Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Trump is functionally retarded

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And Eric still just wants daddy to at least acknowledge him.


Creepy as fuck. :zombiefuck: :laugh:

Thinking how Trump is wondering who those two are.

I've already decided that if 45 gets elected again I am moving to Canada. will apply for duel citizenship

I would have lost all hope for our country. Which, will now be a Banana Republic because of Trumpism.


--- Quote from: Jesse on September 20, 2020, 08:20:53 AM ---I've already decided that if 45 gets elected again I am moving to Canada. will apply for duel citizenship

I would have lost all hope for our country. Which, will now be a Banana Republic because of Trumpism.

--- End quote ---

Trump is right - this election will be rigged.  You will be a fascist state by Christmas.


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