Author Topic: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam  (Read 7637 times)

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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #150 on: November 24, 2016, 09:33:16 PM »
Am not sure what's supposed to be conveyed about Christians by those maps.

Looking for patterns and interesting contradictions.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #151 on: November 24, 2016, 09:44:42 PM »
Am not sure what's supposed to be conveyed about Christians by those maps.

Looking for patterns and interesting contradictions.
Those Wikipedia county maps are actually pretty awesome. Got a bit obsessed looking at them, especially opening each one in separate tabs and then clicking the succession to watch them change. Even made an animated composite image of maps for the last 100 years of elections. It's impressive, like watching a pulse, the historical political pulse of a nation. If anything the maps speak more what DirtDawg was saying about the pendulum effect of the two party system. The image is too big to attach here, so can't share it.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 09:46:18 PM by Jack »

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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #152 on: November 25, 2016, 05:49:05 AM »
Am not sure what's supposed to be conveyed about Christians by those maps.

Looking for patterns and interesting contradictions.
Those Wikipedia county maps are actually pretty awesome. Got a bit obsessed looking at them, especially opening each one in separate tabs and then clicking the succession to watch them change. Even made an animated composite image of maps for the last 100 years of elections. It's impressive, like watching a pulse, the historical political pulse of a nation. If anything the maps speak more what DirtDawg was saying about the pendulum effect of the two party system. The image is too big to attach here, so can't share it.

Can I see it? E-mail it to me?

Offline Walkie

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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #153 on: November 25, 2016, 07:47:20 AM »
Am not sure what's supposed to be conveyed about Christians by those maps.

Looking for patterns and interesting contradictions.

Ask not what the point of an Aspie looking at maps is, Jack . Any old excuse will do. Even I, with my visual-spatial processing issues , have a fatal attraction for  maps and have a stack of Ordnance Survey maps on my bookshelves, despite that my excuse that they are useful for navigation when  rambling completely ceased to hold water a decade ago (and that most of them cover parts of Britain that I've only ever rambled through once, if that).  If my brain  can't retain that sort of information very well, and I instantly forget what I was looking at, well, hey! that just makes the map more fresh and interesting next time I look, doesn't it?  :LOL: 

Hmm , my erstwhile habit of rambling was mostly about getting more close-up and intimate with those intriguing lines on the maps, if I'm honest.

Oh! I also hacve one or twwo serious replies to this thread in the pipeline, btw. ( Just in case anybody cares )

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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #154 on: November 25, 2016, 09:35:45 AM »

Ask not what the point of an Aspie looking at maps is, Jack . Any old excuse will do.
Wasn't really asking why she was looking at the maps, but rather trying to understand what she was saying about them.

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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #155 on: November 25, 2016, 09:36:39 AM »
E-mail it to me?
This isn't the droid you're looking for.

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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #156 on: November 25, 2016, 10:14:32 AM »

Offline Walkie

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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #157 on: November 25, 2016, 10:31:03 AM »
I didn't mention it, but I've also read quite a lot of Sufi literature (as that interests me rather more. if   I converted to any branch Islam , i'd surely  convert to Sufism; though really, the chances I'll convert to any religion are pretty slim). 

Why, if I may ask?

Hey Odeon! Well, I picked out this  easy-but-interesting (as I perceived it ) question to answer first….and wound up writing a freaking essay.  My excuse is umm, umm…complete-and-utter-lack -of-self-discipline.

If I don’t get round to responding to the other bits it’s her fault *finger pointing squarely at self, though the speaker is psychologically complex enough to self-righteously dissociate self from culprit. Aren’t we all? But *phew*  that’s lucky, isn’t it?  (If only I didn’t ruin the act with a tad too much self-honesty)

So anyway, Ask an Aspie a question and you will sometimes get a painfully detailed Aspie answer, won;’t you?   Ooh  that’s better. That makes it your fault, now  :green:.  Here goes:

Re. Sufism:
I’ve found a lot of consonance between Sufism , and various other spitritual disciplines I’ve looked into closely ( notably Buddhism and Radhaswami, an offshoot of Sikhism)  the emphasis being on the quest for individual enlightenment; which I feel to be the true heart of religion. I’ve tended to get the impression that “Mohammed” in Sufism serves as a symbol for human perfection  (in much the same way as “Buddha” does for Buddhists ) , and that the historical personage Mohammed, author  of the Quran, is largely incidental (I'm sure some indeterminate number of Sufis would quarrel about that though)

On the other hand, I have reservations about all religion, in that it respresents a formalisation of a belief system, which  tends to displace  and efface it’s own  spiritual core. That’s more appealing to most people, because it’s simpler to grasp, and less challenging. But it can wind up incorporating, and justifying our  regular human weaknesses, IMO, rather than improving us. I think that genuine spirituality tends to focus on undermining the ego,  wheras  Religion, conversely,  becomes an integral part of the ego., such that defending those beliefs becomes synonymous with ego-defence.

