Happy b/day Tig! I miss you darlin', its been too long since we've talked. You and Alison, I miss you both.
Would you say the same if you were standing between the gates of heaven, and those of hell, raxy?

Then again I wouldn't put it past you to hang a sign on the latter proclaiming 'under new management, please see the customer service dept. if you have any complaints....' [and hiring the 'customer service dept' from darrant chemicals for the position; what with it being hell, and all]
(for those not familiar, they are a shady as shit operation that employ shills to post glowing reviews on review sites (everybody with more than 1-2 posts who's had dealings with them post in varying stages of fury, ranging from rants to having gone down searching for their head office armed with a baseball bat, only to find an empty yard with nobody there, those with a single review or two, both relating to the same so-called company singing their praises as if they were god himself in business form) Tried once to scam me out of nearly £1000, and a quarter of a ton of reagents and solvents, totally ignoring attempts to contact them either via the on-site customer service, via email, and spending hours on the phone just reaching a dead line, tried for a couple of months and got no reply, even when things degenerated to the point I myself ended up telling them some pretty ugly things would be done if my money was not returned by a given deadline.
But suddenly their 'customer service' rang me, only AFTER I had clawed back the money by means of a chargeback to my card, to claim that their courier had refused to ship the order. A lie, and a blatant one of course, and if it WAS the case then they would have informed me immediately and refunded the money voluntarily. Bunch of fucking fraudsters, and they've ripped off a lot of people, I later found out. Luckily though, I did get my money back, although they didn't give it, I had to TAKE it from them. And they phoned up almost immediately after the money had been removed from their account and despite their claim of the courier they use (or they claim to have, rather) refusing to transport the materials I wanted, false as it is, meaning if they WERE truthful that I'd still not have got my shipment, they had the cheek to actually demand the money be returned, even though they'd shipped nothing and according to them, couldn't ship the items, fucking insolent bastards or what? demanding money returned for goods not delivered that they weren't going to deliver!)
So they'd make ideal customer service for your newly taken-over rather fiery and orange, lava-ey domain