What a delightful and safe idea, to have a troll for president. 
Who wants to take bets on how quickly he'll start World War III? I give him about a week before he's nuked someone. 
I bet that instead of start WW3 he starts making peace with potentially the biggest nuclear threat.

So you're actually buying into this shit?
Depends what shit you are asking me buying into.
Do I think Little Rocket Man and Trump are serious about peace? 100%
Do I think it's all a done deal and Kim won't try to squirm out or try to brea h any condition he agrees to? No, I think it 50/50, depend on who his other influencers are he may or ay not.
Do I think this was all show? No. I think it was genuine and a successful first step.
I think Trump will look to the Middle East and at Iran next.