Trump's smart enough to put Pence as his Vice for some kind of insurance. It's like 'if you kill me, you get him'.
I saw this article and thought of you and you love of Trump
Why Donald Trump Could Be the Most Pro-Israel President in a Generation
here is still plenty of uncertainty surrounding what exactly a Trump administration will look like, but one thing is not up for debate: Donald Trump could be the most pro-Israel commander in chief in modern history.
Jewish state has long held a “special relationship” with the United States, however that relationship has been put under immense strain by the Obama administration's controversial policies toward Israel. The outgoing administration has regularly clashed with the leaders of the Jewish State, demanding territorial concessions to the Hamas-led Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, bluntly snubbing Netanyahu in the White House, brokering the deeply unpopular Iran Nuclear Deal and refusing to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, a huge victory for the Palestinian State which lays claim to the Holy City.
Touched that you're thinking of me

I don't love Trump. He was the better choice by a mile and actually represented some kind of change. His stance on Russia and Syria was more than enough to want him elected. I know he's an Israel dick sucker, but that's just what it takes for any US politician to get near power. I wonder if he'll change his mind if he comes across the FBI file regarding the Israelis arrested on 9/11 though.
I'm not sure what Obama did wrong exactly. His influence is very overplayed. It seems that not doing everything Israel demands is seen as anti-Israel. The US was under pressure from Europe to form that Iran deal. Israel isn't a Jewish state and yes, Hamas agreed to form a unity government with the PA which meant they agreed to the US and the EU's terms to settle the conflict. This was just Obama wanting to score points and get some credit for settling the conflict, same as Clinton.
"a huge victory for the Palestinian State which lays claim to the Holy City."
It lays claim to East Jerusalem, which would be its capital if Palestine became a state. But Israel won't allow that to happen.