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Callaway had some health problems close to that time, from memory and was posting very sporadically anyway.

I honestly think if the Callaway I knew had concerns about Odeon, she would have voiced them to someone outside of here, not just left us to Odeon's clutches (if he is so corrupt and evil as you hint at).

Just my thoughts.

Minister Of Silly Walks:


--- Quote from: Teh Ducks! on November 08, 2018, 08:16:22 PM ---After she quit posting I, along with many others, google searched for any trace of her in the Denver/Boulder area and even the whole state of Colorado. All searches came up empty, she didn't die nor was she the victim of an accident or foul play, at least in the state of Colorado.
--- End quote ---

How could you know this for certain unless you had her full legal name?

Yuri Bezmenov:

--- Quote from: Pyraxis on November 08, 2018, 09:29:24 PM ---
--- Quote from: Teh Ducks! on November 08, 2018, 08:16:22 PM ---After she quit posting I, along with many others, google searched for any trace of her in the Denver/Boulder area and even the whole state of Colorado. All searches came up empty, she didn't die nor was she the victim of an accident or foul play, at least in the state of Colorado.
--- End quote ---

How could you know this for certain unless you had her full legal name?

--- End quote ---

Obviously I did.

Ah, I didn't realize anybody except for possibly a few close friends of hers had that.


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