Author Topic: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.  (Read 75789 times)

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #180 on: June 28, 2016, 04:27:41 PM »
It's also worth noting that there is a petition floating around about London leaving, too.

That's just another indication how the London based media are getting hysterical and desperate.  London is a bubble.  It is out of touch with the realities of the rest of the country.

Incidentally...  the rest of the UK would secretly like Lonodon to fuck off too. 

But that aside, this is all piss and smoke.  It's nothing but a childish reaction of the Blairite centre left.

It's an indication of people being pissed off and knowing they will be paying for other people's mistakes.

You don't understand that would have been plenty of people voting leave knowing full well that it would/could cost them a lot financially?  You don't understand that new strategies have to be made and just maybe things could turn out for the better?  Or do you just believe everything your TV says?  Also, maybe not everything is about purely money. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #181 on: June 28, 2016, 04:28:24 PM »
I'd think it was hilarious, actually.

You really are an immature shell. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #182 on: June 28, 2016, 04:29:35 PM »
Honestly, if anybody's a fan of Ricky Gervais, or Alan Partridge, they should really set aside 15 minutes to watch his video :laugh:

I am!  Gonna have to watch it now lol. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #183 on: June 28, 2016, 04:32:35 PM »
I was asked by Pea to post this:  The views are not mine, however, this is in the interest of free speech.

This video seems to be all about me :dunno: He's even calling me by my real name on a Youtube video :-\

It's sweet that he's "not criticized me for being lesbian," and "not really criticized me for being Scottish" :laugh:

Is he mentally ill?

Is it possible that Pea is FourAceDeal? Sorry to FAD if that''s not the case.

That is your insult default isn't it. No judging, but it is isn't it?
If you disagree with a position or don't like the person, you call them mentally ill or crazy or the like.

I suggest that it usually is more likely that people have different thoughts and perspectives than you and that neither make you right nor more sane for having different thoughts.

By all means though, keep throwing that out there.

A bit like how homosexuals were labelled mentally ill, so again, it's a bit rich.  People's views etc should be taken on with logic and reason, not just brushed off as an illness or saying "dats racis".
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline Jack

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #184 on: June 28, 2016, 04:37:31 PM »
Am seeing reports in the news of France presenting a blueprint proposal today to unite EU members into a single military superstate. It's being described as an ultimatum. The only way for the EU can ever become a UN security council nuclear superpower is to have the UK and/or France in their membership. Am hoping the blueprint is released to the public soon to read what's so ultimatum like about it. Am wondering if France intends to make a big play for military control in the EU if the UK leaves, and if they don't get what they want then they might opt out too. Very interesting stuff, Europeans.

Offline benjimanbreeg

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"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #186 on: June 28, 2016, 04:45:18 PM »

Fucking awful :thumbdn:

Genuinely feel devastated :'(

Stayed up all night watching the results come through with a growing sense of horror.

Got about an hours sleep, and now I just want to cry >:(

Yeah, my colleagues in London spent most of the time cursing when I talked to them this morning. It's a disaster.

I don't think most of the people who voted know how bad this is.

That's because London is in a bubble and has no idea what happens in the real world.  The backbone of the country has spoken!  Democracy has one, the corporate machine has taken a smashing but will punish the working class for making the wrong choice.

Actually I think it's rather the other way around. The real world is not just some shithole in Wales these days, like it or not. Isolationism doesn't work.

See look at you, you arrogant cunt.  Your retarded heroes like Damon Albarn and his flock are isolationists, and they do not tolerate and accept democratic results that go against them.  You're allowed to have an opinion, as long as it's the right one.  London is a mess, it is being socially cleansed and the victims of that have bitten back.

As I mentioned above, it seems pretty easy to see millions voted a specific way, to say they all are bigots and/or stupid seems ironically either bigoted and/or stupid.
There were pros and cons. People chose what they were prepared to accept and voted accordingly.  That more people placed importance on leaving than Odeon and Butterflies did is neither here nor there. It was their choice to make and they made it.
This whole Wales shithole comment sounds a little bit pissy.

Also, lot's of people who voted to stay in would have voted for different reasons, how it would affect their company etc.  A lot of people voted because they forgot the last 45 years happened and thought if we were in we could have some influence in the EU. 

And Butterflies-  The EU will not reform, it is only getting worse!  You're either in or out as they say.  Cameron crowed about his deal, but he got nothing.  Between 1945 and 1971 we didn't have any wars with our neighbors did we?  We can still be on good terms with other countries without all dissolving our sovereignty and taking part in globalisation. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #187 on: June 28, 2016, 04:46:51 PM »
Am seeing reports in the news of France presenting a blueprint proposal today to unite EU members into a single military superstate. It's being described as an ultimatum. The only way for the EU can ever become a UN security council nuclear superpower is to have the UK and/or France in their membership. Am hoping the blueprint is released to the public soon to read what's so ultimatum like about it. Am wondering if France intends to make a big play for military control in the EU if the UK leaves, and if they don't get what they want then they might opt out too. Very interesting stuff, Europeans.

