
Author Topic: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.  (Read 1361 times)

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2016, 12:18:14 AM »
Muslims are 0.9% of the US population .
It should be considered, muslims are racially diverse in the US, with no one race accounting for more than one third of the muslim total. While there are 3.3 million muslims in the US, also two thirds of American arabs are Christians. Not sure how that works out over there.

Offline Walkie

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2016, 02:08:33 AM »
Walkie, after reading your last post about Islam, it sounds like the density of Muslim population in Britain is significantly higher than in the USA. It's a whole different set of issues - though I think you're being disingenuous to call it "only bombing" vs "more menacing" cultural mixing. According to a brief Google search, Muslims are 0.9% of the US population vs 4.5% of the British population.

Yeah, one thing I want to bring out is that we do have a much hifgher density of Muslims here already, and that does make all sorts of difference.
@ Jack  : much diversity amongst Muslims here too.  As Dunc pointed out, the old , familiar Muslim population is predominantly Pakistani , and mostly  from the Indian sub-continet ; but we've had increasing numbers coming in fom the Middle East,  and Africa and Europe, That's one why it's more accurate to say "muslim communties" than the singular. (Heck, some of those people would sooner be mistaken be mistaken for Christians than mixed up with each other.   :LOL:)

As for my being disingenuous: I think the Australian comedian, Adam Hills summed up the British attitude to  terrorism pretty fairly in this wickedly funny monologue:

He is not misrepresenting us!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 03:00:01 AM by Walkie »

Offline Walkie

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2016, 02:37:38 AM »
What's more, it's not just different poulations of Muslims etnically speakiing, but also different sects of Islam within the same ethnic population, Eg , in England, we recently had the case of the Pakistani Muslim shopkeeper who was murdered by another Pakistani Muslim  for "disrespecting the Prophet"  ; The isseue seems to be that their two different branches of Islam had two different ideas as to what "respecting the Prophet" should mean in practice.  The victim's sect was particularly moderate, and he had given offence by putting up a notice wishing his Christian customers a Happy Christmas.

The crime was not that surprising to we English.  What got us most was that the thing should be touted in the media as a "race crime" which is fucking laughable, and makes you wonder how many opther such crimes get mis- labelled like that?  It's often impossible  to figure out etnicity and religion of the assailant from crime reports in the media . If the report gives an Arabic-sounding name, we usually guess that it's a Muslim, but that's not an altogether sound assumption, is it?

Of course people want to know, but there's this misguided effort to suppress information that might lead to further prejudice against "the Muslim community", which only leads to increasing paranoia, of course, and increasing prejudice against people with Arabic names.

Also, there's the disturbing possibility that we "white trash" Brits  might be getting the blame for Muslim attacks against Muslims. And no, we can't afford to have prejudice against ourselves turned up a notch, either. Arguably, we're the the biggest victims of prejudice in this country,  because we're universally regarded as fair game, even by our own kind.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 03:11:37 AM by Walkie »

Offline Walkie

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2016, 12:35:48 PM »
Oh! A little extra note re, English people  being more sanguine re. bomb threats. Well, we still find  unexploded bombs left over from WWII, now and then, Just last year, they found one buried near the bottom of my street, during building works, They  had evacuate a faily big (partly residential) area of the City Centre, for a day or two, whilst the bomb disposal experts worked on it. I think that kind of thing also helps to acclimatise us :LOL:

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2016, 04:59:38 PM »
@ Jack  : much diversity amongst Muslims here too.  As Dunc pointed out, the old , familiar Muslim population is predominantly Pakistani , and mostly  from the Indian sub-continet ; but we've had increasing numbers coming in fom the Middle East,  and Africa and Europe, That's one why it's more accurate to say "muslim communties" than the singular. (Heck, some of those people would sooner be mistaken be mistaken for Christians than mixed up with each other.   :LOL:)
Diverse or not, it's still probably a vast majority, so muslim and arab can be used synonymously. It can't in the US. Used to be, talk of American muslims brought to mind a black person. Tend to think Americans are often disingenuous when speaking of muslims, and unless the topic is about religion, just assume what they really mean is Arabs when saying muslims, because that's probably what they really mean.

Offline Walkie

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2016, 06:41:39 PM »
@ Jack  : much diversity amongst Muslims here too.  As Dunc pointed out, the old , familiar Muslim population is predominantly Pakistani , and mostly  from the Indian sub-continet ; but we've had increasing numbers coming in fom the Middle East,  and Africa and Europe, That's one why it's more accurate to say "muslim communties" than the singular. (Heck, some of those people would sooner be mistaken be mistaken for Christians than mixed up with each other.   :LOL:)
Diverse or not, it's still probably a vast majority, so muslim and arab can be used synonymously. It can't in the US. Used to be, talk of American muslims brought to mind a black person. Tend to think Americans are often disingenuous when speaking of muslims, and unless the topic is about religion, just assume what they really mean is Arabs when saying muslims, because that's probably what they really mean.

No,  Pakistan used to part of india. Ethnically, Pakistanis are indian , not Arabic.  We're more familiar with the Pakistanis here, but the Muslim population has, of course,  become a lot more diverse in recent years. However,  Muslims all over the globe  tend to adopt Arabic names, so mabe I confused you with  my talk of prejudice against Arabic names?

