Author Topic: Have you hydrated today?  (Read 25092 times)

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #90 on: October 24, 2017, 09:36:35 PM »
Just hydrated. :P
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #91 on: October 25, 2017, 01:33:22 AM »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #92 on: October 25, 2017, 01:37:00 AM »
Just drank a whole lot of milk to ease my indigestion.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #93 on: October 25, 2017, 01:42:02 AM »
*sends ren a stack of large bottles of the gaviscon he has so many of on rx by now, and unopened that they are mounting up in double and possibly triple rows on the floor there now, in addition to on the cupboard tops in double rows of bottles* Plus a selection of some pretty good (and otherwise damn expensive, if it weren't for the NHS here) stomach meds for all sorts of nausea and similar*

Seriously, I ought to list some of that gaviscon on ebay or something, its like £8-something a bottle at pharmacies here off rx, and I must have 20omething or more of them. They've been giving me some of the lesser importance meds of mine at way above the amounts I can use let alone need. (although too fucking stingy with the most useful of them. Typical or what!
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #94 on: October 25, 2017, 01:49:16 AM »
What flavour is Gaviscon? Not mint is it? Not a fan of that.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #95 on: October 25, 2017, 02:56:27 AM »
Yuck! nor am I renster. Its aniseed, almost entirely. Got so many of them now I sometime even just pour it down the loo so I can wash out and clean the bottle, re-label it and use it as a chemical storage bottle for more innoccuous things. I prefer the aniseed, it isn't so 'white-tasting and angular'
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #96 on: October 25, 2017, 04:05:33 AM »
Not a fan of aniseed either. :sick:  Not at all. Would prefer lemon or orange or some other fruit.
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #97 on: October 25, 2017, 04:56:18 AM »
They make fruit gaviscons? I'd far prefer that too if it existed. Banana would work. Strawberry...just no. If there is one thing flavouring chemistry doesn't seem to ever be able to get right, its 'synthetic strawberry'. I've had the likes of ibuprofen (or paracetamol forgot which) years ago as a kid that was absolutely dreadful looking pink slime and it tasted sickly and repulsive. But they also do a kid's, or did a kid's paracetamol syrup/suspension, brand name was called 'disprol' and it was banana flavour, and if they put that flavour into candies or drinks, minus medication it'd be a fucking winner, that stuff tastes SO good :P

I'd rather it have been tincture of opium given the same flavour instead for my childhood colds and ache, but thats just because it actually works, and even helps prevent coughing in a cold, whilst paracetamol, for any reason, aside from lowering fevers doesn't work. It just doesn't work on me for pain, even so mild and transient a trivial pain as a flick from a finger on the end of my nose, it'd do nothing for even in doses that are the maximum toxicologically speaking acceptable for a human being to take without being damaged. It simpy does not WORK on me. Never has. I've even been given it IV in hospital (I said no don't bother but they forced me to before they'd give me morphine. Even tried to take my OWN morphine away from me, once I caught a fucking nurse rooting through my backpack whilst I was asleep. Woke me up too the cunt. And I'd barely gotten to sleep. She was lucky I wasn't having some nasty dream or I'd probaby have broken her wrist on reflex waking up and finding somebody ferretting through my backpack of property without permission., Tried to continue to do it too, until I warned her that she was going to leave the contents of my pack alone and unexamined, untouched and most certainly unmoved save without seeking and getting my express permission, and it was going to happen whether the hand remained attached to her wrist, or whether I ended up taking it with me, without her coming with it.,

She stopped once she saw the look on my face and realized that I meant every word of it and would cheerfully have taken it into the bog, shat, and used the toilet paper to wipe it with before giving it her back, so she'd take infection if she had it surgically reattached. I don't like sneaks like that AT ALL. I'm surprised that I didn't, since I was only just coming out of a dreaming sleep I didn't respond with a backhander in the mouth. She was actively, furtively looking sneaking around trying not to wake me up, and quiety opening my backpack and rooting around in it for meds, and when I caught her, at least claimed she 'was going to put them in a patient bedside locker' (to which THEY have the key not the patient), at least until I made it absolutely clear that just because I am in a hospital, what I got from my GP's script pad and from my personal pharmaceutical box I had at that time (quite a collection, everything from pharmaceutically produced tabets or capsules of this that or the other to exotic african or amazonian herbs and tree-rootbarks and seeds from around mexico-ways of south america. And things I'd either grown or synthesized according to my needs, and a few legals bought from head-shops) that what I do with them, or how and or when I do them are up to me and me alone and she was going to put them back in the pack before something bad happened.

I'm not so stupid as to trust a hospital with the likes of my regullar medical care when I don't NEED them do mess with things in that group of items OR want them to do so. They can and have fucked me over and left me in a really bad way as a result too many times, more than once to the extent where they sent me away after discharge with so much bloody oxycodone liquid in a big hefty bottle and very high dose morphine XR capsules by the handful on top of my usual two dosage unit strength morphine type and one oxy IR type, as well as oxy IR liquid, more in powder-capsule IR form and several entire pharmacy sized dispensing size stock bottle of chlormethiazole and quite a lot of benzodiazepines, I strongly suspect, because they'd treated me so badly and I'd been left both in such horrible pain I regretted the day I ever had to go in there, not that I had, medically speaking a choice. More than once. And it was left down to some things of my own hidden away like a very potent synthetic cannabinoid dissolved into a cutom E-cig liquid to ever sleep or get pain relief and dim down the opiate withdrawals they forced on me for nearly a week, and that I was fucking furious with them for doing so and treating me that way, that they thought to do that and hope I wouldn't sue them for malpractice, which I was very tempted and close to doing regardless.  Basically they seemed to give me so much of such a variety of painkillers, downers and some various inbetween-ers that they obviously hoped I'd take the haul, and a haul it was and keep my mouth shut. Twice at least they've done that. If ever that happens again, I'll take the lot and sue them anyway.

