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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #150 on: June 27, 2016, 12:33:35 AM »

Then the rest of Europe.  There is , of course, the domino effect.  Article 50 has not been activated because time is on Britains side.  How will the landscape change id, say Holland for ce a referendum?  Or Finland?  Or Italy?  Or even the French?

What about the other ten provinces of the Netherlands?  :MLA:
Holland does now and then think they are the Netherlands. Ask Groningen what that leads to.

I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #151 on: June 27, 2016, 03:09:49 AM »

I'm not sure what alternate reality you are in, but there was one vote.  A British wide YES/NO vote to stay in or leave the EU.

There was no vote by Scotland to do anything.  There was no vote by England to do anything.  There was no vote for NI to do anything.  One vote.  Britain.  Yes.  No.

By the nature of our electoral system votes are totted up via the same method of general elections which gives us the ability to see how votes are cast by region.  That is all that has happened.  Some statistics.  Nothing else has happened except a lot of speculation.

Yes, I suppose you're right. Nothing has happened. Scotland hasn't called an independence referendum, and UK hasn't left the EU.

If UK does leave the EU, which is looking slightly less certain now, then unless the terms of withdrawal are suitable to Scotland, Scotland will hold a new referendum.

Who knows what the result of the Scottish referendum would be. I guess it probably depends on the terms of the UKs EU withdrawal.

I don't think that Scotland will just blindly do as England tells it.

I hear that....  To the Scots the English are the bogey man.  If a Scot got a letter from the English telling him the sky was blue he'd look out the window to make sure.

When I'm not ranting I feel sorry for the Scots.  What the fuck do they do?  Putting their hatred of the English aside, do they stick with Britain outside the EU?  The alternative is to become a small non-EU country and apply for membership.  But then they will be forced into the Euro as an entry requirement. 

Britain had one thing going for it  and that was we had a lot of hard fought for changes to the usual EU membership rules that no one else had.  Do the Scots want the full on 100% integrated Euro using membership?  Because that's what weill be on offer.  If so then goodbye and thanks for all the whisky.  Sorry about the new border fence, but you know how it goes.

And Northern Ireland?  Fuck.  Historically there has always been "The Irish Question".  It's not a simple thing like, "shall we stay with Britain or shall we not stay with Britain?".  NI is a barrel of dynamite whos smoking fuse has gone out.  Or at least you think its gone out.  You can smell burning.  Hmmmm...    Seriously, tell me a scenario where the status quo changes in any way that doesn't end in civil war.  There's still a shit load of assualt rifles hidden under floor boards in NI.  Would The Republic of Ireland even want to be dealing with that?  Do they even have the infrastructure to deal with a new kick off of "The Troubles"?

Then the rest of Europe.  There is , of course, the domino effect.  Article 50 has not been activated because time is on Britains side.  How will the landscape change id, say Holland for ce a referendum?  Or Finland?  Or Italy?  Or even the French?

Germany may be facing the prospect of bank rolling a bloated EU by themselves and have fewer and fewer bargaining chips.  Perhaps this is the point where the EU changes course and goes back to the institution it was meant to be and the idea of a superstate is put to rest.

No one knows how things are going to pan out, but best that no one panics.  We live in interesting times. 

And its going to be a long haul, so best pace yourself.

When I'm not ranting I feel sorry for the Scots. Putting their hatred of the English aside

Some Scots hate the English, and sadly some English do hate the Scots. I certainly have no ill will, or prejudice towards the English at all. I'm perfectly open about what I think of the Brexiteers though. The comments I make about the English that may sound nasty to you are very much jokes. The comments I make about the Brexiteers are generally genuine.

Do the Scots want the full on 100% integrated Euro using membership?   

I don't think the Scots have the same hatred of the EU that the English do. I think a lot of Scots would be happy enough to be a fully integrated EU member.
I certainly don't see the EU as the bogeyman.

And Northern Ireland?  Fuck.  Historically there has always been "The Irish Question".  It's not a simple thing like, "shall we stay with Britain or shall we not stay with Britain?".  NI is a barrel of dynamite whos smoking fuse has gone out.  Or at least you think its gone out.  You can smell burning.  Hmmmm...    Seriously, tell me a scenario where the status quo changes in any way that doesn't end in civil war.  There's still a shit load of assualt rifles hidden under floor boards in NI.  Would The Republic of Ireland even want to be dealing with that?  Do they even have the infrastructure to deal with a new kick off of "The Troubles"?

