Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Trump is functionally retarded

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--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on May 11, 2017, 09:07:26 AM ---
--- Quote from: Icequeen on May 11, 2017, 08:32:31 AM --- :yawn:

You meet with Russian diplomats the day after key testimony in an ongoing investigation concerning Russian ties...and the day after further impeding the investigation by dismissing the head of the investigation.

Trump praised Comey verbally in statements and non-verbally in writing for months concerning his actions with Hillary...both on the campaign trail and in the official office of president only a short time ago.

We are suddenly supposed to believe on this timeline of events that he grew some moral balls and learned scruples...because...NOW...he's...the...president?

Maybe he was visited overnight by the 3 White House ghosts of president's past?

...I think I heard Nixon rattling his chains. :spitscreen:

--- End quote ---

What restrictions are you placing on American Presidents in seeing Russian diplomats and I hope you are prepared to do so for all US Presidents not JUST Trump.

Trump was given advice from a newly appointed Deputy Attorney General. The Deputy Attorney General is in charge of overseeing the FBI and made that recommendation. Is Trump supposed to ignore that or overrule that? Maybe. I don't know? He decided to take the advice.

It is just amazing to me to see everyone who said how bad Comey was and how HE was the cause of Granny Satan losing the election, now say how unfair it is that he is no longer head of FBI.

--- End quote ---

Frankly, we don't expect foreigners to understand.  It's an American thing.  We hold ourselves to a higher standard and have a long tradition of presidents working in the public interest and holding themselves accordingly.  Even W.


--- Quote from: Meowsy McDermott on May 11, 2017, 10:03:32 AM ---
--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on May 11, 2017, 09:07:26 AM ---
--- Quote from: Icequeen on May 11, 2017, 08:32:31 AM --- :yawn:

You meet with Russian diplomats the day after key testimony in an ongoing investigation concerning Russian ties...and the day after further impeding the investigation by dismissing the head of the investigation.

Trump praised Comey verbally in statements and non-verbally in writing for months concerning his actions with Hillary...both on the campaign trail and in the official office of president only a short time ago.

We are suddenly supposed to believe on this timeline of events that he grew some moral balls and learned scruples...because...NOW...he's...the...president?

Maybe he was visited overnight by the 3 White House ghosts of president's past?

...I think I heard Nixon rattling his chains. :spitscreen:

--- End quote ---

What restrictions are you placing on American Presidents in seeing Russian diplomats and I hope you are prepared to do so for all US Presidents not JUST Trump.

Trump was given advice from a newly appointed Deputy Attorney General. The Deputy Attorney General is in charge of overseeing the FBI and made that recommendation. Is Trump supposed to ignore that or overrule that? Maybe. I don't know? He decided to take the advice.

It is just amazing to me to see everyone who said how bad Comey was and how HE was the cause of Granny Satan losing the election, now say how unfair it is that he is no longer head of FBI.

--- End quote ---

Frankly, we don't expect foreigners to understand.  It's an American thing.  We hold ourselves to a higher standard and have a long tradition of presidents working in the public interest and holding themselves accordingly.  Even W.

--- End quote ---

Agreed MM.
I believe it will come to a conclusion soon enough anyways.

No sense in discussing it any longer.


--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on May 11, 2017, 09:07:26 AM ---
--- Quote from: Icequeen on May 11, 2017, 08:32:31 AM --- :yawn:

You meet with Russian diplomats the day after key testimony in an ongoing investigation concerning Russian ties...and the day after further impeding the investigation by dismissing the head of the investigation.

Trump praised Comey verbally in statements and non-verbally in writing for months concerning his actions with Hillary...both on the campaign trail and in the official office of president only a short time ago.

We are suddenly supposed to believe on this timeline of events that he grew some moral balls and learned scruples...because...NOW...he's...the...president?

Maybe he was visited overnight by the 3 White House ghosts of president's past?

...I think I heard Nixon rattling his chains. :spitscreen:

--- End quote ---

What restrictions are you placing on American Presidents in seeing Russian diplomats and I hope you are prepared to do so for all US Presidents not JUST Trump.

Trump was given advice from a newly appointed Deputy Attorney General. The Deputy Attorney General is in charge of overseeing the FBI and made that recommendation. Is Trump supposed to ignore that or overrule that? Maybe. I don't know? He decided to take the advice.

It is just amazing to me to see everyone who said how bad Comey was and how HE was the cause of Granny Satan losing the election, now say how unfair it is that he is no longer head of FBI.

--- End quote ---

I keep expecting you to come around and say "I'm just kidding, I'm not this gullible".

Al Swearegen:
Trump is a bullshit artist, a braggard, a serial adulterer, is near inarticulate and doesn't have any of the poise, grace, dignity or demenour that someone elected to his position SHOULD have.

He is very flawed.

However, there is a reason he was elected (and not by a racist, stupid, xenophobic minority) and that was because the things the Democrat Party, specifically, and the establishment, generally, had offered were not what Americans felt represented their needs.

He was not accidentally elected or mistakenly let into this office. He IS the President of the United States.

I do find the lengths to which Americans go to, to destroy their President and supposed sanctity of his office, mindblowing Tony Abbott was an arsehole and Howard was a spluttering little dwarf. As Aussies, we have a cultural disdain for authority and politicians are all expected to be morally bankrupt and we expect to vote them out every four years and vote in their oppoent. The Church and the Royal Family are not glorified or elevated either.

Hillary did not lose because of Russians. She ran a bad campaign, she cheated with interview questions, obstructed justice, hid a server, wiped the server, perjured herself, called half tge country deplorable and so on. She also did not go to enough rallies because she had this entitlement thing going on. It was her turn. Not only could she have beaten Trump, she should have.

Trump was not assisted by Russian collusion. He was assisted by Hillary. His hard work, unconvention message and her incompetence and indifferent caused him to win. Democrats are not able to learn from this or take responsibility and so they spin collusion narratives  AND lose the Presidency, House, Senate and supreme court.

I think too, that part of the problem is that Liberals and Democrats make everything Armegeddon. Trump will always seem better than he actually is if he does an average job after being told by everyone, he will do terribly. If enough people say "He actually did okay" or "I voted for him because he said he was going to do x, y ,z and the Democrats said he couldn't do any of that, but he did actually do some of that." it makes him look more credible than he perhaps is. Add a bit of spin and he look brilliant. The debates were the same he was expected to be completely out of his league and her in her natural element. When he did okay and she did okay. He looked better than expected and her worse than expected.


I guess you really are that gullible.


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