Wow! we certainly wouldn't just associate Muslims with the Middle-east here, nor black people. (Actually , our blacks were predominately Afro-Carribrean in origin until recebnt years. Hardly a Muslim amongst them, until the Africans started arriving ) 

You mean most Americans have absolutely no idea how very widespread Islam is?

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2016, 07:09:35 PM »
You mean most Americans have absolutely no idea how very widespread Islam is?
No, meant when Americans speak of Muslims, they sometimes don't seem to really be referencing a religious group.

Offline Walkie

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2016, 07:39:23 PM »
Oh! re, the the point about houses v trailers. I've been meaning to post a link to one of those articles about  American trailer  I was looking at . This is really sad and scary,

IQ, it  looks like the "specialist" landlords are turning their attention to your neck of the woods now .  They've figured out the same thing that our English landlords figured out long ago; you can squeeze a poor tenant til he bleeds  if the next step down is the street.

You know something I find entrepreneurs to be loathsome creatures in the main. I try not to be prejudiced against them , but they mostly act like a pack of vultures, and maybe some are just innocently buying this strange  modern ethos that raises entrepenial spirit to angelic status; just trying to be "good people" ; but that innocent sort is the sort most likely to fail at being a hammer, and turn into just another  a bent up nail. It takes  more than "hard work" to be sucessfiul, in those terms. It takes qualities I'd rather not possess.

Most people just want autonomy really,  but the roles on offer are hammer , nail, or scrapyard. so we get taught to dream of being hammers. Autonomy (or some kind of illusion of autonomy) comes with sucessful, diligent  hammering , if you're lucky. I think most of we people in the northnern scrapyards never even tried to be hammers (I surely didn't, but then, Im a werido, ya klnow?) just tried to make a living and save our dreams for our spare time; not becauise we're lazy, but just because there are much better, more meaningful things to dream of and invest in than  being any sort of cog in this machinery. I know, i know, that sort of thinking went out out with the dinosaurs and so did we . But there it is. I'd rather not be any sort of entrepreneur; and I'd rather they stayed away from my door and yours . 

« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 07:42:32 PM by Walkie »

Offline Jack

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2016, 09:30:49 PM »
You know something I find entrepreneurs to be loathsome creatures in the main. I try not to be prejudiced against them , but they mostly act like a pack of vultures, and maybe some are just innocently buying this strange  modern ethos that raises entrepenial spirit to angelic status; just trying to be "good people" ; but that innocent sort is the sort most likely to fail at being a hammer, and turn into just another  a bent up nail. It takes  more than "hard work" to be sucessfiul, in those terms. It takes qualities I'd rather not possess.
Personally find people willing to take the risk of running their own business and be their own boss to be commendable. There are entrepreneurs on this forum, and view their success to be as neither hammer nor vulture. In western society where the majority of income opportunities come from corporate or government entities, succeeding as an entrepreneur is not only difficult to do but also brave.

Most people just want autonomy really,  but the roles on offer are hammer , nail, or scrapyard. so we get taught to dream of being hammers. Autonomy (or some kind of illusion of autonomy) comes with sucessful, diligent  hammering , if you're lucky. I think most of we people in the northnern scrapyards never even tried to be hammers (I surely didn't, but then, Im a werido, ya klnow?) just tried to make a living and save our dreams for our spare time; not becauise we're lazy, but just because there are much better, more meaningful things to dream of and invest in than  being any sort of cog in this machinery. I know, i know, that sort of thinking went out out with the dinosaurs and so did we . But there it is. I'd rather not be any sort of entrepreneur; and I'd rather they stayed away from my door and yours . 
Jack is simply a cog in the corporate machine, and would never risk the instability of entrepreneurship. As the sole provider for my household, suggesting there's more meaningful things to invest my daily hours as a cog, is insulting.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 09:43:26 PM by Jack »

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2016, 10:59:07 PM »
suggesting there's more meaningful things to invest my daily hours as a cog, is insulting.



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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2016, 11:19:44 PM »
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Walkie

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #26 on: November 18, 2016, 11:20:47 AM »

Most people just want autonomy really,  but the roles on offer are hammer , nail, or scrapyard. so we get taught to dream of being hammers. Autonomy (or some kind of illusion of autonomy) comes with sucessful, diligent  hammering , if you're lucky. I think most of we people in the northnern scrapyards never even tried to be hammers (I surely didn't, but then, Im a werido, ya klnow?) just tried to make a living and save our dreams for our spare time; not becauise we're lazy, but just because there are much better, more meaningful things to dream of and invest in than  being any sort of cog in this machinery. I know, i know, that sort of thinking went out out with the dinosaurs and so did we . But there it is. I'd rather not be any sort of entrepreneur; and I'd rather they stayed away from my door and yours . 
Jack is simply a cog in the corporate machine, and would never risk the instability of entrepreneurship. As the sole provider for my household, suggesting there's more meaningful things to invest my daily hours as a cog, is insulting.