That might actually amount to a positive approach for some people, notably children (given that  their egos are still developing,. And the ego is not a bad thing in itself, but an integral, essential,  part of the psyche) .  I wouldn’t altogether knock it, But still…

I’ve tended to focus on disciplines that fit into the former category rather better than than the big organised religions, not that there’s any clear boundary, e,g, Radhaswami’s claim  to be a “faith, not a religion” had now eroded to the point that it’s laughable t those who’ve left the faith or (as in my case) never wholly  got into it. The spiritual master is all-too-clearly worshipped by the majority of his followers , rsther than actually followed. That would seem to be the inevitable price of making too many converts . Plus the usual thing of corruption , of course.

It seemes to me  that the concepts represented by the various religious symbolism are universal in nature, Those concepts very much interest me, but my attitude to the symbolism is ambivalent and somewhat iconoclasitic.  (by which I mean that destroying a statue of Buddha might actually be be appropriate, IMO, if that brings about a  realisation, along the lines,  that  the  icon is nothing but a pretty chunk of stone; but in most instances, like the one DD cited,  it’s just pure vandalism, of course, committed  in the name of some rival iconography.

Islamic iconography?  I note that Islam is explicitly aniconic  -one up for Islam- but in this  sense, the Quran is an icon, the Mosque is  an icon , Mecca is an icon. People will raise up icons, no stopping them.  Buddha Shakyamuni also spoke against graven images, and what do his followers  do about that?  They make millions of Buddha statues, and proceed to worship them.  It’s really funny, and human, and surely completely forgivable, But it can calcify your  mind , if you invest too much in it, 

I’ll probably go on calling myself a Buddhist (though I broke with the Buddist tradition I once followed, and never got around to replacing it)because Buddhism seems to come  closest to directly expressing my POV that that the symbols, the doctrines, the gods  etc that we revere are simply aspects of wn minds, and not always constructive aspects, unfortunately.  That is, it doesn’t take it’s own iconography too seriously, usuall,. Buddhists , just  like I2 denizens,  have something of a penchant  for taking the piss out of themselves.

 By contrast, someone who makes himself subservient to some negative aspect of his own ego, and calls that aspect “God” (or some atheist equivalent )  becomes a holy terror, a jihadist, a mindless vandal, a raving bigot. I think Buddhism is relatively safe from all that. Buddhists don’t even mention “God” do they? 

Obviously, there’s an aspect of “horses for courses” to all that. I was intrigued by the POV of some Mahayanist Buddist monks I spoke with . They  justified  spouting  a load of mumbo jumbo  that they obviously didn’t really believe , by pointing ourt that the symbolism and the rhetoric are self-deconstrcting as you progrees along the path; and they wwre teaching a beginners class , after all. Hmm, I;’m srtill thinking about that.  I can halfway buy that logic, but I eventually broke with that Tradition, nonetheless…because I caught a strong  whiff of curruption in the leadership, along with  an inappropriate materialism. Those monks with whom I  spoke were entirely sincere, though,  and it had clearly been an entirely  positive influence on them  …thus far ( I have reason think they also quit eventually )

What;’s more,  as it later transpired,   that sect  appear to have been  invloved in a plot to assassinate the Dalai Llama, But nevermind who exactly was behind it that plot (they were defunitely Buddhists of some sort)that kibnd of thing goes to show that Buddhism is not altogether pacifistic in practice ; too much depends on it’s all-too-human representatives, just as you’d expect.  Don’t expect to find actual perfection, in this neck of the Universe, not if human minds have anything to do with it  :D

“The heart of Mahayanism is Zen” those monks told me;  and some would say “the heart of Islam is Sufism” . Those two statements sound pretty much equivalent to me.  But what if  Zen is suffused with self-defeating intellectual vanity , and Mahayanism isn’t? (just some other forms of corruption). What’s the “right path” then? Sufism?  Hmm, I doubt it. I doubt there’s any such thing as “right path” as such.

