Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Trump is functionally retarded

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Minister Of Silly Walks:

Minister Of Silly Walks:

This is surely the death knell of the Trump presidency? Sitting on his tiny hands while Putin put a bounty on US soldiers?

The headlines that man produces, daily. Once upon a time, I would have thought that any one of those would have been enough to end his presidency. But it seems that's not how it works. The MAGA idiots defend him regardless, blindly.

And quite frankly, his, um, qualities were all known in 2016. Yet 60 million Americans voted for him. 60 million idiots. And now it's all this.

Biden is currently in the lead. It would be nice if he could hold on to that.


Trump was going off the other day about where's Biden? We never hear from Biden? We should call him Hidin-Biden. And all I can think of it why should he have to come out and say anything right now when you're so effectively digging your own grave?

He's like a 5-yo. Immature, undeveloped, never sophisticated.

Except at 74, he's never going to achieve any of that.


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