Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Trump is functionally retarded

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Trump is a guy that likes to create his own problems and then act like only he can solve them.

And there are dumb people. A Lot of dumb people here, it's sad really.

Get me outta here~  :laugh:

I feel for you. I really do. :P

The US is being ran by a genius level intellect.

Shame it's a Russian.

A week ago, when Trump got the 'rona, I wanted to post "there is a god" here. And I couldn't. So I'm just leaving this here now. Plus, he's still infected and things could still take a turn for the worse.

Minister Of Silly Walks:

He really outdid himself with this one.

The continental army "took the airports". During the US war of independence.


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