I lived in N.Ireland for 6 years. Yes, I know about the problems. I think any course off action could end up restarting a civil war.
Of course, re-unifying with Ireland could cause chaos, but so too would not re-unifying with Ireland, if the majority of N.Ireland was calling for it.

At the moment, I don't think there will be an overwhelming call for re-unification, but that could change quickly. If Britains suffering over Brexit continues, and life starts to look better as part of a re-unified Ireland, then calls for re-unification will get louder.

Then the rest of Europe.  There is , of course, the domino effect.  Article 50 has not been activated because time is on Britains side.  How will the landscape change id, say Holland for ce a referendum?  Or Finland?  Or Italy?  Or even the French?

Honestly, I'd be devastated. I think that overall, the EU is/was a great thing. Deeply flawed, yes. In desperate need of reform, also yes. But integration and cooperation between countries that have such a history of war, and the ability for the citizens to move and work throughout the EU, are things that I really liked, and felt they were worth fighting to keep.

Germany may be facing the prospect of bank rolling a bloated EU by themselves and have fewer and fewer bargaining chips.  Perhaps this is the point where the EU changes course and goes back to the institution it was meant to be and the idea of a superstate is put to rest.

Yup, I can see that happening. If not now, then in the foreseeable future.

No one knows how things are going to pan out, but best that no one panics.  We live in interesting times. 

Very interesting. I'm spending most of my time reading what's going on. I've never seen anything like this in my lifetime.
I think I'll continue panicing for now though :angrydance: :angrydance:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #152 on: June 27, 2016, 03:18:02 AM »
Pea, by proxy, certainly brought up one point.  The SNP has a marxist backbone, which they don't really talk about.
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #153 on: June 27, 2016, 03:22:02 AM »
Pea replied to Butterflies and since it's relevant, he asked me to post his reply.   After this I will retire temporarily from the messenger role and have some more RED WINE!   

"I used your name because you disclosed it to me and others a while back. You also disclosed some things about yourself to me like how hard you had it. Not sure if you remember. I only did so because we were briefly acquainted and you were polite, so I'm returning the favour somewhat. If you prefer to be called by your username, fine. My online friends and I use our first names to one another all of the time.  Also, this video is unlisted, not public.  If you want it taken down because I used your first name, I will.

Like I said, father's from Scotland, so I don't really dislike Scottish people. I just don't like the SNP lot much, especially when they're negative about my country - not all of them. However, like them, I want independence from the UK, but under capitalism whereas SNP wants socialism. I also speak to a Scottish guy online now and then  who supports different economical values to you. He feels isolated due to the SNP because of what economical system they support. In fact, I would say he is one of the people who helped me support the idea of a Brexit.

Yes; one of the reasons why I support the idea of Brexit is to curtail the number of religious people coming into the UK. I've seen videos of Bangladeshis and such in London, for example, abusing homosexuals. Because of the EU courts, the UK government do very little to prevent these terrorists. Hopefully, with this gamble, we'd oust these idiots out of the country under our own laws. Like I said, no matter what people think of me right now, I believe in liberty and protecting the rights of others, as long as it's consensual and it doesn't harm others. Legalising drugs is one of my views, too.

Am I mentally ill? Possibly, due to the stroke I had a few years back. It affects the individual in various ways. However, just because I may receive negative attention on the internet, it does not apply to how colleagues and such interact with me in real life. Anyway, the whole Brexit reaction fascinates me online, so I'm indulging until my other work begins next month to keep me occupied. The whole dialogue between you and Breeg intrigued me, so I wanted to give my support to what he is saying about globalism.

There's bound to be problems with the entire decision, like if it was a Bremain one; but if you watch the likes of Sargon of Akkad on youtube, who explains his decision more eloquently than I do verbally, you'd probably appreciate a little of why people have voted Brexit. Incidentally, I agree with Breeg that's it's unfair to just laugh and mock those who have geniune concerns about the EU as a whole.

