PS Before you point out the obvious flaw- - it would have to be left wing Anarchism ofc , not that weird idea of capatliist Anarchism , or else the scum would just lord it over business empires
...much like they do already
Ok. That's the World put to rights now. I'll toddle off to some other thread 
The phrase "left wing" does not make something automatically good and wholesome in the same way saying "right wing" does not make something bad. Of course, visa versa too. Neither political ideology is inherently more moral. It is like religion. It depends entirely on how fundamental and extreme and authoritarian the method of implementing the ideology. People get too caught up trying to promote their political preferred ideology as the bastion of moral principles and the other camp as being the bastion of evil whereby all the elements of that ideology are exaggerated (if not transformed to a perverted form) of fundamentalist authoritarianism.
The truth is that they are both as good and bad as each other.
Well I don't believe that anyone, is inherently "evil" , really. But I do very much believe that some forms of social systems will inevitatably screw people over in increasing numbers , to an increasing degree, untli they finally cause such an almighty train-wreck that they eventually die a natural death, along with much of the population. That's no more "evil" in intent than a hurricane, that's just the way it works. (and that's a paraphrase of Marx, ofc)
One very good friend of mine was a raving Tory . He had a "right-wing head, and a left wing-heart" I liked to say. I surely didn't hold his political views against him. But over the course of decades, that heart of his pulled him further and further to the left inch-by-inch. He had a big interest in economics, and he cared very much about people, not en masse, but on an individual level. He couldn't help but notice that quite a number of the people he cared about were being screwed over over by right-wing economics, even including himself towards the end.
I can't tell you his present view, because he's dead now. But that's the story as far as it goes.
I don't think that moral principles come into politics much at all, not on either side. Some people get much too hung-up on demonstratiiing that they, as an individual, are more moral than the next guy, bugger all the laws of cause and effect. It's enough to put a body off
any ideology if they let it get under their skin.
Same as religion, like you say. But it doesn't follow that all ideologies are equally right, nor equally wrong.