Well hey ! I guess one might as well identify as simply one’s own, evidently fallible little self;  and clearly not much of a follower at all, personally speaking. Being a humble little follower is just one more of those things  that I've  tried and tried and tried, and repeatedly failed at  :LOL:

  I don’t “convert” to anything at all , not really, just sincerely query, then quietly back off.   Way back in my teens , I really wanted to subsume my own Ego in Religion (being somewhat afflicted with self-loathing)  but my efforts to do so repeatedly failed ; and now I’m coming to see that as more of a symptom of sincerity than a fault, as such.
 If the goal really is enlightment,  whether spiritual, intellectual or otherwise, then you can’t usefully abandon your  intitial perspective, but rather repeatedly expand it; you can’t leap wholesale into somebody else’s perspective, but rather combine it with your own to create some kind of synergy.  The blinkers need to be slowly eroded, not expanded in new directions.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2016, 10:33:22 AM by Walkie »

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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #158 on: November 25, 2016, 12:11:54 PM »
Walkie and Al.  You should watch this

Interesting vid. The content does not surprise me very much , I'm afraid. I think it's all too obvious that American foreign policy  (and not only in America, nor only foreign policy, come to that) is actually driven  by the interests of Big Industry, never mind what kind of ideology is spouted. Money talks , just like they say.

The Qutari Muslims are also over-influential ,  for much the same reason, I assume.

Obviously the vid is a follow up to your earlier post.

Has anyone uttered a word why Muslims might be 'prejudiced' against non-Muslims?  Does anyone actually think they hate us 'becozzz werrr freeee'?  We've been destroying the Middle East for decades, blocking democracy and supporting brutal regimes as well as stealing their resources and blowing them up.  But when we do it, we don't call it terrorism.  Does anyone actually believe the narrative that we went into Afghanistan to 'liberate women', to find Bin Laden and knock out Al Qaeda and the Taliban?  When the US supported Jihadists in the 80's that threw acid into women's faces, they never charged Bin Laden with 9/11 and the US supports Al Qaeda.  Or went into Iraq because Saddam had connections with Al Qaeda, and because he was a horrible person and because we love democracy so much?  When this was all a lie spewed out from Israeli intelligence, and we supported Saddam through his worst crimes.   

Did anyone think it would be a good idea to flood the West with people from the Middle East while we destroyed the Middle East?

The establishment have done this intentionally, they're not that stupid.  They want people to support their wars against the Muslim world and support Israel.   

I don't think I  got back to you on that? but I do pretty much agree with you here.

I also can't help agreeing with the common Muslim perspective that the West (loosely speaking)  is morally bankrupt. The trouble is ( from my POV) that what they're trying to replace it with something just as morally  bankrupt in it's own way.  And in our own country, Jihadism isn't really the big issue, IMO  The backward practices like  FGM that some Muslims bring with them are  the really big issue; along with our inability to get a grip on all that, and exert a "civilising" influence. (I very much hesitate to use that word.  It's condescending, but nonetheless appropriate in this context,  I'm afraid )

Oh! why did you adress yourself to Al and myself , specifically? No biggie, just wondering.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2016, 12:14:19 PM by Walkie »

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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #159 on: November 25, 2016, 12:36:21 PM »

That's good that the video doesn't surprise you then.  Was just posting it also because all the talk about "radical" Muslims, we see that they get support from the US.  ISIS and other groups are driving around in Toyota trucks and using weapons supplied by the US too, or from Turkey. 

As I also said though, FGM isn't a Muslim problem or just a Muslim problem.  It mainly is an African problem, but we aren't allowed to protest against Africans coming here. 

Because I thought you and him would watch the video and find it interesting.  People like Odeon have made it clear on numerous occasions they aren't a fan of evidence that proves them wrong. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
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Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #160 on: November 25, 2016, 12:51:50 PM »

As I also said though, FGM isn't a Muslim problem or just a Muslim problem.  It mainly is an African problem, but we aren't allowed to protest against Africans coming here. 


I know that. I just gave it as an example. There are issues like forced marriage that go way beyond Africa, though also way beyond Muslim communities. We've been looking at that  one for decades, haven't we? It was brought here by people from the Indian sub-continent.  My impression is that the Muslim communities have stubbornly clung to such practices , wheras the Sikhs and Hindus have...integrated more , shall we say?

One thing  people outside Britain don't ever seem to realise is that our Sikhs , Hindus and other minorities are as worried by Islam as the white people are. Especially the Sikhs and Hindus indeed (just look at India's history!)

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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #161 on: November 26, 2016, 03:00:36 AM »
You absolutely call me stupid for not having the same view as you. In your mind you have the "right views". That impenetrable viewpoint is not something that ought to be encouraged.

