 on: February 16, 2019, 04:19:50 AM »
I knew a guy who, when his wife was in labour, was given the option of saving his wife or the baby.

Effectively an abortion while his wife was in labour. I would not have hesitated to say "abort". He chose to try to save both even though the doctor told him that if he went down that route that he could lose both.

So he got lucky and both survived. The daughter was a brilliant child. His wife was physically okay but seriously brain damaged. At first it looked like she'd never even learn to talk again, but she did manage to string a few words together eventually. And perform basic functions.

One day he went out for an hour or so and left his wife and daughter alone. His daughter was about 3. A fire started and both were killed. It was like leaving a 3-year-old in the care of a 4-year-old.

Those are the situations that 3rd trimester abortion legislation is designed for Al.
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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #440 on: February 16, 2019, 04:34:31 AM »
Quote from: Al
Quote from: Icequeen on February 14, 2019, 08:09:46 AM
Quote from: Al Swearengen on February 14, 2019, 03:04:05 AM
Bills proposed to kill babies when they are born?

There are no bills to kill babies when they are born.

Educate yourself on that term he's pushing that doesn't fucking EXIST. There are no "late-term abortions".

This is medical intervention to end a pregnancy when either the babies or the mother's life is at risk...or life is not sustainable outside of the womb...or in the case of rape. 

Many of these so called "late term abortions" result in premature babies, "wanted" babies...babies that would never have a chance otherwise. Babies like my 20 yr old son. These are not the result of "arbitrary" medical reasons like his asshole nimrod son is preaching about. Over 5% of pregnancies in the US can result in a life endangering condition called preeclampsia, a condition that puts both the mother's and the babies life at risk...or on a transplant list when left to progress too far without intervention....and that's just one reason. Then there are cases like the one below. Every. Single. Day.


Yeah...so maybe this is sort of a "personal proclivity" on my end. Bite Me.

Fuck right off with that bullshit.

They wrote a bill supporting 3rd term abortion and when asked if that was up to and including delivery Kathy Tran said it was. Ralph Northam took it further and said in practical terms that meant the baby would be delivered and made comfortable and then a discussion would be had with the mother to see what she chooses then.

This is infanticide. It is not late term abortion.

So you can jam your ignorant bullshit.

Quote from: Icequeen on Yesterday at 11:32:00 AM
Here's the total...

As of 2000, only eight states had no restrictions on abortion. Those were Alaska, Colorado, D.C., New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont.

Of those Alaska has medical restrictions in place that make it almost impossible to get an abortion after the first trimester of pregnancy, forcing most women to travel out of state to receive one. (around a 3 day trip).


In Colorado, “Outpatient abortion is available up to 26 weeks. In addition, medically indicated termination of pregnancy up to 34 weeks is also an option for conditions such as fetal anomalies, genetic disorder, fetal demise and/or severe medical problems.”


D.C. has some of the least restrictions in the country, but most clinics and doctors have their own restrictions.


New Hampshire outlawed a safe second-trimester abortion procedure with no exception to protect a woman’s health in 2012.  (2012 N.H. Laws 283. )

“New Hampshire’s law makes certain previability, second-trimester abortion procedures a felony, unless the physician and another legally and financially independent physician determine that the abortion is necessary to save the woman’s life.”

As of 2014, 60% of New Hampshire counties had no clinics that provided abortions


New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont have limited restrictions.

Data only obtainable from 2012 shows there were approximately 600 abortions a year after 24 weeks and most are for fetal anomalies.

And precisely NONE of this has a damn thing to say about what was excluded by a recent late term abortion bill or what the practicalities of what happens if abortion is given at or around delivery and a mother goes into labour.

None of it.

Kathy Tran was honest about what the bill does and does not spell out and Ralph Northan was honest about the practicality of "aborting babies" at stage of labour. You can pretend they were not said or that it was hypothetical or whatever you like. I have no reason to.

