
Author Topic: Did you hear about another furniture related attack in Paris?  (Read 3313 times)

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Re: Did you hear about another furniture related attack in Paris?
« Reply #60 on: September 12, 2016, 04:29:15 AM »
Islam is certainly very much the focus of any discussion about the dangers of religion. Unfairly, in my humble opinion.

I think you are assuming a lot, from the actual beliefs of the majority of Muslims to how a Muslim would be more easily persuaded than others. I have Muslim friends, too--in the UK as well as here in Sweden--and my impressions differ from yours. With all due respect, I think you allow your views to be coloured by fear.

That said, if 25% of the UK Muslims are actually in favour of Sharia Laws, while that is alarming, I very much doubt they would all support their introduction by acts of terror. Perhaps even more alarming is that it very clearly demonstrates the gap between "us" and "them", and as long as that gap exist, stopping the radicalisation of young Muslims will be very difficult. Blaming all Muslims for the crimes of a few plays into the hands of the likes of ISIS.

And just so we are clear on this--I'm an Atheist. I don't believe in a god or a supreme being. I do, however, very strongly believe in religious freedom and see no reason to limit their choices unless they want to limit mine, and I have yet to see Islam as a religion attempt to do that.

I also believe in knowledge rather than assumptions, which is why I have read the Quran and the Hadith (or rather, translations of them, which is important since many, perhaps even most, Muslims will only consider the original-language works to be the real thing, which very much sets them apart from, say, the Bible), and I've tried to understand the contexts in which they were written and in which they are interpreted now.

Oh, and I don't approve of Burkas but I'm against banning them--banning a piece of clothing is silly and ineffectual.
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Re: Did you hear about another furniture related attack in Paris?
« Reply #61 on: October 10, 2016, 03:49:53 AM »
Actually it is important in a thologogian perspective, if considering a formal study (I.e one which takes data and formally compares it, to do a..code dig, and decompile from source. Checksum included. Because our modern words used in e.g the KJV, and the probably more accurate greek texts and latin Vulgate, of the etymology of wording, and the ACTUAL equivalent meaning in the original aramaic. And to apply a scientific, logical approach to place the wording in the context of the psychological meanings as would most likely have been the true case per instance of a quoted and compared text.

