Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Trump is functionally retarded

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It's almost as if Randy Newman foresaw  Trump, back in '72:


--- Quote from: Queen Victoria on May 05, 2017, 08:21:05 PM ---If he is functionally retarded, will that be a pre-existing condition and preclude him from treatment for it?  He may not have had insurance before his inauguration.

--- End quote ---

  :evilplus:   I think Your Majesty is ready to conquer a new empire.  >:D

Queen Victoria:
@ CBC and odeon - thanks

He just fired Comey after Yates and Clapper testified yesterday.

This is just fucking unreal...like Nixon all over again.

Al Swearegen:
Many Liberal commentators and Democrats screamed from the rafters when Comey amended the record after Huma's emails contained Clinton classified information.

They all said it was unfair and he should resign or be fired. He has been fired now and now they think it is terrible that he was fired.

I find it really interesting.

US politics is enthralling


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