You misunderstand me. I was actually saying that most of us, historically,  have settled for humble, supposedly "safe" positions in the vast overarchering machinery of society  (to be nails, rather than hammers)just exactly like yourself.and out of a similar sense of priorities. We'd work our shift in the factory, or our 9-5 at the office , then come home to devote our attention to the tghings that really matter. Most often that would family, but might be art, music , spirituality. Whatever. The point of working was to support and sustain the important things, not to displace them with the dream of “bettering” ourselves .   We prefer to keep the "living" part in "making a living" The meaningful things in life areusually  found outside the factory l or the office, not wiwithin it.   So long as people’s standard of living is acceptable(and so long as their paid work isn’t vital to society and under-resourced), most people will work as hard as they need, to keep it that way,  and no harder.

I was defending that value –system , which is very much under threat, I certainly didn;’t mean tio say that we’re not cogs in the machinery (except inasmuch as redundancies deny us that role), just that we ‘re only willing to invest some of our time in being cogs, not all of it, given any choice in the natter  And that’s not the same thing as being “lazy” . And that there’s actually no intrinsic virtue in working extra hard to” better yourself”

I was gonna make a list of things we might see as more important   (family , art, spirutuality..)  but I figured that aspies who don't have kids would have a hard time relating to the usual thing of "family" being more important than work , especially given our dysfunctional family relationships  :LOL:. and the other exampless looked even more controversial, one way or another;  too easily dismissed as mere entertainment, or fanciful bollocks. i reckoned it was safer to let people insert whatever was meaninful to them . And  you did. You implicitly cited your family as more important, if I understood you correctly? I mean somebody who works to support their family surely doesn’t think  that work comes first , family second? (though we might sometimes be constrained to act as if that were so) 

 Except you thought I was putting that ethic down. So apologies for putting it too opaquely, as I now realise.

Maybe you don’t think that kind of value e system neds defending (Family is important,  therefore  work is important a means of supporting your family)  But it does, around  here.  The work is vanishing , but the Work Ethic has simultaneously turned into one great big , over-riding virtue that bulldozes its way through everything else, family included
Paradoxically, unemployment doesn’t mean that British people work less hard than they used to; it means that most of us work a lot harder than we used to, for ever-dimininshing returns; and the losers in that scramble to hold on to your own diminishingly thin slice of cake are faced with increasing contempt, rather than sympathy. It’s  a whole lot of stick, and no carrot, with the winners hardly bettering the losers by much. I'm taking issue with the ethos that supports that…or rather practically forces it on people

The economic pressures are quite bad enough to push people to breaking point, without the corresponding social pressures

But I’m gonna break off here for a bit, because I’m doing my head in by trying to make too many points in one post  :LOL:

Hope I've said enough to mitigate the sense of offence?

[PS I can see the weird typos. Some of them of arose from my flailing efforts to fix more conventional typos  :LOL:. I'm clearly not up to much today. It's gone and spent ...I dunno how many hours to trying to  make this post legible *wince* ]

« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 11:30:16 AM by Walkie »

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #27 on: November 18, 2016, 02:10:18 PM »
You misunderstand me.
Fair enough. Similar to how some people have generalizing bigoted views about people who don't work, that post seemed to assign meaningless to those who do work, and also assign poor character traits to those who work for themselves. Thanks for explaining I clearly misunderstood half of that. Personally would rather work for myself, but the risk is too high and taxes in the US for the self-employed are much higher, because someone on a payroll has an employer contributing to their social security and medicare tax. Someone on a payroll also has an employer contributing half of their medical coverage, as well as completely providing some benefits like short term disability and life insurance, with the option to buy more coverage at nominal fees.

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #28 on: November 18, 2016, 04:30:05 PM »
Tell me again: why can't we talk about Islam in the Trump thread when the guy wants to ban every Muslim on the planet from entering the US and register every single one already in the country when it seems to be fine to do it here?

Is it because you aren't a Muslim and don't live in the US, so you don't see the connection?
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Offline Walkie

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Re: Brexit; Poverty in Britain ;the North-South Divide; race relations etc.
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2016, 09:29:46 PM »
Tell me again: why can't we talk about Islam in the Trump thread when the guy wants to ban every Muslim on the planet from entering the US and register every single one already in the country when it seems to be fine to do it here?

Is it because you aren't a Muslim and don't live in the US, so you don't see the connection?
We can ovbcviously talk about Islam where we like, but I figured that it's such a big issue, it might easily take over the Trump thread and this thread as well if it didn't have it's own thread.  Obviously, iyou can't make clear distinctions s between British issues and Islamic issues either, and now I've gne and posted  a bunch of stuff that was surely most apposite here  in the Islam thread :LOL: just because that's where it came up. Sorry, i didn't mean you to feel you'd been forced out of the Trump thread, just bymy  giving  what appeared to bejust  a little aside, adressed to myself it's own thread , before replying . I  honestly believesd i was being respectful of the thread it appeared in. If If you want to post your thoughts on Islam in the Trump thread instead , or in addition , I honestly can't see what's stopping you. A thread is just a thread not a triple-locked prison cell.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 09:31:59 PM by Walkie »