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Dumb question about board privacy

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Could post the suggestion in the forum: Site Direction.

Some of the boards already say, members hidden; not sure why they aren't all noted.

The only hidden board that isn't marked as members, is AS Advocacy. The whole section, Continue Here: members of the community, is for members of the community, so that's clear enough. The Management section is also members only. Everything else is clear enough, so maybe only AS Advocacy needs to be marked as members only.


--- Quote from: Jack on September 12, 2016, 08:20:00 PM ---Could post the suggestion in the forum: Site Direction.

--- End quote ---

Bugger that. He reads everything else, doesn't he? Even the mind-numbingly tedious arguments! Is he gonna pretend to not notice it here. just to keep things tidy?


(The above  represents my pathetic attempt to find a  particularly useful icon that i swear we used to have . Don't say it's been barged aside by Donald Freaking Trump.   The man was beyond the pale already )


--- Quote from: Jack on September 12, 2016, 08:26:04 PM ---Some of the boards already say, members hidden; not sure why they aren't all noted.

--- End quote ---

You might not believe this, Jack, but I find the term "members hidden" ambiguous.   Especially round here  :LOL:


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