Quote from: Minister of silly walks on Yesterday at 02:55:57 PM

I believe that this is the one that Pappy is talking about. Unsurprisingly it's been a little misreported in the sort of media that people like Pappy and Al follow.

I love how conservatives care so much about babies before they are born, but after you're born they don't give a fuck about your wellbeing. Until you're old and suffering and want the choice to die with dignity and on your own terms. And then they start giving a fuck about you again, your life is too precious for that and you have to wait for their non-existent God to decide when your time is up.

Cool talking point. I have heard it a lot but apart from regurgitating this well worn narrative, what evidence do you have of "Conservatives care so much about babies before they are born, but after you're born they don't give a fuck about your wellbeing." Big claim and you have BIG proof of this don't you?

No you don't really because it was never meant to be questioned. It is like quoting a passage in a book or a poem and having no conception of what the passage means just that it sounds good.

If you need proof then you need to slow down on the Kool Aid dude.

I'll go one better than proof and give you an actual example.

Australia's conservative Prime Minister was faced with a situation where the multi millionaires who run Australia's banks were ripping people off. People were losing their life savings. He had a choice to support an investigation, a Royal Commission, into what the banks were doing. You know what he did, right? He voted against that investigation not once, not twice, but twenty six fucking times. And now that the Royal Commission has been conducted and they found exactly what everyone knew they would find... our PM is doing all he can to delay taking actions. The criminals who were ripping people off should be in jail by now. But they'll retire with a massive severance package and retire in luxury instead.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #441 on: February 16, 2019, 06:41:09 AM »
Oh, and https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/01/opinion/abortion-virginia-kathy-tran.html.

You're as intellectually dishonest as they come, Al.

Yes Complete intellectually honest, huh Odeon?

Fake News About Abortion in Virginia
No, Democrats aren’t trying to legalize infanticide.

Michelle Goldberg
By Michelle Goldberg
Opinion Columnist"

So it is an opinion piece by an opinion columnist in a Left Leaning publication.

You think this is a proof? Evidence? Refutation?

Fucking idiot.

Pretty fucking straightforward.

How late was SHE saying the bill allowed abortion and when could the baby be aborted under that bill? I mean it is a minute of conversation captured. Hard to say I misunderstood.

I did NOT say SHE specifically said or promoted infancide. She took it right to the line but is wanting to terminate the baby just before it is physically born and up to the Mother being in labour. She did not say that she was saying that a baby should be terminated at being born. She threw down the gauntlet though for Ralph Northam to push the line further and step across. He is essentially saying "Well if we can start an abortion THAT late and the birth is in progress we have the order and have to follow through with the birth but the order has still been given so we have to now make the baby comfortable and have a chat with the mother about aborting the now born child".

I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Offline Icequeen

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #442 on: February 16, 2019, 09:32:58 AM »

You are a horse's arse Icequeen.

Better the horse's arse than the pasture full of shit he left behind. :smarty:

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #443 on: February 16, 2019, 10:43:47 AM »
I have a horse and an opinion in this.  Mom and Dad were married in early October.  I was born in August, about 11 months later.  Mom asked her mom for money to abort me.  Grandma Teenie said no. 

I don't know how Dad felt about the pregnancy and my proposed abortion.  Dad went to university full time, worked full time and graduated in 3 years.  They were very broke the whole time.  They moved once because Mom could keep me safe from the rats that would sneak into my crib to get at my bottle, but the fleas were the deal breaker. 

Understandably I'm against abortion except in very limited circumstances.  Judaism doesn't have one governing body that dictates Jewish law.  The Old Testament says that life begins when the first breath is taken since G_d breathed life into Adam and Eve.  So until the baby takes a breath it isn't a human being.  Abortions are usually forbidden for a first pregnancy because the mother has had a life while the fetus should have the opportunity for life.  If it is a second or later pregnancy then abortion is allowed in case of the mother's life because she has a child/children who need a mother. 

It's not perfect, but it's what I choose to believe.