I was pretty polite to locals in my Grassroots Out campaign with leafleting. There were some non white residents I spoke to who had an interest in the OUT stance. I never imposed my views on those who had no interest in the election. Again, while there are idiots in OUT, I don't think I'm prejudice to those with skin colour. Religious ideals, I admittedly am.

I'll continue this further if you wish, but right now I'm rather tired and I might be getting some sleep soon."

"I also want to add that FourAceDeal makes some pretty reasonable points pertaining to this Brexit subject. Unlike me, he's not proudly cray cray.

He's right about one thing, however: the times will definitely be arduous, but they will pay off in the end. I believe I voted for what I think is just."

Ho Pea. Don't worry about the video. No need to take it down. No big deal at all. FWIW, I'm open about giving my name, but prefer it not to be used in public because of privacy concerns. I'd hate a real life friend to find this account ,and realize it was me. I've written so much personal stuff, I would die of embarrassment if someone I knew IRL found it :laugh:

Yes; one of the reasons why I support the idea of Brexit is to curtail the number of religious people coming into the UK. I've seen videos of Bangladeshis and such in London, for example, abusing homosexuals.

I really don't think Brexit is going to rid Britain of Bangladeshis :-\

I agree with Breeg that's it's unfair to just laugh and mock those who have geniune concerns about the EU as a whole.

Nobody's laughing and mocking those who have genuine concerns about the EU. A lot of those concerns were valid. A lot of people feel utter despair at the fact that you guys have dragged us out of the EU over those concerns though.
Also, I really don't see much laughing going on among the Remainers. Like I say, despair seems to be the overwhelming emotion.

TBH, I just logged in here to vent at the result. Not to get involved in serious discussions about it. It looks like the Brexiteers have won, and I'm fucking gutted about it :(

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #154 on: June 27, 2016, 03:25:46 AM »
Pea, by proxy, certainly brought up one point.  The SNP has a marxist backbone, which they don't really talk about.

I really don't think they do. They're a bit more Social-democratic than any of the mainstream Westminster parties, but nobody in the SNP (that I know of) supports society of common ownership.
The SNP are capitalists.

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #155 on: June 27, 2016, 08:38:41 AM »
If you could post this to Butterflies again, that'd be great. Cheers.

Ho Pea. Don't worry about the video. No need to take it down. No big deal at all. FWIW, I'm open about giving my name, but prefer it not to be used in public because of privacy concerns. I'd hate a real life friend to find this account ,and realize it was me. I've written so much personal stuff, I would die of embarrassment if someone I knew IRL found it 

I deleted the video  because I respect your concerns. I won’t do a video like that regarding you again.

Also, if you don’t want me to post at you again, I’m giving you that opportunity here and now to say that you don’t want my input. I’m not taking it personal or anything. It’s just that your posts stood out in this topic, and I decided to comment on them. I’m typing this out of courtesy.

I really don't think Brexit is going to rid Britain of Bangladeshis 

I have no qualms with every Bangladeshi, and I understand that we can’t get rid of every bad one out. However, I don’t respect cultures who treat atheists and homosexuals as dogs like this poor lad.

Again, I’m not against all immigration, but I am against having the intolerant in any parts of the UK while we deal with the local shit. I also want educated, sophisticated immigrants. Skin colour and nationality is irrelevant to me.

Nobody's laughing and mocking those who have genuine concerns about the EU. A lot of those concerns were valid. A lot of people feel utter despair at the fact that you guys have dragged us out of the EU over those concerns though.
Also, I really don't see much laughing going on among the Remainers. Like I say, despair seems to be the overwhelming emotion.

I’m glad that you’ve taking this tone. That’s good.

I understand that there would be harsh consequences after making this decision. But what could we do? Not vote because we’re afraid of alienating our social networks instead of looking at the bigger picture? I’ve had these concerns about the effects mass immigration and the monopoly capitalism has on pollution, public services, wages and housing for a long time now. I don’t care about the pragmatic reasons for being in the EU. Slowly, it was destroying this union socially and economically. Didn’t we have to deal with the recession and having to bail out other weaker economies?

It’s best to have a Europe where every nation is sovereign but with better trade agreements. That’s what we thought we were a part of in the first place.

