Author Topic: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.  (Read 76111 times)

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #540 on: September 06, 2016, 05:33:16 PM »
No, it has always been your choice!   Like the time I sent melatonin to you for your son to circumvent your countries laws.  Lucifer would be disappointed in you.  I tried, but, now it seems the ban hammer from your paranoia has made you split hairs and it will not make me lose any sleep over it!   If you truly respect me, just let it go and trust that I will not allow Pea to do anything bad.   You opened this Pandora's have the power to close it.   

And as I said, you, and several others talked around me!  For several weeks.......if you said "stop posting Pea's stuff" in the beginning.....I would have done so.  But, you dithered and now that push has come to shove, you are now all holy and righteous, just like callaway and mcmanslag.   Your choice, as it always has been!

I respect you, but I don't respect Pea.  I was reluctant to bring it up because I do respect you, but also, it took me a while to sort my thoughts on this. Believe it or not, I am not spending my time thinking primarily about either I2, you, Al or Pea. I come here to unwind, as do most people, not to have a very unpleasant memory from years ago thrown in my face, and at first, I didn't want to even think about it.

Yet all some can think of is fucking moderation and censorship and whatnot. It's all very nice when it's not about  you lot, when it's still an abstract thing.

Well, apparently, you have blocked Pea from viewing the site in any way shape or form.  Congratulations........enjoy your supremacy! 

WWDD.......what would Dunc do?

Ask him. I have no idea.

But it's interesting to note how you two must have monitored the drama. Is this fun for you? Is this the kind of laugh he had four years ago on Youtube?

Four years ago on the internuts is an Epoch in normal time.  All I'm going by is Lucifer's words to me when all this came down.  I never monitored the drama...this was between "adults", times change, people change, I gave many people who threw me to wolves the benefit of the doubt, forgave them, and it has been a release and relief for me, especially when they accepted or when they didn't.  You seem to be holding onto the "poison" and keeping your wounds fresh for your own reasons.  Four years ago Pea was a different person...hell, he and I were still at each others throats....but, the bridge was still there and it's strong.  I and my wife were able to help him when he had his stroke.....Pea reached out to me and I didn't kick him to the curb.  There were other things that happened, but, we are friends.   It's not fun for me, BUT, I will never throw a friend under the bus for convenience.  It is not fun, but, doing the right thing and letting go of past shit is the right thing.

Four years is indeed a long time and people can change but has he?  So far he has during this current drama

Used the elders only sock to post
Made multiple attempts to register
Gotten you and others to post his messages
Made Vids about it
Stalked about the parts of the forum he can see

That doesn't look like much of a change.

I'm sorry that I lost your respect.  I truly regret that.  But, I did tell you that Pea was not that bad a person irl when we talked in the middle of Portsmouth NH.  And the stuff I posted, imo, was not that bad. 
"Some books are to be tasted.  Others to be swallowed.  And some few to be chewed and digested."  --Sir Francis Bacon

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #541 on: September 06, 2016, 05:44:34 PM »
No, it has always been your choice!   Like the time I sent melatonin to you for your son to circumvent your countries laws.  Lucifer would be disappointed in you.  I tried, but, now it seems the ban hammer from your paranoia has made you split hairs and it will not make me lose any sleep over it!   If you truly respect me, just let it go and trust that I will not allow Pea to do anything bad.   You opened this Pandora's have the power to close it.   

And as I said, you, and several others talked around me!  For several weeks.......if you said "stop posting Pea's stuff" in the beginning.....I would have done so.  But, you dithered and now that push has come to shove, you are now all holy and righteous, just like callaway and mcmanslag.   Your choice, as it always has been!

I respect you, but I don't respect Pea.  I was reluctant to bring it up because I do respect you, but also, it took me a while to sort my thoughts on this. Believe it or not, I am not spending my time thinking primarily about either I2, you, Al or Pea. I come here to unwind, as do most people, not to have a very unpleasant memory from years ago thrown in my face, and at first, I didn't want to even think about it.

Yet all some can think of is fucking moderation and censorship and whatnot. It's all very nice when it's not about  you lot, when it's still an abstract thing.

Well, apparently, you have blocked Pea from viewing the site in any way shape or form.  Congratulations........enjoy your supremacy! 

WWDD.......what would Dunc do?

Ask him. I have no idea.

But it's interesting to note how you two must have monitored the drama. Is this fun for you? Is this the kind of laugh he had four years ago on Youtube?

Four years ago on the internuts is an Epoch in normal time.  All I'm going by is Lucifer's words to me when all this came down.  I never monitored the drama...this was between "adults", times change, people change, I gave many people who threw me to wolves the benefit of the doubt, forgave them, and it has been a release and relief for me, especially when they accepted or when they didn't.  You seem to be holding onto the "poison" and keeping your wounds fresh for your own reasons.  Four years ago Pea was a different person...hell, he and I were still at each others throats....but, the bridge was still there and it's strong.  I and my wife were able to help him when he had his stroke.....Pea reached out to me and I didn't kick him to the curb.  There were other things that happened, but, we are friends.   It's not fun for me, BUT, I will never throw a friend under the bus for convenience.  It is not fun, but, doing the right thing and letting go of past shit is the right thing.