I shall give an example. There was a sacrifice listed of 'twelve golden Ormerods', and IIRC mice, I may be wrong about that mice bit, I would have to check and lack the inclination, but the term has thought to be functionally equivalent to the modern word or modern derivatization of an old english word meaning 'a buboe', a buboe being the festering infective and infected lymphatic node abscesses that formed in armpits, groin especially, could range in size from a golf ball to that of a large orange, which must have been, and occasionally still BE a most agonizing, horrendous, shockingly traumatizing way to die horribly, even as dying horribly goes generally, (hence of course the 'horrible' bit:P) and inconjunction with that of mice, whilst the association with FLEAS was not then known, rat plagues of plague rats were known, the rats overrunning the place suddenly behaving uncharacteristically, because they were infected and dying (if its any consolation, the plague rat is an unwitting victim also, and the fleas too, die, because the bacterium Y.pestis (Y for the genus name Yersinia, named for its discoverer and early researcher, Yersin) which causes bubonic plague, they would leave the dark and the dank places to flood out in masses, to die in agony themselves. Whilst the fleas feeding on a plague infected source of blood die as the bacteria specialize in replicating within the gut, eventually it blocks the gut, causing necrosis, and rapid death, because they cannot feed the fleas are driven to the depths of starvation and desperately bite and bite and bite in a frantic attempt to feed but are unable to do so, the gut blockage causes blood intaken by the fleas to be vomited back forth through their salivary gland(s?..I don't know how many of them a Xenophylla cheopsis possesses anatomically speaking. The finer points of flea anatomy are not something I have ever had need to study biologically underneath my 'scope, plaguey or no plague. I think I could do it with micromanipulators but there is no value to doing so for me since I only need to know how the pathogenic organisms they are able to spread can be picked up, disseminated and avoided their having done  the latter_. although if given a flea on an uninfected 'scope slide to examine it would prove a distraction for a moment, of course, but that is merely because I wish to observe the microscopic, the submicroscopic and indeed even the most funtamental elements making up the basic particles such as protons, neutrons, neutrinos if I could ever even hope to do that, which I concede is beyond the tech level, or rather the tech SCALE that it would take to detect even a single neutrino of a single flavour (temporarily, as neutrinos are thought to be able to oscillate between electron, muon, tau, positron, antimuon and antitau neutrino flavor states in their ghostly, extraordinarily penetrating form of radiation since it interacts so little with matter. It is possible to do, scientifically, but neutrino detectors for instance of this day and age involve such things a a MASSIVE underground cavern, filled full of millions and millions and millions of gallons of for instance, perchloroethylene solvent, just to detect a SINGLE one, in six months or a year coming from the sun, that fusion reactor capable of spilling out acting like a point source of quadrillions of neutrinos over a fraction of a second. So no, those elementary fundamental forces I can only read and celebrate the beauty of the endeavour. Even focussed energetic particle beams on targets we can't do better, when we know when and where. Not that we can produce the output of the sun in a flux-pumped or flux-pumped compression generator, only analyse whats left behind after one slips through and slightly, slightly slightly couples, ephemerally and evanescently to physical atomic matter). I'd be happy if I were able to split atoms, in induced, non-exponentially decaying fission, I.e not in a chain reaction of fissile isotopes of elements, but of those that can be split by the technique just not propagate a destructive energetic release, rather, to yield measurable frequencies of radiation types, and channel those, to subject them to accelerator physics etc, simply to possess and use the instrumentation, and indeed self build the likes of cellphone gamma radiation spectrophotometers, UV-(near ultraviolet)-vis spectrophotometry, and IR-band specs, so I can look at subatomic particles and do my own learning, off my own back, not necessarily for any gain materially, not for myself should a discovery of interest come ever to my beloved laboratory sanctum sanctorum, my true home is the laboratory, and my laboratory can just as well be a walk in the natural areas, measuring, observing and KNOWING things which I did not previously, and what is most important to me, even if these things be known, to have come TO know them, through the sweat pouring from my unshirted back, the tears in my eyes of effort, and the fact, as, whilst I am egosyntonic with myself largely, and not overprone to the stuffing of my ego, It exists, It will exist, and whilst it is nothing to what drives me personally, psychologically to wish to do this and to do what I may, where I may in all fields that I can put the tech together, someone giving me a truly meant compliment of 'well done' does, I will not deny, make me feel nice, and I think this a good thing. If I get a gold star, so to speak, (preferably in a useful Au radioisotope or nuclear metastable isomer, if gold forms any, never read up to check in the case of gold (like the equivalents, such as one used in medical imagery, of the radioactive element technetium (as 99Tc, it corms a nuclear isomer called Tc99m, extracted for imaging purposes from a 'technetium cow, a radioactive molybdenum based device that continually generates the 99Tc metastable nuclear isomer, for medical radioimaging purposes)

