Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Trump is functionally retarded

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Minister Of Silly Walks:
Sometimes he outdoes himself but.

Then there's Gov Kemp out of GA. He banned cities from requiring face masks  ::)


One of these days there will be a confusing report bandied about by a bunch of do-gooders with a catchy name like,  "Covidity Index"  or something, warning of travel to certain places or even patronage of certain businesses.

"Well, no wonder you got sick. You ignored the Covidity Index, dumbass"

We kind of already have that, but the warnings need a catchy name. Maybe even a "Color" specific to this danger so a glance at a graph keeps you up to date.:hair:

How about everyone just do what you are told helps and quit bitchin' 'bout it all.

Trump is the product of a world that not only allows but encourages him to be stupid. I've seen a couple of news articles lately worry about a Covid vaccine failing because enough people might refuse to take them.


The US doesn't look like a democracy any longer.


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