Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Trump is functionally retarded

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It is the extremes of BOTH sides that must be kept in check.

Our country only works if there is a balance.

Right now it seems as if both sides are toying with a game of "Oh YEAH? Watch THIS!!"

We don't have enough bridles and hobbles for all these horse's asses!

I think Trump et al demonstrated the weaknesses of the system. It might just break the next time.


--- Quote from: odeon on May 24, 2022, 09:29:40 AM ---I think Trump et al demonstrated the weaknesses of the system. It might just break the next time.

--- End quote ---

As a quiet, but watchful patriot of my fair country, I hope you can be proven wrong.

Bending we have, breaking we won't!

God Bless America is not enough anymore.

It is step up and carry something for America we need more of.


... from all of us!


--- Quote from: odeon on May 24, 2022, 09:29:40 AM ---I think Trump et al demonstrated the weaknesses of the system. It might just break the next time.

--- End quote ---

A few, but not all of them.
We are seeing some others come to light in this current paramount.


--- Quote from: DirtDawg on May 18, 2022, 11:47:32 PM ---It is the extremes of BOTH sides that must be kept in check.

Our country only works if there is a balance.

Right now it seems as if both sides are toying with a game of "Oh YEAH? Watch THIS!!"

We don't have enough bridles and hobbles for all these horse's asses!

--- End quote ---

I agree with this.

What stokes me up about the Republicans is the currant weaponizing of organized religion.

I am a firm believer that their should be distinct boundary lines concerning church and state, and those lines are being breached more and more often every single day.

This country was founded by settlers seeking freedom from religious prosecution, that freedom should apply to everyone regardless of whether you worship Jesus, Satan, or the flying spaghetti monster.

Common sense, logic and empathy for the people you serve should dictate your decisions...not some preacher holding up a bible like a sword who just paid shush money to the last hooker he was with two months ago.

I can respect someone else's beliefs even if they are far removed from mine. But I have a problem if you start shoving those beliefs down my throat.



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