Iikewise, I'd love to have the proper facilitated means allowed to me one day to actually safely handle the quite radioactive isotopes of uranium, but to do it, I'd be even happier than that could make me as a gift, if I had to literally go out prospecting from surveys and find a deposit of ore myself, to hack it out of the earth with a pick, or blasting if needs be, but a pick even more, to carve it from the rock, take it to the facility in question and thence reduce it to yellowcake, enriched natural uranium ore, refine it to pure uranium metal, convert to a volatile gaseous state such as uranium hexafluoride, then BUILD the separators to separate the isotopes, play with different designs, and then try to improve on the actual technology. Than if I were to be presented with yellowcake and machinery, chemicals, other than the fundamental acids, bases etc. I would wish to literally fabricate every  laser driver, every fluxpumped tunable dye laser, every lense, every turbine blade and put it together myself to build the separator, (, just lol man, centrifuges. I'd use a modified principle like a calutron. Indeed no radioactivity needed, separation of low-level radioactivity from naturally occuring potassium 40 present in natural cosmogenic potassium minerals and imaging by spectrophotometry, or even of two nonradioactive isotopes of any element, but thats just me, I like to do it that way because I gain a greater net quantity of knowledge) for the reason that the act of knowing, and possessing that knowledge because it is itself the fruit of mine own labours, and correspondence projects with other folk who hunger as I. It is, it is an intoxicating, and utterly without possibility of 'de-tox' haha, addiction, and basic need, as are food and drink upon my table.  Just like a crackhead and his crack, knowing, and having that knowledge so I may educate others who seek knowledge in the sense of arming them with the weapons of the psyche, in that they may then go forth and seek as I, if that is their true desire. I knowing. And I cannot stop. I don't, if I tell the blunt truth, know HOW to stop, and were I to know that, it would not induce me to stop, it is as traumatic to my psyche as severe heroin withdrawals (which when I had a choice and was not stuck on opiates as medication, I actually did indeed do, knowingly producing a physical dependence and then treating it, because I had to know what it was like, not from a text book, but because I ran the data-collection upon my own wetware, I thus had an intimate understanding of it and its processes yet more after yet more reading. I do HAVE limits. Paramount is no infliction of cruelty. I possess the means to give or withold my own consent to and from myself, if I deem it fit, and thus I will not lift a blade unto an animal save in acute necessity owing to defense of my person, or the aim I consider most noble of all, to render suffering of that animal a nonentity. (Such as when I went in and operated on a crow, after it had been blasted with a shotgun, and almost killed. I could offer little else, but food, water, calming cadence of soothing voice, I fed it by hand and gave water drop by drop by drop, from my own fingertip, and I stayed awake so I could make repeated medical observations and make sure that bird was alright. Did the same for another wee sparrow or starling once, that I found stunned, and had to dash out in front of a car to save. And the SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet baby hedgehog foundling, not newborn but so young it would not have survived a week longer I do not believe, so I took the special little tiny mite in, an kept him warm and snuggly an cozy all winter long, checking repeatedly to make sure it did not enter aestivation, from which it woul not return alive. Fed, watered, lots of love showered upon his softly spiky self (the distribution allows them to be comfortably held by human hand, as no one spine or spine cluster takes the pressure to drive it in, the bed of nails principle in operation) And his life, saved.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Did you hear about another furniture related attack in Paris?
« Reply #62 on: October 10, 2016, 01:11:25 PM »
Actually it is important in a thologogian perspective, if considering a formal study (I.e one which takes data and formally compares it, to do a..code dig, and decompile from source. Checksum included. Because our modern words used in e.g the KJV, and the probably more accurate greek texts and latin Vulgate, of the etymology of wording, and the ACTUAL equivalent meaning in the original aramaic. And to apply a scientific, logical approach to place the wording in the context of the psychological meanings as would most likely have been the true case per instance of a quoted and compared text.

