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--- Quote from: odeon on November 11, 2018, 03:08:22 AM ---They were from a legit address and name, but not from her.

It's entirely possible to spoof an email address, which probably was the case here. I doubt it was her actual account sending out emails, but it's hard to say. The other emails on the cc list suggest that her email was hacked - they were probably part of an address book.

--- End quote ---

Not saying she herself sent that specific email - not at all. I'm suggesting she worked at the place that they came from - or had something to do with that place. That may not be the case. Either way, I have a whole lot of personal info on members, that I wish to do nothing with, however, the email addresses link me to their real names, LinkedIn profiles, for example. So yeah.

I see your point. I don't know what to do with any of this information, though, beyond what I've already done. It remains a mystery.


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