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #444 on: February 16, 2019, 11:57:04 AM »
I sometimes thought it would have been the same with my mother, but it was the exact opposite with her. She was always adamantly pro-choice on the matter.

My grandmother was raped, and had abortion been legally or financially obtainable at the time she always knew without  a doubt she would never have been here. As it was, my grandmother wanted to put her up for adoption but was prevented from doing so by her mother after my mom surprised everyone by arriving a few weeks early when my grandmother was home for the holiday.

My mom was raised by her grandmother until she was around 9 or 12 and then went to live with her mom who by that time was married and had a new baby. The relationship was never really terrific between her and her mom, maybe if she had looked more like her mother, I don't know. Some of her childhood time bordered on hellish, like she was constant reminder to her mother about something she wanted to forget.

I am grateful every. single. day. that she was born, that I got to enjoy being her daughter for as long or as short as I did in life. But I guess like her, I will always support a woman's right to have a choice.

They moved once because Mom could keep me safe from the rats that would sneak into my crib to get at my bottle...

Mom used to tell me the same stories about Illinois when I was a baby. I can't even imagine dealing with that.

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #445 on: February 16, 2019, 06:18:45 PM »
I knew a guy who, when his wife was in labour, was given the option of saving his wife or the baby.

Effectively an abortion while his wife was in labour. I would not have hesitated to say "abort". He chose to try to save both even though the doctor told him that if he went down that route that he could lose both.

So he got lucky and both survived. The daughter was a brilliant child. His wife was physically okay but seriously brain damaged. At first it looked like she'd never even learn to talk again, but she did manage to string a few words together eventually. And perform basic functions.

One day he went out for an hour or so and left his wife and daughter alone. His daughter was about 3. A fire started and both were killed. It was like leaving a 3-year-old in the care of a 4-year-old.

Those are the situations that 3rd trimester abortion legislation is designed for Al.

No shit. Nothing I said actually refuted this.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #446 on: February 16, 2019, 07:00:55 PM »
There is never a decent reason to kill a baby after it has been born and doing so is NOT abortion.
Yes this IS the practical implications (not the legislative or theoretical implications) of the bill Kathy Tran outlined.
Should there be an avenue for unwanted pregnancies to be aborted? Sure. First term abortions prevent rape victims and careless teenagers and the like being burdened with a life decision they did not make. I think that if such practices are well regulated, have adequate education and counselling for patients, medical referral process, qualified professions to carry out said abortion and have good facilities, I am not against this. Second terms abortions, the little clump of cells is now a baby that feels pain and distress. It is certainly unable to survive outside the mother's womb but termination of a child at this stage is something I think ought to be more restrictive and more difficult to get. It should not be actively promoted. Available. Yes but I think that it should be given the gravity it deserves. Third term abortions at the stage where the baby has a chance if delivered to survive outside the womb should be reserved for exceptions and as such require three doctors to sign off on this.
"Abortion" after birth is NOT abortion. Never was and never will be.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Icequeen

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #447 on: February 16, 2019, 07:18:46 PM »
FFS read the actual bill, revisions are noted:


Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #448 on: February 16, 2019, 07:44:31 PM »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Re: Trump is functionally retarded
« Reply #449 on: February 16, 2019, 09:05:03 PM »
Thanks Icequeen, and those are sensible amendments. I'd like Al to point out which amendments he disagreed with while he was reading it, and also to show us where it makes infanticide legal.

Infanticide is still illegal. Somebody gave a bad answer while being questioned. Whoopty do. That still don't make infanticide legal.

If my wife or daughter were in their 3rd trimester and a doctor I trust says they need to take action immediately to save her life..... what would really suck is if he had to get a fucking committee together and get them all up to speed and then get them all to agree on the required action. Screw that - it's red tape we don't need the lives of people we care about are on the fucking line. What if 2 great doctors agree on a course of action and some religious dropkick they had to call in for a third opinion says no - I just kiss my wife or daughter goodbye, if they've even lasted the time it took to go through all that red tape?
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass