I caught my secret vice off my Mum, whilst I was living with her to keep her company after my father’s death. After decades of sucessfullly ignoring this soap, I suddenly developed an ongoing compulsion to find out what happens next :
Just an everyday story of ordinary working-class Mancunian folk…
where anyone who shows the slightest hint of racial prejudice is driven off the street in a storm of abuse; where nobody is jobless for longer than a day or two, not unless they really are bone –idle; where the chances are that you’re a murderer, have been married to a murderer, or are about to be bumped off by a murderer; where even the poorest can afford to go down the pub and drown their sorrows; where all the grannies are glamorous and sexually predatory; where the “slags” are all under 40, because everyone respects the elderly... apart from the elderly men; where everyone has breakfast in the local café and dinner in the local bistro; where every wedding is ruined by some last minute shock revelation; where small businesses always succeed even in spite of strings of horribly costly mistakes and self-indulgences; where the homeless can always find a mate to put them up… until they piss said mate off by doing something outrageous; where even the most snobbish women get into catfights; where the liars are always caught out sooner-or-later; where the Muslims are all moderate, middle-class, and don’t mind slumming it along with the working class whites.; where everybody goes “Awww, how sweet” whenever gay couples get together, and where only the most evil cow on the street would describe a transgender woman and her Aspie partner as “weirdos” ; where everybody knows everybody else and everybody cares about everybody else, except when they want to scratch each other’s eyes out , or murder each other.
Oddly enough, I find it quite informative re. NT attitudes, disregarding a few little caveats ( based on above)