I shall give an example. There was a sacrifice listed of 'twelve golden Ormerods', and IIRC mice, I may be wrong about that mice bit, I would have to check and lack the inclination, but the term has thought to be functionally equivalent to the modern word or modern derivatization of an old english word meaning 'a buboe', a buboe being the festering infective and infected lymphatic node abscesses that formed in armpits, groin especially, could range in size from a golf ball to that of a large orange, which must have been, and occasionally still BE a most agonizing, horrendous, shockingly traumatizing way to die horribly, even as dying horribly goes generally, (hence of course the 'horrible' bit:P) and inconjunction with that of mice, whilst the association with FLEAS was not then known, rat plagues of plague rats were known, the rats overrunning the place suddenly behaving uncharacteristically, because they were infected and dying (if its any consolation, the plague rat is an unwitting victim also, and the fleas too, die, because the bacterium Y.pestis (Y for the genus name Yersinia, named for its discoverer and early researcher, Yersin) which causes bubonic plague, they would leave the dark and the dank places to flood out in masses, to die in agony themselves. Whilst the fleas feeding on a plague infected source of blood die as the bacteria specialize in replicating within the gut, eventually it blocks the gut, causing necrosis, and rapid death, because they cannot feed the fleas are driven to the depths of starvation and desperately bite and bite and bite in a frantic attempt to feed but are unable to do so, the gut blockage causes blood intaken by the fleas to be vomited back forth through their salivary gland(s?..I don't know how many of them a Xenophylla cheopsis possesses anatomically speaking. The finer points of flea anatomy are not something I have ever had need to study biologically underneath my 'scope, plaguey or no plague. I think I could do it with micromanipulators but there is no value to doing so for me since I only need to know how the pathogenic organisms they are able to spread can be picked up, disseminated and avoided their having done  the latter_. although if given a flea on an uninfected 'scope slide to examine it would prove a distraction for a moment, of course, but that is merely because I wish to observe the microscopic, the submicroscopic and indeed even the most funtamental elements making up the basic particles such as protons, neutrons, neutrinos if I could ever even hope to do that, which I concede is beyond the tech level, or rather the tech SCALE that it would take to detect even a single neutrino of a single flavour (temporarily, as neutrinos are thought to be able to oscillate between electron, muon, tau, positron, antimuon and antitau neutrino flavor states in their ghostly, extraordinarily penetrating form of radiation since it interacts so little with matter. It is possible to do, scientifically, but neutrino detectors for instance of this day and age involve such things a a MASSIVE underground cavern, filled full of millions and millions and millions of gallons of for instance, perchloroethylene solvent, just to detect a SINGLE one, in six months or a year coming from the sun, that fusion reactor capable of spilling out acting like a point source of quadrillions of neutrinos over a fraction of a second. So no, those elementary fundamental forces I can only read and celebrate the beauty of the endeavour. Even focussed energetic particle beams on targets we can't do better, when we know when and where. Not that we can produce the output of the sun in a flux-pumped or flux-pumped compression generator, only analyse whats left behind after one slips through and slightly, slightly slightly couples, ephemerally and evanescently to physical atomic matter). I'd be happy if I were able to split atoms, in induced, non-exponentially decaying fission, I.e not in a chain reaction of fissile isotopes of elements, but of those that can be split by the technique just not propagate a destructive energetic release, rather, to yield measurable frequencies of radiation types, and channel those, to subject them to accelerator physics etc, simply to possess and use the instrumentation, and indeed self build the likes of cellphone gamma radiation spectrophotometers, UV-(near ultraviolet)-vis spectrophotometry, and IR-band specs, so I can look at subatomic particles and do my own learning, off my own back, not necessarily for any gain materially, not for myself should a discovery of interest come ever to my beloved laboratory sanctum sanctorum, my true home is the laboratory, and my laboratory can just as well be a walk in the natural areas, measuring, observing and KNOWING things which I did not previously, and what is most important to me, even if these things be known, to have come TO know them, through the sweat pouring from my unshirted back, the tears in my eyes of effort, and the fact, as, whilst I am egosyntonic with myself largely, and not overprone to the stuffing of my ego, It exists, It will exist, and whilst it is nothing to what drives me personally, psychologically to wish to do this and to do what I may, where I may in all fields that I can put the tech together, someone giving me a truly meant compliment of 'well done' does, I will not deny, make me feel nice, and I think this a good thing. If I get a gold star, so to speak, (preferably in a useful Au radioisotope or nuclear metastable isomer, if gold forms any, never read up to check in the case of gold (like the equivalents, such as one used in medical imagery, of the radioactive element technetium (as 99Tc, it corms a nuclear isomer called Tc99m, extracted for imaging purposes from a 'technetium cow, a radioactive molybdenum based device that continually generates the 99Tc metastable nuclear isomer, for medical radioimaging purposes)

