I don't have heroes
You're your own hero. Good for you!
Yes, a lot of sports people do use illegal drugs, whilst lots of others try to push the boundaries of what's legal by using drugs that aren't quite illegal. That doesn't mean it should be allowed. If you start allowing athletes to use drugs, then pretty soon, the only way to win at these sports will be to use drugs. Unless you want to be a person who uses drugs, there would be no point in participating in that sport. Who wants to participate in a sport where the only way to win is by taking drugs that will likely kill you early, and will shrink their dick
Millions use steroids as money is involved in sports and aesthetics. It won't go away.
See, people want to see hollywood athletes like Usain Bolt on the tv. The film industry is also no stranger to steroid use: Hollywood actors like Christian Bale have used steroids to bulk up muscle in a number of months for AESTHETICS. It takes years to build muscle as a man - and you will only get a fraction of what drug users can get with the same training. Steroids also aid in muscle recovery.
My serious concern is the poor young boys who suffer from body issues because they don't look like he man and shit to get pussy. They look to bodybuilders who lie to their faces about being natty so they can sell their exercise programs and supplements.
If people want to know a bit more about the steroid culture, check out the likes of Durianrider and Vegan Gains on j00toobe.
PS: They strink the testicles, but not the penis itself. In fact, it increases its size.
I dunno if trans people are cheating nature by taking drugs, or if they might feel that nature's cheating them by putting them in the wrong body. It's not the point though. They aren't cheating anybody else. I'm a believer that an adult should be allowed to put whatever substance into their body that they want. If somebody wants to pump themselves full of drugs so that they can run faster than anybody else, then I'm cool with that. They just shouldn't be allowed to compete against non drug users.
I'm merely pointing out that many people are synthetics in various ways, not looking to upset anybody here on this topic. So live and let live!