
Author Topic: Have you hydrated today?  (Read 25187 times)

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #120 on: April 15, 2018, 08:52:48 PM »
I actually like strawberry flavoured foods/drinks than strawberries themselves. Maybe I have just had bad luck in the strawberries I've had, bitter and not tasting like strawberry at all.

Have some nice sugar free strawberry yoghurt though, that has chunks of strawberries in it and actually tastes nice.
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #121 on: April 15, 2018, 10:01:16 PM »
Fresh strawberries I do like, although they really do have to be fresh. Strawberries  are one of those fruits that just don't preserve well. Jam, yoghurt, synthetic versions, it always tastes like shit to me. Goes  bitter and rank if they aren't really, really fresh and  firm.

If you want a treat with good strawberries, find, buy or grow the  wild-type. The ones people flog in shops, have been bred to be of  maximum fatness, juiciness etc. Wild strawberries aren't like the regular ones at all. Tiny, maybe a centimeter across, look the same, just tiny, and dry, much drier than regular commercially bred ones,  but they are full of  flavour.

Theres a little park/garden near me that has a  load of various herbs, fruits and spices that anyone can go to and  just pick off a few of whatever for their own use. A few ornamentals, but nothing poisonous (I would know if I saw it most likely, I'm as good, at least, possibly better when it comes to plant toxicology and identity, uses etc. as I am with fungi) and theres a dense patch of them, tiny little things but they melt in the mouth, heavily scented, much more so than commercial strawberries. Well worth growing some yourself Ren, strawberries aren't really high maintenance plants, in fact given the chance they will spread like wildfire.

Sugar free yoghurt though? I see the label 'sugar free' and think 'warning sign' usually. Its an ominous portent when it comes to food. Healthier? probably not, but at least I'll be dead and not of starvation due to a diet of rabbit food and cardboard :spazz:

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #122 on: April 16, 2018, 02:35:17 PM »
Just finished a pot of tea. (1 liter)
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #123 on: April 17, 2018, 05:50:32 AM »
Sugar free yoghurt though? I see the label 'sugar free' and think 'warning sign' usually. Its an ominous portent when it comes to food. Healthier? probably not, but at least I'll be dead and not of starvation due to a diet of rabbit food and cardboard :spazz:
I got that wrong, really. I should have said no added sugar because there would have been natural sugar from the fruit.
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #124 on: April 17, 2018, 08:18:19 AM »
Thats what I figured you meant. Yuck.

As for me, no, I haven't yet. I probably should. *goes to take a gulp from the 2l erlenmeyer flask full of apple and elderflower made because he couldn't find a bottle to put it in* (this flask is clean, its brand new, never had anything else in it bar  some styrofoam packing peanuts)
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #125 on: April 17, 2018, 10:28:46 PM »
Sugar free yoghurt though? I see the label 'sugar free' and think 'warning sign' usually. Its an ominous portent when it comes to food. Healthier? probably not, but at least I'll be dead and not of starvation due to a diet of rabbit food and cardboard :spazz:
I got that wrong, really. I should have said no added sugar because there would have been natural sugar from the fruit.

I buy sugarbutt a no sugar added icecream. It has a tiny bit of sugar, probably from the milk, but it's a small enough amount that he can still eat it.  :orly:

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #126 on: April 17, 2018, 10:37:03 PM »
I don't recall having seen ice cream like that. Is your sugarbutt diabetic?
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #127 on: April 18, 2018, 02:28:39 AM »
I prefer sorbets to ice cream myself, especially in summer. Elderflower based ones are a firm favourite of mine. I like elderflower in general though, drinks, candies etc. as well.

