See Peegai, why change your ways.
Anyways, ive got you on msn, so see you there instead, just wanted to say my piece here since i was alerted to the thread, and i was hoping it wasnt you being made to feel like you HAD to apologise, due to feeling confused etc in relation to someone elses stupid comment.
You are who you are, and lets face it, there are plenty of people here or in general, if you get down to it, who could do with apologising for something whether it be the way they conduct themselves/behave, or in relation to this place or the net things they may have said at some point, or said behind backs etc.
Dont let anyone make you feel like you NEED to apologise, because they cant interpret what you say/cant get it, or because they want to make you feel bad or whatever. As i said to you before, if you have apologised because you genuinely feel like things you said were wrong to say at the time and now, then good luck to you for apologising, thats great, thumbs up to you
but if you were doing it because you felt you had to due to what we discussed yesterday about that thing that got to you etc or because people dont get you or keep taking things the wrong way, or want to turn on you for some reason and make you feel bad (or because theyre having a rough day or feeling shit about themselves), then you shouldnt have bothered mate. Just give them the finger, its their problem not yours. Youve not said anything THAT bad or as pathetic etc compared to other things that have been said in the past or the way some people may have conducted themselves.
Be yourself and dont feel obliged to make forced apologies, this is just the internet afterall, you owe noone nothing and there is no point in a forced apology. Sure if people earn your respect then you should give it back, and if they earn your wrath then hey by all means dish that out too, but dont be forced or emotionally blackmailed into apologising for things you dont think you need to apologise for. When you know your in the wrong, then you apologise, but like i say, dont let anyone and i mean anyone make you feel like your a bad person or make you feel that you should have to apologise.
You are who you are, like its been said before Intensity isnt a support site, and well lets face it isnt always the most moralistic or mature place etc either at times, it usually seems like a free ground (anything goes, anythings fairplay), so say whatever the hell you want mate, if you want to say it, feel it needs to be said, or wanna have a laugh, then go for it, screw anyone who cant take it, or wants to go in a huff, dont fake who you are etc.
I know what your like, your a good person and you get the HG seal of approval
There done, i must get back to my research.