As for whether a freeze on Muslim immigration is bigoted, it depends entirely on the reasoning and not just the effects. I have made the case for this not being a xenophobic desire (ie IF very real and practical vetting procedures are fixed and people can get identified, then this would not hold up immigration on these grounds) and that the danger expressed is an ACTUAL danger, HAS been qualified and quantified, NEEDS upgrading, that there is NO OTHER way of EFFECTIVELY dealing with the issue, and that this says nothing terrible of Muslims as a whole but rather it is a national Security and Border Protection problem in their midst.

Proof of what I say actually comes from YOU funny enough. When it is put to you that there IS an actual problem and that the vetting problems are proved not to be able to be able to identify the people that they are letting in AND that the intelligence services of the country KNOW for a fact that the refugees coming in will be infused with ISIS and other radicalised Muslim Extremists..... (and all of this is known) what do YOU say with the question "If the refugee Muslims cannot be identified and the Muslim radical Extremists cannot be identified and vetted in that group coming in AND we do not know the numbers or intent of those radical Muslim Extremists, apart from "Just let them in" What ELSE do you propose?"

If you are stupid and ideologically blinded enough to say both Nothing OR degrees of there is no  real danger OR But you cannot, not let them in because their welfare is more important that the well-being of the citizens who will be potentially taking on whatever threat is slipped in, with that intake, then you lose.

Your position in any one of the above cases is immoral and impractical and illogical.

The counter to your position is practical, logical and NOT bigoted.

A bigoted position would be "We do not like this brown skinned people. They can't make America Great Again. All Muslims are bad. Let's ban them on a whim." That is not what is happening and only an idiot would fine difficulties distinguishing an ACTUAL bigoted position from a position that is not. THAT is precisely where you are failing.

Its because you are stupid.

As I keep mentioning. We get boatpeople coming to Australia all the time and we ban them from the mainland and put them in detention centres until we work out who they are, where they are from and what threat they represent. Now our Prime Minister has said IF you sneak in without coming through the normal channels you have no pathway to citizenship. You will be deported.

National Security and Border Protection. Has not stopped us allowing immigrants to make Australia their home but they cannot sneak in without us knowing who they are or where they are coming from.

It is not black and white.

We've been through this before but I'll say it again: Supporting a bigot's bigoted ideas makes you a bigot, too. Banning Muslims at the border is bigoted because it assigns blame to a group without any proof whatsoever.

Me, I find your government's immigrant policy to be deplorable, but that's neither here nor there. This thread is about Islam.
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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #162 on: November 26, 2016, 03:24:33 AM »
It seemes to me  that the concepts represented by the various religious symbolism are universal in nature, Those concepts very much interest me, but my attitude to the symbolism is ambivalent and somewhat iconoclasitic.  (by which I mean that destroying a statue of Buddha might actually be be appropriate, IMO, if that brings about a  realisation, along the lines,  that  the  icon is nothing but a pretty chunk of stone; but in most instances, like the one DD cited,  it’s just pure vandalism, of course, committed  in the name of some rival iconography.

Islamic iconography?  I note that Islam is explicitly aniconic  -one up for Islam- but in this  sense, the Quran is an icon, the Mosque is  an icon , Mecca is an icon. People will raise up icons, no stopping them.  Buddha Shakyamuni also spoke against graven images, and what do his followers  do about that?  They make millions of Buddha statues, and proceed to worship them.  It’s really funny, and human, and surely completely forgivable, But it can calcify your  mind , if you invest too much in it, 

I wanted to address this bit.

Iconography, in my mind, is very a human condition and if you overdo it, you get hoarders, spazzes with maps, and whatnot. I bet psychologists could make a decent case for distrusting any religion with a rich iconography. :P

IIRC, there's no mention of icons in a "do it sense" in the Bible (but quite the opposite in the Old Testament) but most Christian branches are full of them.

Considering Islam, then, and I'm sure you know this, the whole don't depict the Prophet thing is a knee-jerk reaction to what probably started as a rather sensible attempt at avoiding attention where none was needed. The need for heroes is also part of the human condition, though, and again, a matter for psychologists to explain. I'm betting it's part of the same basic need.
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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #163 on: November 26, 2016, 03:34:36 AM »
People like Odeon have made it clear on numerous occasions they aren't a fan of evidence that proves them wrong.

One of the problems I have with you is that your world really does come in black and white. Thus, to you, a single video is proof that I'm wrong.

It's never that easy, though. I tend to find your posts to go a couple of steps too far, meaning that you frequently start with a comment or a view that is entirely sensible to me--several of your posts take a reasoned approach to Muslims and Islam--only to then grab your tinfoils and take your argument far beyond any reason.
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Re: Let's Have Another Argument about Islam
« Reply #164 on: November 26, 2016, 05:14:54 AM »
You absolutely call me stupid for not having the same view as you. In your mind you have the "right views". That impenetrable viewpoint is not something that ought to be encouraged.

