Swanson: NOOOOOOO!!!! GOD PLEASE NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOO!Gopher Gary: What's up with him?Genesis: The is sending him back to High School.Gopher Gary: Oh dear
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It's funny how you simply abandon an earlier talking point whenever I prove you wrong. Here's the thing, though: there's not much to know about you, and what little there is I couldn't care less about. You, on the other hand, know as little about me as you do about the rest of the world, and it shows every time you post.
Sorry, did you have a point?
Back on topic, I can't stand her - I think she's evil. She's fucking soulless, utterly self-serving and an unpleasant careerist who will pander to unsavoury forces to further her own desires. Her instincts are illiberal and fly in the face of both evidence (as with the Psychoactive Substances Bill) and common decency (remember the 'fuck off home' vans? no wonder hate crimes have gone through the fucking roof since the referendum).I've skipped most of the slanging match save to say I can't take anyone who uses the term remainiac seriously, it undermines whatever else your point was. I do agree that the rule of law must be respected as regards constitutional change, the result cannot simply be overturned but no mandate was given as to what form our exit from the EU should take and it is correct that this should be debated by our elected representatives and not simply decided by the likes of May and David fucking Davis ffs. The judges were simply upholding the law of the land, as they are duty bound to do.
I can't agree. The referendum purely asked whether we should remain a member of the European Union, or leave. Many things were stated as facts by both camps during the campaign a good deal of which were untrue - and neither Cameron or Osborne are currently in a position to dictate the terms of anything - neither does the unelected prime minister have a mandate to do so. The judges are right - parliament must have a say. I have to wonder if the referendum were to be rerun - not that I am suggesting this - whether it would have the same outcome, given that the Brexit faction have shown that they also didn't have a coherent plan in the event that they won and that even the much repeated extra money for the NHS was quickly backtracked on after they won.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.
The referendum has no legal standing whatsoever, but the parliament has to be involved if you wish to repeal legislation affecting domestic affairs. This is actually a fairly basic fact and one that Theresa May must have known about when she took office.I think it's entirely reasonable that the parliament has a say on Brexit, actually.
I liked Obama even though he reneged on some of his promises.