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Now I wonder if her getting hacked is part of other stuff that made her disappear.

Some people I just want to know from if they are OK, because of the weird way they vanish. Semicolon is another one.


--- Quote from: 'andersom' on November 10, 2018, 04:21:11 AM ---Some people I just want to know from if they are OK, because of the weird way they vanish. Semicolon is another one.

--- End quote ---
Agreed. Semicolon disappeared before and never explained why. Knowing he was okay seemed good enough.


--- Quote from: odeon on November 10, 2018, 02:40:59 AM ---I think her email was hacked some years ago. I've received those emails, too. They were not from her.

--- End quote ---

From a legitimate email address from a legitimate business from the 'name' she gave me?

Sure, we've all had some experience of gremlins getting into our email inbox IRL. My point is, the email address it came from was not a fake email address, her name must have been in their system, as were our email addresses. No one seems interested, that's fine.

It's led me to assume Callaway was not who she said she was. OR, someone here created a total fake hack of her in another state than what she told us she was in. I also found out some real interesting stuff from the email addresses in that email, which make me think yes, it was linked to her, not a hacker.

So that's my assumptions. If no one is interested, that's fine. I tried.

They were from a legit address and name, but not from her.

It's entirely possible to spoof an email address, which probably was the case here. I doubt it was her actual account sending out emails, but it's hard to say. The other emails on the cc list suggest that her email was hacked - they were probably part of an address book.

Gopher Gary:
What did the emails say?  :orly:


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