It's OK either way.
We should also focus on his war against a Broadway musical.
I do not think people are ACTUALLY too stupid to not see what is happening.
Trump is playing with these people. These are the very type of people (Liberals) that have been carrying on and saying “Not My President” when they were defeated and having play dough, kittens and colouring books in “safe spaces”.
They are so petulant when things are against them and they are disagreed with.
Now it is shoe on the other foot and so Trump responds in a like fashion.
Of course it is not all fake in that I am sure he does not like Pence getting booed BUT….why did Pence go in the first place and then Bannon? Answer, for a reaction. Why did he want a reaction? To deflect attention from the lawsuit being settled for Trump University. It worked and he is going to make whatever mileage on it that he can.
Furthermore as a way of a rebuke to the elitists who supported Hillary

it could not have been does better considering the punishment to their tax breaks that he can put in Senator’s minds (Now that Republicans - who all seem to really like Pence - control the senate and will not forget this) Nice Timing: people are ACTUALLY stupid enough to believe that he was mortally offended and that he actually believes in the merit of safe spaces/places.
This Liberal gets the impact of what Trump did. So many don’t

5D Chess!