To whit, I'm just about to have a morning drink from the 2l erlenmeyer flask (its new, so I know its not had any nasty chemicals in it.  Although I'm sure as hell not saving it in any way to make a huge drinking cup, it will get its baptism into full service, of course, but there is still just under 1250ml  of apple and elderflower cordial in there, that is to be drunk before I clean it, dry it and use it for something, meaning its never again to be used as a drinking vessel  (its one thing to use a new, untouched pristine flask and Buchner funnel, to brew coffee and vacuum filter off the grounds, then use that, once cleaned and dried for chemistry, but I would never drink from anything that has been the vessel for any of my syntheses or experiments. I certainly don't want to be consuming heavy metals traces, even tiny scraps of toxins like  cyanides, azides or something else equally horrid. Ew.

This I know  is clean, never used, after being taken out of the box it was imported in.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 02:38:38 AM by Lestat »
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #128 on: April 19, 2018, 03:07:30 PM »
Hydrating now. Ramlösa.
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #129 on: April 23, 2018, 12:22:47 PM »
Yup, and then some extra, as I'd drunk alcohol last night so will have been a bit dehydrated. Polished off a bottle of bitter lemon, then went out and grabbed a couple of bottles of indian tonic water. The bitterness to it is nicely thirst quenching.
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #130 on: April 23, 2018, 11:31:25 PM »
Yes. But mainly coffee.
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #131 on: April 24, 2018, 01:24:12 AM »
Yes, pink grapefruit juice. I love grapefruit juice, and as  a  useful side effect, it makes my pain meds last longer, via some of the terpenoid type compounds, IIRC, acting as inhibitors of the liver enzymes CYP-P450-3A4 and CYP-P450-2D6, which would normally chew the meds up and spit 'em out again in pieces. Which reminds me, I need to take mine.
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #132 on: April 24, 2018, 01:46:58 PM »
Several cups of tea and coffee.

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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #133 on: April 24, 2018, 03:45:19 PM »
I will be more diligent in the future.  I had a kidney stone today, successfully resolved on its own.
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Re: Have you hydrated today?
« Reply #134 on: June 04, 2018, 10:16:44 AM »
aalA cold beer just cracked open, peroni, one of my alltime favorite beers, its got a lovely full bodied bitter flavour to it, and I daresay that bottle lasted all of sixty seconds before being drained to the last scrap of fizz. With a satisfying belch afterwards to let off all that CO2.

Oh, make that two belches.

I woke up, and my my meds had given me drymouth. Which had to be remedied by a nice cold beer, especially with me taking a roasting in the hot weather. I hate it when it gets too hot. And the adrenal storm that absolutely twatted me for days, that near crucified me with the overheating and massive overstimulation. So I'd taken 8 sleeping pills of two different kinds, possibly 9, along with my adrenolytic drugs. The sleepers, plus the heavily sedating-hypnotic antiseizure med and not only oxycodone, a few lines railed on receipt, plus a second lot a bit later, followed by a first intramuscular injection of about 300mg morphine, and then another 420 (I can use this much this week, for I have both methadone and about an 8th oz of brown, so I have much to fall back on (the morphine and oxy script) if I need to, which otherwise won't be taken any time soon, and instead perhaps used for chemistry endeavours of a rather favourite nature of mine in the case of the morphia, whilst I use exclusively the methadone, at a nonrecreational dose, due to its excellent oral BA, whilst the bioavailability of orally administered morphine sans inhibitors of certain hepatic cytochrome P450 pathway isoenzymes, in particular CYP-P450-3A4 and CYP-P450-2D6) which blocks such metabolism of morphine by mouth, not that I take it orally, using IM injection to achieve a thoroughly effective near full availability, the deep IM injection bypassing the liver's first-pass metabolism)

