And you think Trump's Russian problem is about Hillary losing? 
I think his "problem" is that the outrage over this narrative is palpable and has a chilling effect on his ability to focus on his agenda (something I honestly think he needs to get past) and has a knock-on effect of trial by public opinion. If you were a Democrat and you has lost the House, Senate, Supreme Court and The Presidency, would YOU want the Republican President smeared and embroiled in scandal and potential career ending impeachable offence when the mid-term elections come up? If you wished to remove the sitting President and you did not have the numbers in Congress (Impeachment - as you know - is not decided by teh court, it is decided by Congress) wouldn't you want there to be enough distrust and uncertainty in the President to get them removed from office, by swaying the GOP (who may not be THAT far in the President's corner) that there is enough of a case to be made for impeachment?
But let's take it a slight step further. If you did not have a smoking gun but had enough spin and outrage and indignation to push a narrative, would you as a Democrat still push this for the same reasons above. Even if AFTER the investigation is finialised, that it may exonerate the President? What if Keeping up the pressure and maintaining the outrage and the fever pitch narrative shouting would be enough to have the GOP rethink their support of the President?
I think the above is more than likely and as probable a situation as any. Do I think the narrative was beat up because Trump beat Hillary and she and the DNC cannot appreciate that she was not the best candidate? Sure I do. I think it was petty and spiteful, but that is the nature of politics and politicians.
Politicians are pretty low as a people.
I am reasonably sure that this "Trump colluded with Russia to win the election" narrative will die a death at the end of the investigation. Will it show any people in any way had dealings with Russians? Absolutely. Will it say that some of these dealings were inproper or irregular or whatever? Maybe, maybe not. Will any of this equate to Trump being in Putin's pocket? No. Was there ever any evidence for that? No.
However, in the meantime, if the GOP are not stoic enough to resist the pressure of the howling mobs screaming for impeachment, Trump may get ousted. Secondly, IF this doesn't happen, it could still really affect him during the mid-terms.
BUT what if he survives this and the negative result comes in before the mid-terms? That may well be a game-changer. Trump seems to succeed despite all reason with the things he is trying for. You may point to the Ryancare bill or the "travel ban", but I see these things as not taken off the table but rather held up or suspended not canceled. He did really well to get elected, he did really well with the trip abroad, and if he does a halfway job AND investigations are negative in their conclusions as to his collusion with Putin, the mid-terms will be a wash for the Democrats.
It will be interesting to see which way this goes. Of course, MAYBE Trump is a secret Soviet Spy or something and a longtime confidante of Putin? That would be interesting too. Then Trump is gone and the Americans get the much more Liberal Mike Pence. I am joking of course. Pence is more Conservative and much more traditional that the New Yorker.