Farage always said about a European army.  Cool, they won't fight each other, just fight as one army against which ever Middle East country they fancy blowing up next. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #188 on: June 28, 2016, 04:57:11 PM »
Am seeing reports in the news of France presenting a blueprint proposal today to unite EU members into a single military superstate. It's being described as an ultimatum. The only way for the EU can ever become a UN security council nuclear superpower is to have the UK and/or France in their membership. Am hoping the blueprint is released to the public soon to read what's so ultimatum like about it. Am wondering if France intends to make a big play for military control in the EU if the UK leaves, and if they don't get what they want then they might opt out too. Very interesting stuff, Europeans.

Farage always said about a European army.  Cool, they won't fight each other, just fight as one army against which ever Middle East country they fancy blowing up next.

That's our job!  >:(

They best not be encroaching on traditional American past-times.

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #189 on: June 28, 2016, 05:08:11 PM »
And we're your biatches.  Hopefully if we're out of the EU we won't get involved in a war with Iran which could happen with either US candidate. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline Jack

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #190 on: June 28, 2016, 05:16:48 PM »
Am seeing reports in the news of France presenting a blueprint proposal today to unite EU members into a single military superstate. It's being described as an ultimatum. The only way for the EU can ever become a UN security council nuclear superpower is to have the UK and/or France in their membership. Am hoping the blueprint is released to the public soon to read what's so ultimatum like about it. Am wondering if France intends to make a big play for military control in the EU if the UK leaves, and if they don't get what they want then they might opt out too. Very interesting stuff, Europeans.

Farage always said about a European army.  Cool, they won't fight each other, just fight as one army against which ever Middle East country they fancy blowing up next.
It's no doubt a plan that's been in the works for some time. It makes complete sense the UK and France would want military control over the EU, and if they can't get it then they absolutely should leave the EU, else risk losing their seat of authority over the rest of the globe. The EU can morph into one nation all they want but without an existing nuclear state witin the membership it will never be anything more than a large UN member nation. This is a global power struggle, and it's looking like the UK is very smartly protecting their own butt at the moment.

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #191 on: June 28, 2016, 06:44:30 PM »
Why do you keep parroting phrases like "Little Englander"?  There's nothing that's made England more little than dissolving our sovereignty and trying to change from a state/country to a province.  You only want people who you agree with to be able to vote.  You also want Scotland to be Independent from the UK?!

Hi Benjamin. I wanted to respond to you. Glad you re-appeared.

See, one of the reasons why I voted Brexit is to eventually bring an independent England from the United Kingdom. I think we'd do all right, Jack. I'm also getting tired of citizens being called "little Englander" and "racist" for showing any patriotism of England. We've done a lot of good things as well as bad. I don't give a shit about the colonial past; we're not a superpower or an empire, any more. Shouldn't people in and outside of the UK just be content with that?

I also think the next step would be to gravitate from the corporatism we have to free market capitalism under a limited government. Otherwise, we'll expect the same corrupt shit outside of the EU.

I'd like to hear what you feel about the idea of classical liberalism as a viable solution. I suspect that you're more of a socialist, although I could be wrong.

And I'm probably mentally ill after surviving death. I'm not too worried about detractors on this board because I'm dealing with people who have the same developmental disorder called autism here. However, I'm not looking to get into pissing matches, just some healthy discussion here from people with different angles to this matter.

(If you could post that when you can, Steve, then cheers. Don't copy and paste this sentence within the round brackes, please!)

I tried, but being the quasi neo luddite of the internet world...I can only do my best!    :GA:
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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #192 on: June 28, 2016, 06:45:24 PM »
"Some books are to be tasted.  Others to be swallowed.  And some few to be chewed and digested."  --Sir Francis Bacon

"Civilization exists by geologic consent.  Subject to change without notice."  --Will Durant

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #193 on: June 28, 2016, 07:34:12 PM »
Wondering if the UK will survive this. :-\

Britania has survived a thousand challenges over as many years and more.

I think they will survive.

The matter of TeH UK is still in question, though.
I am no less worried than I was on Day One of the vote.

As much as I may dis' the Brits in an historical context, they are very important to this country in the modern era.
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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #194 on: June 28, 2016, 07:35:18 PM »

Why did you post that?

Because it seemed appropriate!   Deal with it or whatever!   ::)

It's only a link to facebook, and nothing more. Were you trying to link something specific from facebook? :dunno: