I was somewhat surprised actually. Since I need to replace my hotplate (well one of the three, is under repair, and quite honestly thats the only reason I haven't stripped the sack of shite being comandeered at the moment (it worked for boiling water to strip welding flux off stuff being made, and it could, arguably, be used for cooking. But its fucking schizophrenic and likes to trip the circuit breakers multiple times, needing turning off, breakers resetting, fuses replacing, and the nanosecond that it is not the only option, its getting gutted for the nichrome wire and going in the trash. But rather pleased with the scale especially.
Mmmmm cashews....I'm not sure whether it would be quicker for her to get to my heart through my stomach, or vice versa. But damn well that would do the trick. Was munching some last night with the xmas beer. Good ale and salted cashew nuts...mmm...definitely one of my favourite xmas snacks. Do wish her a happy xmas from me, and that she has my warm regards for the coming year. As, of course, QV, do you.
Gods fucking damn though I have such a sodding hangover now. And I shouldn't. Forgot about having to temporarily rely on a half dose of my usual antiseizure med for the previous and that day, and not being able to make some more as one of the reagents I'd have needed to make the same stuff in an emergency the pigs impounded. May they choke on it. If they opened the bottle...santa just brought me an unintended xmas gift as blowback of someone ELSE being on the naughty list. Or the s/hit list. That would, I believe, have prevented the interaction with metronidazole, an antibiotic that reacts most unpleasantly with alcohol. Thats the only culprit I can assume, since I didn't even have one crate of lager, It was shared between three people.
And bugger if I didn't have to wait longer than needs be for those antiseizure meds amongst others.
Needed a new eye patch too, ended up having to buy a sleep mask with built-in earplugs instead. But what happened? exactly what my cynicism said would happen. Moment I walked back in from the place, to home, what did I find? aside from the leftover reindeer curry that is. (jk, its beef. Funny damn cow though, flying like that, and must have been from some altitude to have its fore-end heated to such a glow by reentry into the atmosphere.)
Traditional xmas grub, it was not. But bugger all the turkey and shite, neither me or the old man are particularly fond of it, my uncle would eat the plate if given a chance and chase it down with the cutlery (I jest, sort of, but he, whilst not at all fat, he does ENJOY his grub. Made him what he'd be doubtless horrified not to get, always make him some flapjacks, this year, gave them extra kick using fresh grated ginger root, scraped to a pulp and extracted into the heated liquid sugar/syrup/butter fraction, as well as dried powdered stuff.
But we three got on quite well enough with two cans of pringles, a crate of lager, some ale, and a DIY curry. I left out the fly agaric this time, mainly because of my uncle's health, and not being able to predict interactions with immune regulatory agents, given his condition, whilst the mushroom has been in use from time immemorial, the condition, has not. And the twain must meet rarely if ever. That and I wasn't even hungry myself really, content to snack on cashews and fill up on lager.
The scale is the one I am most pleased with though. I have resolved not to use it for weighing any liquid reagents, and to buy myself a cheap shit 10mg resolution one, which is fine for syntheses, but something the likes as is available from average head shops for dealers and such to weigh their herb and other shit on, that will do just fine, resolution range wise, for synthetic processes, just not for the research using the results of said processes, or sensitive assays in vitro in cases where I demand nothing short of absolute precision.
Even didn't get a fuss made by my docs when I asked for some additional oxy, again, considering my eye is still somewhat sore. Its not too bad now actually, when kept behind the eyepatch, but when I couldn't find it today, going out to pick those meds up, I shrivelled from the sun like a vampire being force-fed a holy water beer-bong. Up both ways at once.
Still, the extra oxy is working wonders as a hangover cure. For a hangover I shouldn't even HAVE. My usual limit is about a liter of vodka before I'd feel like throwing up, down in three shots for a 70cl or four for a 1l bottle of spirit. Although I did once make the mistake, doing something like that with absinthe, and ever since that day, I've drunk alcohol perhaps 3-4 times at most. Such was the sheer virulence of the hangover to follow the day after. If someone had offered me the choice between a hospital's annual supply of morphine, and a double barreled shotgun, the day after from that one I'd have chosen both. Whilst falling from a plane, sans parachute, just to make damn well sure. I'm not much of a drinker anyway though by preference. CAN hold it, just don't wish to. And with beer, even on a med that sensitizes people extremely (the antiseizure stuff, chlormethiazole) to alcohol I can BARELY manage to get to a stage where I feel a light warm buzz, which is what I aim for at most usually if indulging for any other reason than to slake thirst. But of course, when theres a big bowl of dee-lish salted roasted cashews beside me, then the beer must flow

I do hope neither you nor the PR have any nasty hangovers my dears, (same goes for the rest of you, MLAnus aside. Although technically speaking, in order of precedence, a hangover would have a MLArsewipe rather than the other way around, and beer bottles would vomit that cunt backwards out of the sewers)