Local hospital is a real cunting pesthole, somewhere you woudn't want even to go to die when there is a convenient gutter close by in the nearest road with marginally less dog shit in your open wounds, than go there. Awful, awful awful. Unfit and inhumane treatment by the staff. To say nothing of the outright disrespect of going through somebody's stuff whist they sleep. I wonder whether or not the nurse's claim of using the patient locker (rather, sneak-thiefing the meds in the night so they could control them absolutely under lock and key. When I'm quite capable, thank you very much, of looking after and knowing how much I need of what, when, why and better than any of them how the damn things sodding well work for that matter.)

But to rifle through somebody's backpack whist they are asleep, for any reason, that is not on. If they wanted to ask (although they would have had their request denied. Politely, firmly, but absolutely denied, they were free to make the request itsef when at any time they knew where to find me, I.e in a hospital bed, listening to music, reading, routing a laptop internet connection past the censorship and payment demands of their wifi to keep up with my favourite candestine chemistry fora)...but no, they (maybe) told somebody ot try and sneak up on me whilst I slept. Next time I went in to that hospital because I had no choice I locked the two zips of the backpack closed. And I'd have taken it very seriously indeed had especially the same fucker as before try it again.

(and besides, sneak up on an autie with very acute senses of things changing, even whilst asleep? they should know better than to think it too likely I wouldn't catch them at it before they ever touched the thing. I'm surprised the cow did the first time and actually manage to get the thing open without being caught and dealt with pre-emptively as she went for it.)

(couldn't have tolerated her finding things like the synthetic cannabinoid, or the few grams of 3-fluorophenmetrazine I packed to make the time go faster subjectively, and even a couple of blotters of 1-propionyl-LSD, and some 2C-B-FLY presses that were really good quality, strong litte buggers too. Yeah, I know, a shitty hospital isn't ideal tripping territory. But better that and surreptitiouslyl getting baked on synthetic 'weed' in an e-cig liquid whilst I sink into a book on particle physics online, or some chemistry reading than sit there staring at the wall for a week watching dry paint collect dust and shit and vomit, and replace moaning, pained patients and wheezing breathing machines with headphones and youtube plus a big stuffing of CDs and books I'd brought along for the sentence. And yes, that place, its more like a sentence to hospital than a visit or stay in. Its that shitty. Pretty sure the doctors woudn't approve of 'research chemicals' in the 'RC' designer psychoactive sense of the term in the vernacular sense being brought into the hospital and me doing lines of designer speed (the fluorophenmetrazine, really fucking GOOD designer speed at that, better than any other actual speed-speed, or cocaine, or methylphenidate (ritalin) or ethylphenidate (a designer drug version of ritalin and not too bad)

And blight my ballsack and call the transexual virgin fuckin well hairy mary if I'm having them find anything of the kind, and all the less so when they'd probably try and take it from me, or steal it from me if I refused as I would, to hand them over, when the reason they were brought in the first place is because that hospital is such a monstrous shite from a giant satanic hell-anus.

Currently, hydrated ish. Some coke (proper sugary goodness MMMmmmmm :autism: and more cartons of rhubarb and custard milkshake.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #98 on: October 25, 2017, 05:06:47 AM »
Banana Gaviscon would be nice. I remember as a kid having banana flavoured liquid antibiotics for a chest infection. I actually looked forward to having my medicine.

Cough syrups though, were usually quite gross, most being "cherry flavoured just for kids". Yeah, blech.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #99 on: October 25, 2017, 05:30:43 AM »
Cherry flavors I tend to like, unless thats that robitussin is meant to taste like. But cherry drinks I like, and especially big, fat, plump and juicy fresh black or yellow cherries, munching round the seed in the center holding onto the stalks before sucking the last bit of cherry off the pips and spitting them at various amusing targets, if its not indoors of course. Actually they had in the eye hospital for some reason a big fruits and nuts stall with fresh fruit on sale and various nuts, and they sold them far cheaper, to get people to eat healthy I should think than any supermarket would. There, could get not just a little, or even a large plastic punnet of black cherries, all ripe and ready to munch on, but an entire big cardboard carry-crate full about three foot long by about 1. 1/4-1 1/3 of a foot wide and packed full for just £1.50, you'd never find them cheaper here anywhere, in any store. God no, not by a million miles. And not bad to be able to grab a couple of ripe, juicy mangoes and just start slicing them open and gnawing the pulp off using the thick rind to hold it by with my knife whilst I sat in the waiting room to be seen. Quite a filling fruit breakfast could be had for a few pounds. And a tenner you could get so much fruit you'd probably puke it up from both ends at once if you ate it in one serving (no, I didn't  so :P)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #100 on: October 26, 2017, 06:52:40 AM »
Anything mango I love. Love mango juice. Kayleigh doesn't like it so.... more for me. :)
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #101 on: October 26, 2017, 08:26:04 AM »
  I need to drink more water.  But I do hydrate by eating apples!  :apple:
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #102 on: October 26, 2017, 11:48:21 PM »
Apple Eater of the Aspie Elite.

Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #103 on: October 27, 2017, 04:16:06 AM »
Apple Eater of the Aspie Elite.


  Damn right!  :laugh:   I love Pink Lady apples most, but as I wait for the next crop of them to arrive,
   I'm happily making do with SweeTango apples instead!  Love the crispness and the juiciness!  :apple:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #104 on: October 27, 2017, 05:17:09 AM »
Another cup of tea has been poured. I will not shrivel up like a dry raisin, today.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!