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Trump is functionally retarded

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--- Quote from: Darksydegout on May 10, 2017, 09:38:47 PM ---So is Donald Trump the new Richard Nixon? Or is he the new Ronald Reagan? Or a combination of the two?

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It's a three way "winning" combo.

He lies like Nixon, has Reagan's memory loss, and less brainpower than Bush.

So lets recap this sideshow...

Yates (fired after warning about Flynn's Russian ties) and Clapper testify in the investigation concerning Russian interference in the election.

Trump tries to intimidate Yates via Twitter hours before testifying...both on his personal Twitter account and the official one for the president.

Next Trump fires Comey without warning. Comey receives his walking papers while presenting a speech and at first laughs seeing it on the news and thinks it's a joke, he is called aside and finds out that...no...it's not.

The next day Trump meets in the oval office with Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov... Sergey Kislyak the Russian diplomat who's name is all through this investigation is also reported to be attending. Russian press is admitted to cover this event, Trump bars the American "fake" news media from attending.

The White House press is at last admitted in for a photo op, and the first questions are answered about the firing of Comey...Trump is sitting not with Lavrov as expected though, but with Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State to President Richard Nixon.

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: Icequeen on May 11, 2017, 07:07:20 AM ---So lets recap this sideshow...

Yates (fired after warning about Flynn's Russian ties) and Clapper testify in the investigation concerning Russian interference in the election.

Trump tries to intimidate Yates via Twitter hours before testifying...both on his personal Twitter account and the official one for the president.

Next Trump fires Comey without warning. Comey receives his walking papers while presenting a speech and at first laughs seeing it on the news and thinks it's a joke, he is called aside and finds out that...no...it's not.

The next day Trump meets in the oval office with Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov... Sergey Kislyak the Russian diplomat who's name is all through this investigation is also reported to be attending. Russian press is admitted to cover this event, Trump bars the American "fake" news media from attending.

The White House press is at last admitted in for a photo op, and the first questions are answered about the firing of Comey...Trump is sitting not with Lavrov as expected though, but with Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State to President Richard Nixon.

--- End quote ---

A president meets Russian Diplomats. Never happened ever in the case of Presidents.

Comey was a mess and had everyone at some time saying crap about his incompetence and saying he should resign or should not be FBI Director anymore. Trump's new Deputy Attorney General suggests Trump fire him. Jeff Sessions agrees, they fired him. Trump probably had an Apprentice flashback.

Yates, she was the one that Trump fired for not upholding his executive order, right?

What was Clapper saying about the supposed Russia-Trump collusion ties?


You meet with Russian diplomats the day after key testimony in an ongoing investigation concerning Russian ties...and the day after further impeding the investigation by dismissing the head of the investigation.

Trump praised Comey verbally in statements and non-verbally in writing for months concerning his actions with Hillary...both on the campaign trail and in the official office of president only a short time ago.

We are suddenly supposed to believe on this timeline of events that he grew some moral balls and learned scruples...because...NOW...he's...the...president?

Maybe he was visited overnight by the 3 White House ghosts of president's past?

...I think I heard Nixon rattling his chains. :spitscreen:

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: Icequeen on May 11, 2017, 08:32:31 AM --- :yawn:

You meet with Russian diplomats the day after key testimony in an ongoing investigation concerning Russian ties...and the day after further impeding the investigation by dismissing the head of the investigation.

Trump praised Comey verbally in statements and non-verbally in writing for months concerning his actions with Hillary...both on the campaign trail and in the official office of president only a short time ago.

We are suddenly supposed to believe on this timeline of events that he grew some moral balls and learned scruples...because...NOW...he's...the...president?

Maybe he was visited overnight by the 3 White House ghosts of president's past?

...I think I heard Nixon rattling his chains. :spitscreen:

--- End quote ---

What restrictions are you placing on American Presidents in seeing Russian diplomats and I hope you are prepared to do so for all US Presidents not JUST Trump.

Trump was given advice from a newly appointed Deputy Attorney General. The Deputy Attorney General is in charge of overseeing the FBI and made that recommendation. Is Trump supposed to ignore that or overrule that? Maybe. I don't know? He decided to take the advice.

It is just amazing to me to see everyone who said how bad Comey was and how HE was the cause of Granny Satan losing the election, now say how unfair it is that he is no longer head of FBI.


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