Got me to a deep, restorative sleep for 8 and a half hours, leaving me feeling much more human, and nicely relaxed too, with a lingering pleasant light euphoria, wonderful. As well as the much needed adrenolytic drug pair (clonidine and tizanidine, both alpha2 adrenergic autoreceptor agonists, which suppress noradrenaline release, freeing me from the agonizing nerve damage related pain and also protecting me from and outright reversing sensory and physical overloading in an admirable degree, although they both do really drop blood pressure. Although given I've been lying down on the sofa, sleeping the sleep of the restful dead, that has caused no issue given I haven't stood up until just now, when BP is fine again. At least, to the extent that no unconsciousness occurs on standing at a normal speed, which happens with especially tizanidine, given it drops BP really sharply, but lying flat the body compensates, while I've not been up and moving until now to grab a cold beer for the one side effect, plus a bit more of it caused by the additional 420mg morphine IM, drymouth. Its a hot day, and a cold bottle of nice, frosty Peroni, one of my favourite beers, and another of those, plus a pack of cheese slices to be gotten from the fridge and munched down for a snack right about now, its just what the doctor ordered.

Dr.Lestat Rett that is, not my GP. I often as not do the job myself and save them an appointment slot wherever possible. At least I know I will be compliant to my own requests.

Got some nice brown heroin and some methadone so can spare that quantity of morphia and oxy for the hefty re-filling my plasma levels of my pain meds, I've taken to buying black market methadone tablets, from a friend and reliable source of fentanyl-free H, and of course the physeptone cannot be so contaminated, packed as tablets in sealed blister packs. The guy wouldn't let  me down by selling me fentanyl or fentalogue-contaminated gear.

So I've more than enough to just cut out the morphine, use the methadone almost exclusively, with the occasional smoke of H when I do fancy some nice warm snuggly euphoria, whilst methadone just sits in the background, effectively killing my pain off, and unlike other opioids, 'done is an NMDA antagonist, a weak one, but it means it can wipe out neuropathic pain, which other opioids, be it morphine, oxycodone, heroin etc. just don't.

A can of 'KA' black grape soda, and a lovely cold beer were just what I needed in this vile hot weather, and over here, its been as hot in a bad way as your wonderful PR is in a delightful way (I hope she doesn't mind the compliment btw, because I really do find her, and that lovely smile absolutely stunning :), a true beauty she is, as befitting a princess royal of the highest caliber. Sweeter even than a cold, glass-bottled frosty serving of my favourite beer on a searing hot day. :) )

*sends both of you my well wishes, and her especially, oh I would just love to crack a cold one with her one day, and take her on at my useless bowling skills, I KNOW I'd get PWNED by her, at bowling, but that itself would still be a good outcome for me, if it would just bring that lovely grin to her sweet, lovely kind eyes and light her face up with that infectious grin :) *

This of course I say both in the deepest respectful sense, and admittedly, my finding her a true beautiful lady, and one I would be honoured just to hear her voice spoken to me if ever I had such huge luck as to have it pass my ears.

MMmm, I now have a craving for the 6 packs of cold kraft cheese slices in my fridge, and another cold Peroni. Or maybe a bottle of Becks (or both). Got plenty of that 'KA' black grape soda too, a favourite soft drink of mine, and four big bottles of coke, so well hydrated with 'KA' grape soda and my favourite beer of all, of the lager type, not counting draught bitters.

Even got my choice of cold beer today, got a 6 pack of bottled Beck's and a 4 pack of that scrummy pack of the italian beer, Peroni, a most flavourful and refreshing brewski.. Just woke up after sleeping the well earned sleep of the dead for near nine hours now. Feeling nice and fresh and as superhuman as any autie should be entitled to feel, as the ideal form of life in humanoid variety :autism:

Would go right back to sleep but the scifi slot on the horror channel will be on soon, and I am NOT missing star trek TOS and TNG, or andromeda after. So I'll just have a second bottle of Peroni, a few lines of oxycodone, and in the meantime, go back to reading Hammer&bolter, and my  dark eldar warhammer 40k full length novel, with their scheming, backstabbing ways of the dark eldar, lots of scheming, plotting, backstabbing and intrigue of course, with the bastardly dark eldar, whilst I munch on some more cheese slices. Perfect munch post beerage.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.