Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Trump is functionally retarded

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You got that in "ONE" sister! Bullseye, first throw!

I honestly can not see where they think they are going with that crap. Even people who support them rabidly have to be looking at each other with questions.

It is difficult to remove an elected official, though, which it should be. We have to do better at the ballot box.
Some of these terrors will have two or four years to wreak havoc, inflicting untold damage to our way of life and still continue to get rich(er).


--- Quote from: DirtDawg on May 24, 2022, 11:36:14 AM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on May 24, 2022, 09:29:40 AM ---I think Trump et al demonstrated the weaknesses of the system. It might just break the next time.

--- End quote ---

As a quiet, but watchful patriot of my fair country, I hope you can be proven wrong.

--- End quote ---

I hope so too.


rock hound:

The MAGA hat is hilarious!

The "Donnie" thing is disturbing on many levels.


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