Making some behind-the-scenes progress with firming up some meeting plans. Will make a supplementary thread re. actual forthcoming meets (s) soon-ish. Focussing on South/Midlands ATM, purely becuse these were initially the most salient people.
But now we have some Northerners chipping in

We seem to have two Manchester members and two Yorkshire members thus far, so I'm not so sure you need any Midlanders chipping in. But I might be able to chip in anyway, with all my usual caveats re. health /mobility.
Btw, I actually have close family in Preston, and I've been meaning to visit thenm for aaaaages. If I ever get around to doing so, woukld love to try and meet you guys same time. But that's terribly iffy, don't hang on it (you might regret having my ugly mug in your meet-up pics anyways

In any case, I'm totally willing to co-ordinate things , from my computer desk, for the time being. So feel free to PM me with ideas and propsals. Also , feel free to organise a Northern meet if ya like. You guys know the possible venues, I don't ; and I'm always happy to have work taken out of my hands . Just keep me informed, thanks.