I DO want the current laws to be enforced.
Not only regarding illegal aliens, but ALL the laws that we seem to skirt for political correctness or some other ACLU concern. Law is law and the only way it works is if everyone holds up strong and supports ALL our laws against all law breakers.
This is not racist. I am not a racist nor a bigot, but using the actual text of The Constitution (admitting that some state laws need to be revisited) and appointing or electing judges who have the ballZ to do more than a passing tip of the hat or a social nod to The Constitution while making life changing decisions for generations yet to come would bring us all back on track, here.
There is no racism in our constitution (except for some of the voting and citenzenry regulations that were a part of of the original, which have been updated, these days. Humans are no longer fractionally human for instance), but it really saddens most of us that it took over one hundred twenty or more years to have most of the public begin to LIVE this freedom we claimed for all to be naturally entitled to enjoying.