So lets recap this sideshow...
Yates (fired after warning about Flynn's Russian ties) and Clapper testify in the investigation concerning Russian interference in the election.
Trump tries to intimidate Yates via Twitter hours before testifying...both on his personal Twitter account and the official one for the president.
Next Trump fires Comey without warning. Comey receives his walking papers while presenting a speech and at first laughs seeing it on the news and thinks it's a joke, he is called aside and finds out's not.
The next day Trump meets in the oval office with Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov... Sergey Kislyak the Russian diplomat who's name is all through this investigation is also reported to be attending. Russian press is admitted to cover this event, Trump bars the American "fake" news media from attending.
The White House press is at last admitted in for a photo op, and the first questions are answered about the firing of Comey...Trump is sitting not with Lavrov as expected though, but with Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State to President Richard Nixon.