thats why no comments from the peanut gallery.
it provides a false sense of security to one side.
it inhibits the truth from arising from the ashes.
also, it takes the subject off topic and the passion kinda fades away.
the peaaguy is what you brits call a wanker, IMO.
he is always one of the last to pile on and is always rabid with delight whenever the possibility arises. also, he is not much man, never willing to back up his trolling words. which tells me that he makes shit up and is a liar.
i would feel perfectly comfortable saying this to his face.
maybe a compromise would be that after time we could move admin. forum topics to the WC, and forward from there.
i have one issue though. i promised jman that i wouldn't go public with his plea bargain. i told him i wouldn't take it any further than the admin forum.