Think the whole thing is shite. Yes, there are enough things in the EU that need some serious reform. It is stupid how all kinds of precise regulations destroy mini markets in different countries, with apples needing to be a certain size, before they can be called fit for consuming and such.
Yes, there is good in the EU too. It does give a stability and a freedom in trading and finding jobs in other countries that wasn't there before.
Discussing about the EU in referendums, bringing things back to simple choices, disregarding the complexity of the EU, both in where it is good and where it could do with serious improvements is bloody stupid.
I live in a country with a government too scared to take outcomes of referendums as binding, yet we had referendums. Both were on Europe. Both outcomes were not taken serious. They should never have had those referendums in the first place. But they should have looked at where the pains are, when it comes to the EU and address that.
Now in the UK, the non binding referendum will be binding. That courage they have. Bravo for that. But it was stupid to start this referendum from the beginning. The EU is complex. And many of the citizens voting will not have had enough information to weigh the pro's and cons of leaving or staying properly.
The campaigning got played on some points that did it well emotion wise. There was a racist component in some of the exit campaigners. Now all brexit voters get tainted with that. Not fair. But dualising without any notion for nuances has happened the tainting continues.
Maybe that will be one of the biggest challenges the next few months for the UK, or for the individual nations, how to find a sense of belonging together again. To regain some mutual respect.
It's a problem that comes on top of the mess that will happen because of the divorce from the EU.