It's official.
Flynn is requesting immunity in exchange for his testimony.
The shit may be about to get real.
*passes the butter

Hmm. I wonder why he would request such a thing.
Hey, Benji, what do you think? 
Can't speak for Benji but personally, I think he wants to exonerate himself from any charges from any investigations or any fallout. He ha clean his slate so to speak.
But I do not think you are asking that. I think you are implying that yo believe he has something on Trump and the narrative of Trump colluding with the Kremlin to cause Trump to win and Hillary to lose the election (I think this is the general charge or some variation of it)? But I think in this endeavour, he will not have much.
What I think may be the most he will or could come up with is that Tillerson, Mannafort, and Kushner have all have dealings with Russian elite rich (oligarchs) and such dealings are usually endorsed or ratified by the Kremlin and thus they have by proxy dealt with the Kremlin and therefore they could conceivably be considered to be favourably disposed to a foreign power and therefore some may consider that members of Trump Administration have a predisposition to Russia and this may affect their sense of moral latitude to do the bidding of the Russia government.................or may not at all.
Unfortunately, I think that is where they are really at.
I think EVEN IF they get THIS much from Flynn and they conclude that it "looks bad' and "looks like various members of the Trump Administration MAY be working on behalf of Russians and for the Russian benefits, and THEREFORE these members are advised to quit, because POSSIBLE conflicts...."
All Trump needs to say is "It may look like that to you be you are still speculating and fuck you, they are not resigning and I am not interested in defending this narrative"
Then what? Still no proof and more demands but no smoking gun.
I WILL enjoy the fireworks though and I think we need a bit more drama.