I also ask that you take the time to watch this video from Sargon of Akkad. I normally don’t like his content, but what he said in the video resonates with how I feel about the EU. I want you to just listen to his concerns without having to completely jump to Brexit – I don’t expect you to. I’m aware of the idiots who vote, but I am not associated with ethnocentric socialists. I want less government, more freedom for individuals and businesses. I also want this country further out of debt without the globalists dragging us further down.

Bangladesh LGBT editor hacked to death - BBC News
A senior editor on Bangladesh's first LGBT magazine has been hacked to death along with a second person in the capital Dhaka, police say.

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #156 on: June 27, 2016, 09:08:02 AM »
Hey Pea. You're always welcome to comment, even though I strongly disagree with you on this issue.

I doubt if there's much more to comment on, at least with me. I've done my sounding off, and it's time to move on. Like I say, I was only here to vent, not for serious discussion. I think it's time for me to stop posting in this thread :laugh:

I won't lie, I'm angry and upset. I think you guys have fucked up the country, and possibly the EU, but I truly hope I'm wrong. Nothing would make me happier than if Brexit turns out to be a great decision that brings huge benefits to Britain and Europe.

Lastly, I really don't think that Brexit is going to lead to fewer Bangladeshis in Britain :dunno:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #157 on: June 27, 2016, 11:09:36 AM »
Would like to thank Pappy for starting this thread; one of the more interesting in a long time. Where are you, Pappy?

Hiding  :hide:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #158 on: June 27, 2016, 11:09:48 AM »
I was asked by Pea to post this:  The views are not mine, however, this is in the interest of free speech.

Pappy wasn't available to carry his water this time?

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #159 on: June 27, 2016, 12:28:25 PM »
Wow! I find myself agreeing with 4acedeal and Benji on this one...

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #160 on: June 27, 2016, 12:34:04 PM »
Would like to thank Pappy for starting this thread; one of the more interesting in a long time. Where are you, Pappy?

Good weather + motorcycle = color me gone....

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #161 on: June 27, 2016, 01:26:19 PM »
I was asked by Pea to post this:  The views are not mine, however, this is in the interest of free speech.

Pappy wasn't available to carry his water this time?

Peaguy asked me on FB to post this. 
"Some books are to be tasted.  Others to be swallowed.  And some few to be chewed and digested."  --Sir Francis Bacon

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Offline FourAceDeal

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #162 on: June 27, 2016, 02:57:17 PM »
Hey Pea. You're always welcome to comment, even though I strongly disagree with you on this issue.

I doubt if there's much more to comment on, at least with me. I've done my sounding off, and it's time to move on. Like I say, I was only here to vent, not for serious discussion. I think it's time for me to stop posting in this thread :laugh:

I won't lie, I'm angry and upset. I think you guys have fucked up the country, and possibly the EU, but I truly hope I'm wrong. Nothing would make me happier than if Brexit turns out to be a great decision that brings huge benefits to Britain and Europe.

Lastly, I really don't think that Brexit is going to lead to fewer Bangladeshis in Britain :dunno:

Bangladesh is a member of the commonwealth.  If anything Britain would be looking to strengthen ties after Brexit.
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #163 on: June 27, 2016, 03:04:25 PM »
Hey Pea. You're always welcome to comment, even though I strongly disagree with you on this issue.

I doubt if there's much more to comment on, at least with me. I've done my sounding off, and it's time to move on. Like I say, I was only here to vent, not for serious discussion. I think it's time for me to stop posting in this thread :laugh:

I won't lie, I'm angry and upset. I think you guys have fucked up the country, and possibly the EU, but I truly hope I'm wrong. Nothing would make me happier than if Brexit turns out to be a great decision that brings huge benefits to Britain and Europe.

Lastly, I really don't think that Brexit is going to lead to fewer Bangladeshis in Britain :dunno:

Bangladesh is a member of the commonwealth.  If anything Britain would be looking to strengthen ties after Brexit.

I agree. I don't think Pea understands though :dunno:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #164 on: June 27, 2016, 03:33:56 PM »
Well, on the plus side, Iceland wants to do business with the UK. :P
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