
Author Topic: drunk or drugged posting  (Read 14239 times)

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Re: drunk or drugged posting
« Reply #480 on: April 01, 2017, 09:55:58 AM »
Whilst its not enough to be intoxicated due to it, a dose of nitrazepam (a benzo, the desfluro brother of flunitrazepam (rohypnol/roofies), probably my favourite (in this country) prescribable benzodiazepine, that or loprazolam (not lorazepam, that I have had and didn't think much of at all, loprazolam is an entirely different drug similar in name only), although of the two, probably prefer nitrazepam.

I've never had flunitrazepam itself, it isn't prescribable in this country on the NHS, although I believe it can be privately. Some of the 'research chemical'/'RC' companies have IIRC a little while ago released a triazolobenzodiazepine version of roofies, flunitrazolam, which is meant to pack one hell of a punch, been thinking of getting a few pills just to try it out. The benzos with a triazolo ring attached to the benzo-1,4-diazepine ring such as alprazolam (xanax), triazolam (halcion), flubromazolam (no brand name, its not to the best of my knowledge, one used in medicinal practice anywhere, rather, its one of many designer benzo analogs that have been released, and, as far as I like any benzo, I'm not particularly enthusiastic about them, in that aside from a select very few of them, I find them not to be recreational. Some people do, some don't, they are like GABAa positive allosteric modulator marmite in that respect, some people find them recreational, some even go off the rails due to constantly abusing them in a recreational capacity and using way too much way too often. I just find most of them useful, there are a few that I could use recreationally, such as nitrazepam, nifoxipam (oddly), flubromazolam and a couple of others, but generally I'll just use them for either after the event, or in preparing for something I know is otherwise going to be hell on earth in terms of stress, or those occasions when I'm exhausted but sleep just won't come. I'm sure the rest of you lot, any auties here in particular will know what I mean, circadian rhythms being all over the place and not really rhythms at all in that its more a case of the body deciding if sleep is possible. And if it doesn't, then no matter whether I try to lie down all night, or for days, it just isn't going to happen until I crash and burn, if I don't take some sort of sleep aid. So I find it better to just do that from the outset rather than piss about trying to sleep when I already know its just going to be a long period of restlessness and agitated, overloading, feeling increasingly scratty and irritable and shattered. I sooner knock myself out right from the get go, saves wasting time and means I actually get some sleep at times.

My eyelids keep drooping closed, but otherwise, not actually anything more than slightly sleepy.  The benzo is though, potentiating the 140mg IV morphine I had moments previously. (this typed before my falling asleep eventually for 5 hours or so. pretty sure I'd not have fallen asleep without the addition of the morphine)                                     
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.