Nope don't really do the videos. But my mind does often insert appropriate soundtrcks to whatever's happening right now.
Eg. this is the soundtrack that popped into my head on reading this thread:
On the other hand, this is a very visual song, with something of a story to it, and I get a jumble of visual images in my head to go along with it, but they don't have the conherence of a video. I don't think in images, especially, like some people do, nor in words, but rather in an interconnected mass of abstact thoughts, various sensory impressions, memories, etc; music often features quite heavily, and snatches of poetry. I don't follow action very easily at all (my brain is too slow , especially with visual-spatial processing) so the visual component is more like a scattering of snapshots than a narrative.
I like to learn about how other brains work. I read something awhile back about a guy who cannot
visualize anything. He basically has no memories of his past, since he can't "see" any scenes
from the past in his mind. He manages in conversation by having rehearsed, generic answers. He
never knew this was atypical till recently; then his mind was blown.
Mine was too, when I read his article. I wish we all could describe how our brains work. ![orly? :orly:](
Oooh. Well I think that "rehearsed generic answers" thing is actually quite typical of aspies, for whatever reason. Hence the notorious "aspie monologues". By our age, we're so practiced at that, it can sound almost exactly like spontaneous speech. However, I'd be surprised if any of us can actually do spontaneous speech. I'm partly going by the medical profiles here (ugh) but also by numerous conversations on this topic with numerous aspies; which all tend to lead me towards the conclusion that the doctors actually have that part right (for a change)
For my own part, I'm effectively devoid of personal menories,
whilst I'm trying to keep up with a conversation (They flood back in once I'm alone again) The effort of keeping up overloads my brain, seems to me, so bits of me switch out- access to personal memories, in particular; often my emotions too, body awareness (almost always switched out anyway), and awareness of my immediate environment But I do maintain acess to an ever-increasing number of "scripts" in my memory,; that is things I've previously said, or else considrered saying to the point of rehearsing the words in my head.
On a good day, I can scan the scripts pretty fast and pull out the relevant sections, chop them about, and even pull out a few closely associated memories. But that falls apart if my brain's under particular pressure, of if people ask me personal questions. I often can't answer tghe personal questions, because my memory is AWOL, and I don;'t have a relevant script for that (which situation I'm currently in the process of amending , as regards this scripting thing, as you see! Otherwise, you'd be waiting years for this reply *chuckle*. I don't organise my thoughts and translate them into words very quickly at all, especially not on such challenging subjects as my own sweet brain). Worse, I can light on inappropriate scripts and reel them off, in the blithe belief that , if i said it before, it ,must be true. However, often context is everything, just like say. eg when asked what was wrong with my PC, I once reeled off what was wrong with my old PC that had died 5 years previously. More embarrasingly, after declaring that I 'm "accident prone" (that;'s easy. everybody know that) I was once asked to talk about my most recent accident, and to estimate how often i have accidents; I could not , for life of recall having a single accident ever.
Sometimes, i wish to god I were functionally dumb under pressure. but no such luck. Instead, I turn into an ever-more dysfunctional script dispensing robot under pressure, and thoroughly stitch myself up. I don't even have the good sense to shut up (my good sense flies out of the window too)
I honestly believe I'm a pretty damned typical Aspie in that, but if you'd asked me a few years back, i couldn't have explained it like that, not even to myself. The best i could have said was: I avoid interview situations like the plague, because some-how -or-other I inevitably screw them up.
Oh! re. the rollergirl song (in case you don't know it and didn't bother) the chorus goes:
"She gets rock n roll, a rock n roll station
And a rock n roll dream
She's making movies on location
She don't know what it means
But the music make her wanna be the story
And the story was whatever was the song what it was
Rollergirl don't worry
D.J. play the movies all night long"