Four years is indeed a long time and people can change but has he?  So far he has during this current drama

Used the elders only sock to post
Made multiple attempts to register
Gotten you and others to post his messages
Made Vids about it
Stalked about the parts of the forum he can see

That doesn't look like much of a change.

I'm sorry that I lost your respect.  I truly regret that.  But, I did tell you that Pea was not that bad a person irl when we talked in the middle of Portsmouth NH.  And the stuff I posted, imo, was not that bad.

You have not lost it I just don't agree with you on this.   The stuff you posted  was not that bad it's more about him asking you to do it,  to me that is an indicator that he hasn't changed all that much
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #542 on: September 06, 2016, 05:49:57 PM »
No, it has always been your choice!   Like the time I sent melatonin to you for your son to circumvent your countries laws.  Lucifer would be disappointed in you.  I tried, but, now it seems the ban hammer from your paranoia has made you split hairs and it will not make me lose any sleep over it!   If you truly respect me, just let it go and trust that I will not allow Pea to do anything bad.   You opened this Pandora's have the power to close it.   

And as I said, you, and several others talked around me!  For several weeks.......if you said "stop posting Pea's stuff" in the beginning.....I would have done so.  But, you dithered and now that push has come to shove, you are now all holy and righteous, just like callaway and mcmanslag.   Your choice, as it always has been!

I respect you, but I don't respect Pea.  I was reluctant to bring it up because I do respect you, but also, it took me a while to sort my thoughts on this. Believe it or not, I am not spending my time thinking primarily about either I2, you, Al or Pea. I come here to unwind, as do most people, not to have a very unpleasant memory from years ago thrown in my face, and at first, I didn't want to even think about it.

Yet all some can think of is fucking moderation and censorship and whatnot. It's all very nice when it's not about  you lot, when it's still an abstract thing.

Well, apparently, you have blocked Pea from viewing the site in any way shape or form.  Congratulations........enjoy your supremacy! 

WWDD.......what would Dunc do?

Ask him. I have no idea.

But it's interesting to note how you two must have monitored the drama. Is this fun for you? Is this the kind of laugh he had four years ago on Youtube?

Four years ago on the internuts is an Epoch in normal time.  All I'm going by is Lucifer's words to me when all this came down.  I never monitored the drama...this was between "adults", times change, people change, I gave many people who threw me to wolves the benefit of the doubt, forgave them, and it has been a release and relief for me, especially when they accepted or when they didn't.  You seem to be holding onto the "poison" and keeping your wounds fresh for your own reasons.  Four years ago Pea was a different person...hell, he and I were still at each others throats....but, the bridge was still there and it's strong.  I and my wife were able to help him when he had his stroke.....Pea reached out to me and I didn't kick him to the curb.  There were other things that happened, but, we are friends.   It's not fun for me, BUT, I will never throw a friend under the bus for convenience.  It is not fun, but, doing the right thing and letting go of past shit is the right thing.

Four years is indeed a long time and people can change but has he?  So far he has during this current drama

Used the elders only sock to post
Made multiple attempts to register
Gotten you and others to post his messages
Made Vids about it
Stalked about the parts of the forum he can see

That doesn't look like much of a change.

I am interested and curious, that whilst I acknowledge all of the above, and taking into account he has not seemed to change in your opinion, what would he have done to indicate a change worthy of posting? I mean to say if you say "Well he was banned so should not have done any of those things", fine BUT that has got nothing to do with whether he has changed at all has it?

What you are actually saying is he was banned from ever coming here and we would under no circumstances eve had him back in any form regardless of whether he has changed and his posting in any form is proof of his never having changed.

It reminds me of "If she floats she is a witch and if she sinks and drowns she is innocent".
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline odeon

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #543 on: September 06, 2016, 06:03:51 PM »
That creepy message you forwarded from him was proof enough, Al. Should I say sorry to *him* after he posted that shit on Youtube and I had the police pay him a visit to make him stop?

The police certainly didn't think I was overreacting. They never suggested I should apologise, either.

Is it your opinion in general that the victim should apologise if somebody you know from the internet said that the perpetrator really has changed?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #544 on: September 06, 2016, 06:21:17 PM »
That creepy message you forwarded from him was proof enough, Al. Should I say sorry to *him* after he posted that shit on Youtube and I had the police pay him a visit to make him stop?

The police certainly didn't think I was overreacting. They never suggested I should apologise, either.

