Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Trump is functionally retarded

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--- Quote from: odeon on April 21, 2022, 03:39:05 PM ---And details about Moscow Mitch's comments following Jan 6 are all over the interwebs.

--- End quote ---

Where's the link!?!?!

Desantis scares the fuck out of me.

Like Trump...only younger, eviler, and with a few more brain cells.

rock hound:

--- Quote from: Icequeen on May 16, 2022, 07:20:49 PM ---Desantis scares the fuck out of me.

Like Trump...only younger, eviler, and with a few more brain cells.

--- End quote ---


If we could just come up with ONE Handful of these politician types who were not already corrupt to the marrow, I would be a firm supporter.

I use my vote to vote AGAINST, way too often. There is just no one to vote FOR!! Something HAS to give!

How the fuck do we fix all this?
I see the "fake right" extremists going so far crazy, I am at a loss.

Everyone knows I am quite conservative in the way I live my life, but I tolerate everyone. The most important thing to me in this political realm is freedom and FREEDOMS for everyone, not just for those who are like me, but EVERYONE.

I am especially interested in those NOT like me to have the same chance at everything I have gained in my life.

Our differences are reason enough to talk about things over a fire or a "brewsky," under the sky and learn from each other.

I am not talking about most politicians being "functionally retarded,"  but rather actionably criminal in too many cases.
Where do we start? It's up to us!

Right Wing Politicians are so dull in America.... is it any different elsewhere??? Like Hungary, or France, or Odeon's neck of the woods?


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