Iikewise, I'd love to have the proper facilitated means allowed to me one day to actually safely handle the quite radioactive isotopes of uranium, but to do it, I'd be even happier than that could make me as a gift, if I had to literally go out prospecting from surveys and find a deposit of ore myself, to hack it out of the earth with a pick, or blasting if needs be, but a pick even more, to carve it from the rock, take it to the facility in question and thence reduce it to yellowcake, enriched natural uranium ore, refine it to pure uranium metal, convert to a volatile gaseous state such as uranium hexafluoride, then BUILD the separators to separate the isotopes, play with different designs, and then try to improve on the actual technology. Than if I were to be presented with yellowcake and machinery, chemicals, other than the fundamental acids, bases etc. I would wish to literally fabricate every  laser driver, every fluxpumped tunable dye laser, every lense, every turbine blade and put it together myself to build the separator, (, just lol man, centrifuges. I'd use a modified principle like a calutron. Indeed no radioactivity needed, separation of low-level radioactivity from naturally occuring potassium 40 present in natural cosmogenic potassium minerals and imaging by spectrophotometry, or even of two nonradioactive isotopes of any element, but thats just me, I like to do it that way because I gain a greater net quantity of knowledge) for the reason that the act of knowing, and possessing that knowledge because it is itself the fruit of mine own labours, and correspondence projects with other folk who hunger as I. It is, it is an intoxicating, and utterly without possibility of 'de-tox' haha, addiction, and basic need, as are food and drink upon my table.  Just like a crackhead and his crack, knowing, and having that knowledge so I may educate others who seek knowledge in the sense of arming them with the weapons of the psyche, in that they may then go forth and seek as I, if that is their true desire. I knowing. And I cannot stop. I don't, if I tell the blunt truth, know HOW to stop, and were I to know that, it would not induce me to stop, it is as traumatic to my psyche as severe heroin withdrawals (which when I had a choice and was not stuck on opiates as medication, I actually did indeed do, knowingly producing a physical dependence and then treating it, because I had to know what it was like, not from a text book, but because I ran the data-collection upon my own wetware, I thus had an intimate understanding of it and its processes yet more after yet more reading. I do HAVE limits. Paramount is no infliction of cruelty. I possess the means to give or withold my own consent to and from myself, if I deem it fit, and thus I will not lift a blade unto an animal save in acute necessity owing to defense of my person, or the aim I consider most noble of all, to render suffering of that animal a nonentity. (Such as when I went in and operated on a crow, after it had been blasted with a shotgun, and almost killed. I could offer little else, but food, water, calming cadence of soothing voice, I fed it by hand and gave water drop by drop by drop, from my own fingertip, and I stayed awake so I could make repeated medical observations and make sure that bird was alright. Did the same for another wee sparrow or starling once, that I found stunned, and had to dash out in front of a car to save. And the SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet baby hedgehog foundling, not newborn but so young it would not have survived a week longer I do not believe, so I took the special little tiny mite in, an kept him warm and snuggly an cozy all winter long, checking repeatedly to make sure it did not enter aestivation, from which it woul not return alive. Fed, watered, lots of love showered upon his softly spiky self (the distribution allows them to be comfortably held by human hand, as no one spine or spine cluster takes the pressure to drive it in, the bed of nails principle in operation) And his life, saved.

Jesus FUCK!! Have you ever heard of TL;DR??

Offline Walkie

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Re: Did you hear about another furniture related attack in Paris?
« Reply #63 on: October 11, 2016, 06:33:18 AM »
Jesus FUCK!! Have you ever heard of TL;DR??

Oh, i dunno. it's a bit like reading Jaques Derrida. He went on a bit too.

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Did you hear about another furniture related attack in Paris?
« Reply #64 on: October 11, 2016, 04:14:11 PM »
Jesus FUCK!! Have you ever heard of TL;DR??

Oh, i dunno. it's a bit like reading Jaques Derrida. He went on a bit too.

Sometime Lestat is like a long winded, smarter version of Randy.