Is it your opinion in general that the victim should apologise if somebody you know from the internet said that the perpetrator really has changed?

I do not know why you are seeking out my opinion on the matter. Certainly you dismiss everything I say and can't imagine why you'd humour me.

 I think that many years ago Pea was upset with you and your treatment of a friend of his.
His reaction was something I understand but do not agree with. (though from what I understand, he did not call you a paedophile but rather some other guy Chris Gillon did...apparently.  Not a big point of contention in the scheme of things, but I understand it).

As for who the victim in this is, there is a rather large elephant in the room if we are to talk about victims. Two of them intimately involved with you. Neither are you.

This is kind of my point with things. Yes Pea behaved badly and sure I have never said police turning up was not warranted. But don't for a moment say you were a victim or that this situation came out of nowhere.

There was a good reason Pea was angry  What was that reason?
Who was that friend of Pea's that was upset, that prompted this situation with you and he?
What did YOU do to make that friend of his upset?
Who are the ACTUAL victims I refer to?

Take some fucking responsibility Odeon. Have a bit of decency and accountability for your poor choices and how that affects things and people around you..

« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 06:27:09 PM by Al Swearengen »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #545 on: September 06, 2016, 06:24:52 PM »
That creepy message
That was pretty creepy. He's glad to know he still upset you, seems clear enough though.

Offline rock hound

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #546 on: September 06, 2016, 06:45:05 PM »
No, it has always been your choice!   Like the time I sent melatonin to you for your son to circumvent your countries laws.  Lucifer would be disappointed in you.  I tried, but, now it seems the ban hammer from your paranoia has made you split hairs and it will not make me lose any sleep over it!   If you truly respect me, just let it go and trust that I will not allow Pea to do anything bad.   You opened this Pandora's have the power to close it.   

And as I said, you, and several others talked around me!  For several weeks.......if you said "stop posting Pea's stuff" in the beginning.....I would have done so.  But, you dithered and now that push has come to shove, you are now all holy and righteous, just like callaway and mcmanslag.   Your choice, as it always has been!

I respect you, but I don't respect Pea.  I was reluctant to bring it up because I do respect you, but also, it took me a while to sort my thoughts on this. Believe it or not, I am not spending my time thinking primarily about either I2, you, Al or Pea. I come here to unwind, as do most people, not to have a very unpleasant memory from years ago thrown in my face, and at first, I didn't want to even think about it.

Yet all some can think of is fucking moderation and censorship and whatnot. It's all very nice when it's not about  you lot, when it's still an abstract thing.

Well, apparently, you have blocked Pea from viewing the site in any way shape or form.  Congratulations........enjoy your supremacy! 

WWDD.......what would Dunc do?

Ask him. I have no idea.

But it's interesting to note how you two must have monitored the drama. Is this fun for you? Is this the kind of laugh he had four years ago on Youtube?

Four years ago on the internuts is an Epoch in normal time.  All I'm going by is Lucifer's words to me when all this came down.  I never monitored the drama...this was between "adults", times change, people change, I gave many people who threw me to wolves the benefit of the doubt, forgave them, and it has been a release and relief for me, especially when they accepted or when they didn't.  You seem to be holding onto the "poison" and keeping your wounds fresh for your own reasons.  Four years ago Pea was a different person...hell, he and I were still at each others throats....but, the bridge was still there and it's strong.  I and my wife were able to help him when he had his stroke.....Pea reached out to me and I didn't kick him to the curb.  There were other things that happened, but, we are friends.   It's not fun for me, BUT, I will never throw a friend under the bus for convenience.  It is not fun, but, doing the right thing and letting go of past shit is the right thing.

Four years is indeed a long time and people can change but has he?  So far he has during this current drama

Used the elders only sock to post
Made multiple attempts to register
Gotten you and others to post his messages
Made Vids about it
Stalked about the parts of the forum he can see

That doesn't look like much of a change.

I'm sorry that I lost your respect.  I truly regret that.  But, I did tell you that Pea was not that bad a person irl when we talked in the middle of Portsmouth NH.  And the stuff I posted, imo, was not that bad.

You have not lost it I just don't agree with you on this.   The stuff you posted  was not that bad it's more about him asking you to do it,  to me that is an indicator that he hasn't changed all that much

We agree to disagree, you voiced at our irl meeting that "I was the most reasonable person on the forum", has that really changed?    I feel that it has.    He has changed, and would be a voice that could happen here, for a change of pace.   Maybe I take seriously free speech more seriously than odeon does!
« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 08:33:41 PM by rock hound »
"Some books are to be tasted.  Others to be swallowed.  And some few to be chewed and digested."  --Sir Francis Bacon

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #547 on: September 07, 2016, 12:45:24 PM »
Still need to work out why both these guys wanted us to stay in the EU.  But this is a must see to understand who controls the EU and how it's controlled and how politicians of countries cannot do anything to change economic policies and it's pretty much irrelevant who's elected in any country in the EU. 

