Man can not live by coffee alone, but he will give it a good try. -Harry Styles
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1986 is the year of the Tiger, but because I was born so early in Feb I'm techinically an Ox. I took a test once to see what chinese year I should have been born in and came out Ox, much to my surprise. I always thought I was more tiger.
Remember the selection bias here; people who are or who know people born in January are more likely to mention it than people who are or who know people born in other months.
Numerous studies suggest that seasonal birth may play a pathogenic role in the development of mental disorders. A birth excess of 10% during winter and spring has been shown in schizophrenia. The few studies carried out on affective disorders revealed a significant increase of births in the first quarter of the year in bipolar disorders and major depressive disorder. Subjects with seasonal affective disorder show a peak of births in May. Data on personality, eating and 'neurotic' disorders are less consistent. At the moment there are no data in the literature about anxiety disorders.
Several other chronic diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency are unusually common– in particular schizophrenia, autism, diabetesand multiple sclerosis. Extensive research onschizophrenia in immigrants has establishedthat the higher incidence of the disease in immigrantsis not the result of faulty or prejudiceddiagnosis, nor is it the result of “inherited weaknessâ€â€“ the disease is no more common in thegeneral population living in the West Indies thanit is here among whites.Not just immigrants but most people in theUK are vulnerable to these diseases becausewe exist on such minimal amounts of vitamin D.Any small event or difference in lifestyle such asa poor summer, bad weather during the summerholidays, working on the night shift, or avoidanceof the sun through an exaggerated fearof skin cancer can reduce our vitamin D leveland make us more vulnerable to any of thesediseases. For example, several studies haveshown that women who work night shifts areat increased risk of developing breast cancer.Less sunlight around the time of a baby’s birthmay increase a child’s risk of schizophrenia laterin life according to an Australian study. Whileseveral other studies have shown that peoplewho develop schizophrenia, multiple sclerosisor autism are more likely to be born in the winteror early spring months.
The nervous system of the developing baby may be damaged in other ways by vitamin D deficiency. Other diseases which occur more frequently than would be expected in babies born in winter or early spring are autism, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and MS. The cause of these diseases is still being hotly debated by experts but vitamin D deficiency is one theory that is gaining increasing support. Like schizophrenia, these diseases may appear to be more strongly inherited than they really are because family members influence each other in the way they seek or avoid the sun.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?
This is certainly not the first study to linkparticular traits with seasons of birth. Previousresearch has suggested the month in which aperson is born can make him or her more proneto autism, depression, dyslexia and schizophrenia.It can even increase the chances ofbeing left-handed.But why should this be? “There could be severalfactors,†said Dr Joinson of the OpenUniversity’s department of Biological Sciences,whose research was funded by the LeverhulmeTrust. “Characteristics could be shaped by,say, social surroundings, or temperature, ornutrition, or whether a mother is prone to infection,but certainly one credible cause is theturnover of dopamine in the brain.â€The chemical, which produces sensations ofpleasure and carries messages between thebrain cells, is already known to be associatedwith certain conditions – an excess may resultin schizophrenia and a paucity can contributeto Parkinson’s disease. And interestingly,dopamine levels have been shown to behigher in individuals born in winter.“This has been suggested to be due to thelength of photoperiod (the amount of light ina 24-hour period) during gestation orearly neonatal development,†says Dr Joinson.“The link may even go back to the moment ofconception.â€
Seems like I was correct, though. Most aspies on the board were born in January. It's pretty unusual to be born in January, but here it's the most common month of birth...
Quote from: QuirkyCarla on January 11, 2007, 10:42:42 PMQuote from: Graelwyn on January 11, 2007, 09:58:51 PMWhether you believe them or not, I am curious about what starsign people are and whether they fit the supposed descriptions of said starsign...moonsigns would be nice too, but most don't know theirs... with DOB I can easily look these up. Astrology is one of my on/off consuming interests. I am Taurus with a pisces moon anyways. astrology is one of my special interests, too. I'm a capricorn with a pisces moon. Cool, will have to have a discussion about it sometime maybe. I am also very interested in numerology, the mayan calendar and such things, although I have not gone into as much depth as I would like to with them. I have terrible difficulty focussing most of the time.. wonder if I have add or something too
Quote from: Graelwyn on January 11, 2007, 09:58:51 PMWhether you believe them or not, I am curious about what starsign people are and whether they fit the supposed descriptions of said starsign...moonsigns would be nice too, but most don't know theirs... with DOB I can easily look these up. Astrology is one of my on/off consuming interests. I am Taurus with a pisces moon anyways. astrology is one of my special interests, too. I'm a capricorn with a pisces moon.
Whether you believe them or not, I am curious about what starsign people are and whether they fit the supposed descriptions of said starsign...moonsigns would be nice too, but most don't know theirs... with DOB I can easily look these up. Astrology is one of my on/off consuming interests. I am Taurus with a pisces moon anyways.
Quote from: odeon on January 12, 2007, 01:08:30 PMQuote from: Litigious on January 12, 2007, 12:00:58 PMQuote from: PeterMacKenzie on January 12, 2007, 11:42:29 AMQuote from: Litigious on January 12, 2007, 08:22:57 AMAren't very many aspies Aquariuses or at least born in January or February? Most people are born in June and July, I think. I'm aquarius; Jan 25th.I know one Swedish aspie girl who was born on Jan 25th, one girl that I suspect having AS who was born on Jan 25th and one guy who I suspect is an aspie who was born on Jan 27th. I was born on Jan 26th...That *is* a bit creepy. I was born on Jan 28, and I don't believe in that shit!My AS daughter was born on january 28.
Quote from: Litigious on January 12, 2007, 12:00:58 PMQuote from: PeterMacKenzie on January 12, 2007, 11:42:29 AMQuote from: Litigious on January 12, 2007, 08:22:57 AMAren't very many aspies Aquariuses or at least born in January or February? Most people are born in June and July, I think. I'm aquarius; Jan 25th.I know one Swedish aspie girl who was born on Jan 25th, one girl that I suspect having AS who was born on Jan 25th and one guy who I suspect is an aspie who was born on Jan 27th. I was born on Jan 26th...That *is* a bit creepy. I was born on Jan 28, and I don't believe in that shit!
Quote from: PeterMacKenzie on January 12, 2007, 11:42:29 AMQuote from: Litigious on January 12, 2007, 08:22:57 AMAren't very many aspies Aquariuses or at least born in January or February? Most people are born in June and July, I think. I'm aquarius; Jan 25th.I know one Swedish aspie girl who was born on Jan 25th, one girl that I suspect having AS who was born on Jan 25th and one guy who I suspect is an aspie who was born on Jan 27th. I was born on Jan 26th...
Quote from: Litigious on January 12, 2007, 08:22:57 AMAren't very many aspies Aquariuses or at least born in January or February? Most people are born in June and July, I think. I'm aquarius; Jan 25th.
Aren't very many aspies Aquariuses or at least born in January or February? Most people are born in June and July, I think.
OK, but the winter months seem to be the months when most aspies are being born, anyway.