Hey, it's fair enough.
Not really. The UK is a powerful global influence and important to the world's economy, and that wont change regardless of associations with the EU; it's not in anyone's best interest to wish them failure as a nation.
I don't think you really understand
The UK is a union of nations. The largest, England, voted to leave the UK. Much smaller Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU.
This has inevitably lead to huge debate as to whether the UK can survive. There is a huge amount of discussion about Scotland holding a referendum on independence, and a smaller amount of discussion on Northern Ireland rejoining Ireland.
After being dragged out of the EU against our will, I think Scotland and N.Ireland should go their own way. This would obviously mean that the UK would cease to exist. Many Scots and N:Irish would rather be EU citizens, than UK citizens.
So, I hope that the UK fails to survive this.
Odeon's question made most sense, if it's assumed he was suggesting that the UK may break up into it's constituent parts. Obviously, I hope that Scotland, N.Ireland, Wales, and N.Ireland survive this, but obviously they'll survive it. The countries aren't going to cease to exist.
Sorry, I'm in a hurry. If that doesn't make sense, I'll try and explain it better.