"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #548 on: September 07, 2016, 12:47:31 PM »
As for talking to Pea, find him on Facebook.
I'm locked out of Facebook.  :emosad:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #549 on: September 07, 2016, 12:50:00 PM »
Still need to work out why both these guys wanted us to stay in the EU.  But this is a must see to understand who controls the EU and how it's controlled and how politicians of countries cannot do anything to change economic policies and it's pretty much irrelevant who's elected in any country in the EU. 

Do they have a cliff-notes version of that??

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #550 on: September 07, 2016, 12:57:17 PM »
As for talking to Pea, find him on Facebook.
I'm locked out of Facebook.  :emosad:

He's discarded FB for the time being.  I've been communicating with him on Google chat.  I believe he can be found on skype as well.  The last time I saw him on FB, was after I gave Pyraxis his FB user name that he was using.  I can't quite recall when exactly that was. 
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 12:59:19 PM by rock hound »
"Some books are to be tasted.  Others to be swallowed.  And some few to be chewed and digested."  --Sir Francis Bacon

"Civilization exists by geologic consent.  Subject to change without notice."  --Will Durant

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #551 on: September 07, 2016, 01:06:57 PM »
As for talking to Pea, find him on Facebook.
I'm locked out of Facebook.  :emosad:

He's discarded FB for the time being.  I've been communicating with him on Google chat.  I believe he can be found on skype as well.  The last time I saw him on FB, was after I gave Pyraxis his FB user name that he was using.  I can't quite recall when exactly that was.

FB is cracking down on people not using their full legal names. That's why I got locked out of my account.

AFAIK I'm the only person on earth with my name and have a very unique last name.

Being on FB is a danger for me because anyone can just do a google search and have my doxx in an instant.

Offline rock hound

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #552 on: September 07, 2016, 01:15:24 PM »
As for talking to Pea, find him on Facebook.
I'm locked out of Facebook.  :emosad:

He's discarded FB for the time being.  I've been communicating with him on Google chat.  I believe he can be found on skype as well.  The last time I saw him on FB, was after I gave Pyraxis his FB user name that he was using.  I can't quite recall when exactly that was.

FB is cracking down on people not using their full legal names. That's why I got locked out of my account.

AFAIK I'm the only person on earth with my name and have a very unique last name.

Being on FB is a danger for me because anyone can just do a google search and have my doxx in an instant.

Pea wasn't the only person to use a different name on FB, we have a mutual friend who's been warned about not using his real name as well.  I haven't seen him for awhile.  Maybe suckerberg and his no fun minions did the same to him as they did to you.
"Some books are to be tasted.  Others to be swallowed.  And some few to be chewed and digested."  --Sir Francis Bacon

"Civilization exists by geologic consent.  Subject to change without notice."  --Will Durant

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #553 on: September 07, 2016, 03:12:35 PM »
That creepy message you forwarded from him was proof enough, Al. Should I say sorry to *him* after he posted that shit on Youtube and I had the police pay him a visit to make him stop?

The police certainly didn't think I was overreacting. They never suggested I should apologise, either.

Is it your opinion in general that the victim should apologise if somebody you know from the internet said that the perpetrator really has changed?

I do not know why you are seeking out my opinion on the matter. Certainly you dismiss everything I say and can't imagine why you'd humour me.

 I think that many years ago Pea was upset with you and your treatment of a friend of his.
His reaction was something I understand but do not agree with. (though from what I understand, he did not call you a paedophile but rather some other guy Chris Gillon did...apparently.  Not a big point of contention in the scheme of things, but I understand it).

As for who the victim in this is, there is a rather large elephant in the room if we are to talk about victims. Two of them intimately involved with you. Neither are you.

This is kind of my point with things. Yes Pea behaved badly and sure I have never said police turning up was not warranted. But don't for a moment say you were a victim or that this situation came out of nowhere.

There was a good reason Pea was angry  What was that reason?
Who was that friend of Pea's that was upset, that prompted this situation with you and he?
What did YOU do to make that friend of his upset?
Who are the ACTUAL victims I refer to?

Take some fucking responsibility Odeon. Have a bit of decency and accountability for your poor choices and how that affects things and people around you..

I have, and you are wrong. The video was posted in 2012 and quite some time after Pea sought me out to reconcile our differences. At that point, I thought what was past was past because that was what *he* said. Then came the videos.

So don't you try to tell me who is guilty of what here. I know what happened, Pea knows what happened, and he readily admitted it when confronted by the police. You, on the other hand, do not. You don't have the faintest idea. You, as the simple troll you are, just want to fuel the flames.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #554 on: September 07, 2016, 03:15:18 PM »
Pea was wise not to use his real name on FB. There is always somebody out there willing to use your real name. ::)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein