Author Topic: Thought WP was becoming a bit empty..  (Read 2323 times)

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Re: Thought WP was becoming a bit empty..
« Reply #90 on: September 21, 2016, 11:57:43 PM »
Hey! I just noticed that FourAceDeal is also a Brit. The estimated total number is rising.

I wonder if Odeon might  give us a Brits sub-forum? Just  a small one. Not to excude the others , but just so we can clump together a bit, identify each other more easily, and discuss a few peculiarly British issues all in same place. Like possible meet-ups, for a start (since you raised that). The Aussies and Americans  can come in to  point and laugh if they like.  And the Swedes, ofc. (We need the Swedes to tell us what life is really like in the UK, cos we wouldn't know otherwise)


Do you actually need a British forum or is Pappy's shiny new thread enough?

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Offline Walkie

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Re: Thought WP was becoming a bit empty..
« Reply #91 on: September 22, 2016, 03:47:27 AM »
Hey! I just noticed that FourAceDeal is also a Brit. The estimated total number is rising.

I wonder if Odeon might  give us a Brits sub-forum? Just  a small one. Not to excude the others , but just so we can clump together a bit, identify each other more easily, and discuss a few peculiarly British issues all in same place. Like possible meet-ups, for a start (since you raised that). The Aussies and Americans  can come in to  point and laugh if they like.  And the Swedes, ofc. (We need the Swedes to tell us what life is really like in the UK, cos we wouldn't know otherwise)


Do you actually need a British forum or is Pappy's shiny new thread enough?

I think it's actually needed , Odeon.  Smudge here wants some meet-ups, for a start.  Dunno if they will get off the ground, but surely more chance if arranged within  a Brit sub-forum, which Brits will actually notice. A random meet-up thread in a random general forum will not be so salient , nor so easy to keep udated  with relevant info. You know what would happen.  It woukld get so spammed over that nobody can figure what the heck was said or when, so they don't bortther, even if they notice it.    I've seen similar threads in other places.  Unless they're actually posted in a UK forum, or UK subforum, they just don't work . You need to herd the Brits together first.

I've also noticed a few specifically  British issues coming up on the board now and then, such as Brexit.   I mean, we would surely more topics to fill it with, besides the meet-up thing.

« Last Edit: September 22, 2016, 03:55:35 AM by DrunkardsWalk »