As for whether a freeze on Muslim immigration is bigoted, it depends entirely on the reasoning and not just the effects. I have made the case for this not being a xenophobic desire (ie IF very real and practical vetting procedures are fixed and people can get identified, then this would not hold up immigration on these grounds) and that the danger expressed is an ACTUAL danger, HAS been qualified and quantified, NEEDS upgrading, that there is NO OTHER way of EFFECTIVELY dealing with the issue, and that this says nothing terrible of Muslims as a whole but rather it is a national Security and Border Protection problem in their midst.

Proof of what I say actually comes from YOU funny enough. When it is put to you that there IS an actual problem and that the vetting problems are proved not to be able to be able to identify the people that they are letting in AND that the intelligence services of the country KNOW for a fact that the refugees coming in will be infused with ISIS and other radicalised Muslim Extremists..... (and all of this is known) what do YOU say with the question "If the refugee Muslims cannot be identified and the Muslim radical Extremists cannot be identified and vetted in that group coming in AND we do not know the numbers or intent of those radical Muslim Extremists, apart from "Just let them in" What ELSE do you propose?"

If you are stupid and ideologically blinded enough to say both Nothing OR degrees of there is no  real danger OR But you cannot, not let them in because their welfare is more important that the well-being of the citizens who will be potentially taking on whatever threat is slipped in, with that intake, then you lose.

Your position in any one of the above cases is immoral and impractical and illogical.

The counter to your position is practical, logical and NOT bigoted.

A bigoted position would be "We do not like this brown skinned people. They can't make America Great Again. All Muslims are bad. Let's ban them on a whim." That is not what is happening and only an idiot would fine difficulties distinguishing an ACTUAL bigoted position from a position that is not. THAT is precisely where you are failing.

Its because you are stupid.

As I keep mentioning. We get boatpeople coming to Australia all the time and we ban them from the mainland and put them in detention centres until we work out who they are, where they are from and what threat they represent. Now our Prime Minister has said IF you sneak in without coming through the normal channels you have no pathway to citizenship. You will be deported.

National Security and Border Protection. Has not stopped us allowing immigrants to make Australia their home but they cannot sneak in without us knowing who they are or where they are coming from.

It is not black and white.

We've been through this before but I'll say it again: Supporting a bigot's bigoted ideas makes you a bigot, too. Banning Muslims at the border is bigoted because it assigns blame to a group without any proof whatsoever.

Me, I find your government's immigrant policy to be deplorable, but that's neither here nor there. This thread is about Islam.

See that is where you are wrong. So wrong.

Firstly: Banning Muslims at the border (or was it only from that part of the world or only immigrants? I sometimes lose track of what you think I am or am not defending) does not assign blame to a group without any proof whatsoever. That is dishonest and you know it to be so. You are repeating a lie and for who's purpose i have no idea.
The group being targeted is the Radical Muslim Extremists. They are the targets in this and as they are unable to be extricated or identified from the larger Muslim refugee community the whole community is similarly barred as a containment process. THAT is national Security and Border Protection in play. But further is we DO have proof and only an idiot would say we don't. I have show said proof from both CIA and FBI sources that the refugee community is infiltrated with ISIS and other radicalised groups attempting a jihadist hijrah. That is proven by these sources. You simply keep repeating failed talking points

Secondly: Because an end process disfavours someone in a way, is NOT evidence of bigotry. Nor is arriving at the same conclusion as a bigot may arrive at for entirely different reasons.
An example. Building the great Trump wall. He may want to do so simply to have the biggest construct in America. The fact that it happens to disadvantage people wanting to sneak into the country illegally is not necessarily him being bigoted. In this instance it would be him simply pandering to his ego.
Another example: This is found in and around the border areas


Do you want me to show the corpses of the people who were deserted because they were slowing them down or the beheading and massacres of cartel gang members around the border areas? No? We good?
So looks like there are different reasons to build a wall and these reasons are NOT bigoted. I could say that people who do not wish to prevent this are immoral. In this sense it could be viewed that the build of the wall without even taking into account anyone else's reasons for wanting it, has virtue.

You are trapped into black and white. A dearth of intellectual investigation. You lack the ability to see beyond you preconceived ideological narrative. Ironically, you are the first to imply others are seeing things only in black and white and are unable to see things from other angles or are unable to admit when they are wrong.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2016, 10:12:47 AM by Al Swearengen »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap